NaNoWriMo Workshop Special Pricing

Tomorrow is the very last day to sign up for the Tarot for Writers: Hero’s Journey and still make the early bird special pricing. If you are doing the NaNoWriMo writing challenge, I’ve scheduled this to start on 11/1 so you can use the workshop to help you hit your 50,000 word goal.

Here’s part of the first lesson to help you on your journey even if you can’t take the workshop now.

The Hero’s Journey is a monomyth. This is a description of a basic pattern found in many narratives from around the world. To learn more about how and why Joseph Campbell came up with this, you should Continue reading “NaNoWriMo Workshop Special Pricing”

NaNoWriMo Workshop & Specials

Fool (World Spirit Tarot)
Fool (World Spirit Tarot)

It’s Baaaaaack!

NaNoWriMo starts in less than a month. Are you signed up? Are you thinking about it? If you are, I have some tools for you to help you get started layering 3-D characters, creating believable worlds, structuring compelling plots and more.

Don’t know what NaNoWriMo is? From the NaNoWriMo site:

National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing November 1. The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30.

If you want to take part in this crazy, intensive month where you can find support for your insanity, Continue reading “NaNoWriMo Workshop & Specials”

2 Tarot For Writers Workshops

Fool (World Spirit Tarot)
Fool (World Spirit Tarot)

I have two workshops coming up. My Hero’s Journey that I am doing in August and my basic Tarot for Writers that I am doing for the Florida Pan Handle Romance Writers (FPHRW) RWA chapter in September. See more information on the workshop for FPHRW at the end of this post.

Let Arwen show you a new way to approach your writing. Hang on to your manuscripts as she unleashes the power of Tarot for you. In an online workshop, you will learn how to utilize the Tarot for yourself on a personal level. Meet your characters as you have never met them before. Learn about their quirks and let your journey through the cards introduce you to their own past. Writer’s Block will never be a problem again with the Tarot cards to give you insight. Continue reading “2 Tarot For Writers Workshops”

NaNoWriMo Tarot for Writers Workshop Last Call!

Tomorrow is the very last day to sign up for the Tarot for Writers:Hero’s Journey. There were only a few seats left when I wrote this but I post-date my entries. If you are doing the NaNoWriMo writing challenge, I’ve scheduled this to start on 11/1 so you can use the workshop to help you hit your 50,000 word goal.

Here’s part of the first lesson to help you on your journey even if you can’t take the workshop now. Continue reading “NaNoWriMo Tarot for Writers Workshop Last Call!”

Workshop: Do you NaNoWriMo? Take The Hero’s Journey Workshop


Do you NaNoWriMo?

Let Arwen show you a new way to approach your writing. Continue reading “Workshop: Do you NaNoWriMo? Take The Hero’s Journey Workshop”

WORKSHOP: Tarot For Writers Takes You On A Hero’s Journey

Tarot By Arwen will be offering a Tarot For Writers online workshop. This is a brand new workshop that will focus on plotting a novel utilizing the hero’s journey spread. Workshop will run from June 22 through July 25, 2008.

This workshop will consist of 13 lessons with the first being an overview introduction to the divination system known as Tarot. Each lesson will have an assignment. Your instructor will give feedback on every one’s assignment. The focus will be on you interpreting the story as you see it in each individual card. This workshop is suitable for any fiction genre.

You are expected to turn the assignments in on time so that your instructor can do her job on time as well. This is a participation-expected class. You need to commit to participating or you will not get as much out of the class.

The goal of this workshop is to help you learn a new way of plotting using the Tarot cards. You can expect to have an outline for your next manuscript or you can expect to have your current manuscript’s plot sorted out.

For the full details, please go to my blog.

Permission to forward given and thanks offered for the forward as well!

In an effort to make sure I respond to ALL comments, I’m asking that you leave your comments on the blog. Danke!