Chariots Of Fire and Tarotscopes, Too


Tarot of the Old Path 7 Chariot
Tarot of the Old Path

So this Tarot Blog Hop is a bit different. Our wrangler, the indomitable Alison Cross of the Game of Thrones blog (it’s about the Court cards, y’all), decided we would each take a Major Arcana and link that way. This means you will be hopping through the twenty-two Major Arcana cards today. There will be doubles on some as we have more than twenty-two bloggers. P.S. Your weekly Tarotscopes are at the bottom.

I chose the Chariot for my card. It’s got a lot of OOMPH in my life right now. You know, the sound you make when something wallops you in the gut when you weren’t looking? Yeah, that. OOMPH.

[Tweet “It’s #TarotBlogHop day. Come take a tour through the Major Arcana with 22+ Tarot bloggers. #contest too!”]

I have some favorite images of the Chariot. The first one that comes to mind is the four horses pulling the chariot in the Tarot of the Old Path. The horses are the elements. I’ve always thought it would make a stunning tattoo. Typically you see only two animals or entities in a chariot, but I simply adore the air, water, earth and fire balance of this very Pagan deck. It is one of my oldest reading decks actually. True story. I used to read on a 1-900 line. This is the deck I chose for that. I still have that deck complete with notes on the backs of the cards. I was always worried I might block. That meant I would waste someone’s time. And trust me, on those lines? Time is money. Yikes!

Shadowscapes Tarot 7 Chariot
Shadowscapes Tarot

Also note that this card is renamed Mastery which is one of the key words assigned to this card.

In the “gosh that’s gorgeous” category, the Shadowscapes Tarot‘s Chariot just sings. I think this one is luminous in the way the colors flow and twist. The color scheme is so very watery which is in keeping with the elemental association for this card. Because it is the card that represents Cancer, the Chariot is considered a Water card. The elemental associations of each card are important when you are doing things like Elemental Dignities. Here her animals look at one another rather than away. In many traditional renderings, the beasts look to either side. This indicates that the Charioteer may need to focus on driving. I often tell my clients this is their “wake up and drive” call. Someone else may be trying to backseat live for them.

Another favorite is the gun-wielding, motorcycle-riding, fierce-as-hell Charioteer of the Fradella Adventure Tarot. I mean, who isn’t motivated to get moving when this guy shows up? Because I love how he is coming right at you, he really drives home my OOMPH message. Because trust me, this guy doesn’t care if you want to lead or follow. He just wants you OUT OF THE WAY NOW, BABY. He doesn’t have the two animals to contend with but he does have two guns. He must focus on where he is shooting as well as where he is hurtling toward.

Let’s take a look at the energy of the Chariot via a Tarot spread I designed for you. Don’t want to do it on your own? Contact me to set up your half hour reading for a Chariots On Fire session with me.


This spread is to determine how we are approaching a situation in life and what to look for.

1. Emotional Driver: The first question is what emotional driver of ours is currently in the driver’s seat. It’s good to note that it is not always the passion or emotional driver we want.

2. Beast 1: One possible direction

3. Beast 2: One possible direction

4. Best Forward Movement: This could be one or the other of the previous two cards. Also stay open to the idea that it can be a blend of the two.

Here are a few other places where I discuss this card.

I hope you do try this spread out. I’d love to hear from you as to your results. And tell me what your favorite Chariot card is. I’ll draw a name from all the comments. That person will win a half hour consultation with me doing this spread. All comments must be in by June 26, 2015 midnight PST (2am CST).

And here are your weekly Tarotscopes.

Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. My goal is to help you find your joy and hang on to it. You can transform your existence by bringing joy back in on a regular basis. I’m here to be your joy guide.

[Tweet “YAY! Just got my week started with Arwen’s @tarotscopes. Did you? “]

Tired of being sad? Done with all the negativity in this world? Let’s work together to bring you back to the joy path. No time like the present to get started on your own joy seeker’s life. I’m ready to help. What’s holding you back?

Happy Solstice, y’all. I’m celebrating with a small gathering that features grilled food and good times. May laughter and joy light your way.

This book is a classic for a reason. I have to keep buying copies because I loan my out! Do you have it?

Linestrider 5 Pentacles
Linestrider Tarot

Did you know you can hear your full monthly Tarotscope here? Get your month started right with an .

CARD OF THE WEEK: [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”] We get a big caution sign this week. It’s a warning[/inlinetweet] to watch our spending habits. Budgets are going to be very important. This issue may be around what you need vs what you want. Just keep a weather eye on your bank account this week. FIVE OF PENTACLES

AQUARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Who fills you up? That’s your most [/inlinetweet]important question this week. Are you wasting time cultivating those who drain you? Make it a priority to reach out to those who fill you up. Drink from the right cups. FOUR OF CUPS

Linestrider Tarot 13 Death
Linestrider Tarot

PISCES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What will transform you in a good way even as [/inlinetweet]it brings you pain? Don’t put off the hard choices, darling. Make the calls that must be made. Release the fears of what must happen. Putting it off only prolongs the time you spend in fear. DEATH

ARIES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What calls you higher? How will you answer[/inlinetweet] the imperative to transcend to the next level? This feels like a physical challenge so perhaps it is time to step up that exercise routine. Or maybe you need to challenge your mind by taking on a new learning puzzle. JUDGMENT

TAURUS [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Oh sweet ones, what would you do with an [/inlinetweet]extra six hours a day. Time for you to slow your roll. When is the last time that you just sat in silence? Just relaxed? Make time for that this week before the Universe does it for you. FOUR OF SWORDS

GEMINI [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]How do you react when you are attacked? Remember [/inlinetweet]to take the higher ground this week. They can spit and fuss all they like. As long as you remain above it, not reacting to it, you will win. The moment you stoop to their level though? All bets are off. I don’t recommend it. SEVEN OF WANDS

CANCER [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Wondering which way to turn? Looks like [/inlinetweet]a good week to make a pros vs cons list. When you try to look in two directions, you can go cross-eyed. Good week to focus your attention on the one thing that needs you most. TWO OF SWORDS

LEO [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #horoscope”]What would you weave if you had all the energy you needed? Good [/inlinetweet]week to start that project. You know…the one that needs time to grow? Get the beginning begun. The final payoff may not be right away but the end result will be so very worth it, my proud felines. SEVEN OF PENTACLES

VIRGO [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What lesson do you need to learn about resources? [/inlinetweet]Sharing. That’s what. Going to be a good week to find out how you fit in a group. One of the best ways will be by sharing what you know and how you use that knowledge. Don’t be a miser with resources please. Stand out by sharing. FOUR OF PENTACLES

LIBRA [inlinetweet prefix=”LIBRA” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Which dream will you choose? You have a gift [/inlinetweet]this week–a plethora of dreams to act upon. Best if you lock in on one and get that done. Then move on to the next. Dreams are lovely, but realized actions will make you feel more satisfied with life. SEVEN OF CUPS

SCORPIO [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Who can you call any time day or night? Remember [/inlinetweet]that connection. Send a card. Pick up the phone. Remind that true friend that you honor your connection. If they are close, it’s a good week for a tete-a-tete. Not close? Reach out as best you can. SIX OF CIPS

Linestrider Tarot Six of Pentacles
Linestrider Tarot

SAGITTARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”SAGITTARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What can you share this week? Someone [/inlinetweet]near you needs a helping hand. If that is the person in your mirror, it’s never a mistake to ask for the help you need. Sharing will create connections. Charity will take you out of you and into a larger US. Feels like that connection may be slipping for you a bit. Find a group. Volunteer. SIX OF PENTACLES

CAPRICORN [inlinetweet prefix=”CAPRICORN” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #horoscope”]Do you have your running shoes handy? Might want [/inlinetweet]to grab them. AN unexpected travel opportunity might arise. I think you should take it. Expect this week to bring passion, fun and tons of things to do. And? Take your vitamins. 😀 It’s going to be a week of swift action. If you approach it with a light heart, it will be very fun. EIGHT OF WANDS

Remember to seek joy, y’all. Pass it on! I want to hear from you if you are ready to kick the negativity habit in the tender bits. Let’s get started today to create a plan for you that takes you from feeling alone to feeling alive.

The Linestrider Tarot, Siolo Thompson, 2015/2016,


Tarotscopes June 7-13, 2015

Gaian Tarot
Gaian Tarot

Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. My goal is to help you find your joy and hang on to it. You can transform your existence by bringing joy back in on a regular basis. I’m here to be your joy guide.

[Tweet “Time to read the weekly JoySeeker horoscopes from Arwen. Have you checked yours out?”]

Tired of being sad? Done with all the negativity in this world? Let’s work together to bring you back to the joy path. No time like the present to get started on your own joy seeker’s life. I’m ready to help. What’s holding you back?

This week I had an amazing day where I read for a group of people who were mature. They explored issues like following their dreams, reaching out to grab life and live it. Then that same night I read for a group of high school graduates. They explored issues like following their dreams, reaching out to grab life and live it. Don’t lose your joy, y’all. Grab life and live it. No time like the present.

Found two great cookbooks this week as well as revisited an old favorite. Sheet Pan Dinners covers an interesting way to cook using less pots and pans. Then, if you are like me, this cookbook on how to use everything you get from your CSA or Farmers Market will help you waste less. Or you can find out what home cooking looks like if you are from cotton country. Got a great cookbook recommendation? Hit me up in the comments.

Have you checked out my podcast? It’s a more robust version that covers your full month. Get your month started right with an .

CARD OF THE WEEK: [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Time to speak up. Time to let your voice be heard. Are you [/inlinetweet]ready to let them really see you when you speak? This week’s card is Parrot from Lisa Hunt’s brilliant Winged Enchantment oracle deck. Parrot likes to be seen and heard so our message this week is to communicate. And don’t hide your spectacular self, either. This is no time to try to face into the background. Be loud. Be proud. PARROT

Winged Enchantment Oracle Deck by Lisa Hunt, 25 Parrot
Winged Enchantment

AQUARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What can’t you do? That’s the thing you must answer this week. More importantly [/inlinetweet]ask yourself why you think you can’t do something. The World shows up this week to remind you that you are capable of big, big things. This isn’t a week to go small. Go big, big, BIG, my darling Aquarians. Change something in your world then watch the ripple affect as it changes everyone else’s world too. GAIA THE WORLD

PISCES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Friendship anchors you. Count your blessings in the hearts of your friends. Expect [/inlinetweet]old friends to reach out. Connections will deepen and strengthen even when sadness pulls you towards old memories. Remember the living and the dead with love. Dive into the love knowing your presence is healing them as much as they are healing you. Make new friends but keep the old–that song is yours this week. SIX OF WATER

ARIES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Compassion for self is healing. Understanding what makes you strong is good, but understanding [/inlinetweet]why is urgently important this week. Take time to do some self-examination focused on why you make the choices you make. Then decide if that is the best choice and reason. Your personal strength will be your rock this week. Let it be a support rather than an anchor, okay? Don’t be so strong you lose. STRENGTH

TAURUS [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Gather with those of a like mind. This week asks that you focus on group projects so that [/inlinetweet]all can grow from the encounter. Bring what you have to the table. Let them bring what they have. Combining all of your wisdoms makes a smarter, faster, more efficient group. Don’t try to do it all yourself please. The energy will be best when you engage others to create as one beautiful mind. THREE OF EARTH

GEMINI [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Nature’s child, that’s you. Explore your physical needs more. Are you feeding your [/inlinetweet]body everything it needs? Healthy food goes further with a healthy attitude. And vice versa on that, chickadees. Fill your mind with prayerful attitude. Reach out to your inner self for wisdom you already carry. Be open to the messages that come this week. A child mind carries you further than a “been there, done that” attitude. CHILD OF EARTH

CANCER [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Expect growth. Understand that you cannot force things to bloom if you want the full [/inlinetweet]beauty of the flower. If you are looking for work, this is a very favorable time but you must get started. You have to put the feelers out or they won’t see you. Don’t be passed over simply because you aren’t standing out. Money flows in as well even though it may not RUSH in. ACE OF EARTH

LEO [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #horoscope”]Protective instincts ratchet up when those you love are threatened. Please remember [/inlinetweet]that roaring gives your position away. Better to lie low in the grass waiting for them to come to you. Then you may pounce. Emperor energy this week gives you an inner calm that you can use to your advantage at work as well. Focus on the details of any projects. To-do lists are best. EMPEROR

VIRGO [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Love is in the air, baby. Just hold on to this one fact. What goes around, comes around. When you [/inlinetweet]understand that we all cycle, you will have a better grasp on what needs to happen. The salmon swims upstream then back down again knowing that the cycle of life continues. Dive into the stream rather than watch it go by. I think your week will be better when you emotionally engage the world. TEN OF WATER

LIBRA [inlinetweet prefix=”LIBRA” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Project manager, take a bow. You are the one they will turn to for [/inlinetweet]assistance. Your strength this week will be showing others how to get from point A to point Z every time. Be compassionate with yourself as much as with others. Realize that your reputation as a healer is getting around. Don’t be surprised if a few more lost souls show up for some much needed guidance from you. And healer? Heal thyself, please. ELDER OF EARTH

SCORPIO [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Has anyone ever suggested to you that maybe, just maybe you do to much [/inlinetweet]analyzing? That maybe you need to stop looking for the next best thing to see you are more blessed than you realized? Yes, the world is a hot mess some days. Don’t make that your reality. Accept that your journey is taking you exactly where you need to go at this moment. Accept that what you are really looking for is staring back at you from your mirror. SEVEN OF AIR

SAGITTARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”SAGITTARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Harvesting what is ready is key this week. Make time to check on those growth projects so [/inlinetweet]you can take stock of where you are…what you have. A journey may be closer than you think which could require you to dip into some of that growth. Always leave some seed in reserve. Don’t depelete yourself–no emergency is worth that. And please be gentle with those who tax you physically. They don’t understand. GUARDIAN OF EARTH

CAPRICORN [inlinetweet prefix=”CAPRICORN” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #horoscope”]What brings you the most joy? Where can you dive in deeper to experience more [/inlinetweet]of your own personal happy? This week is a good week to indulge yourself. Dancing at the club? Walking in the woods? Whatever it is that charges up your joy battery, make it happen. Get serious about having fun. Hold on to the feeling of joy so you can recreate it when you have to be your workaholic self. Joy isn’t fleeting. Our ability to remember it is. So take pictures. Write yourself a note. Charge up. THREE OF WATER

Remember to seek joy, y’all. Pass it on! I want to hear from you if you are ready to kick the negativity habit in the tender bits. Let’s get started today to create a

plan for you that takes you from feeling alone to feeling alive.

Gaian Tarot, Joanna Powell Colbert

Top Ten Reasons NOT To Get A Tarot Reading

My top 10 reasons NOT to get a #tarot reading include a short dude with a big knife.

Deviant Moon Ten of Swords
Deviant Moon

These are in no particular order. I thought it might be fun to do a top ten list. So here are my top ten reasons why you should not get a reading.

1. My doctor said I have “X”. I just wanted to get a second opinion.

Your Tarot consultant is not your medical professional unless they have a medical degree. Any Tarot professional who makes medical diagnoses without referring you to a doctor is, in my not so humble opinion, unethical.

Using divination alone to diagnose and treat illness is wrong. I actually will not do health readings. I will read the cards if a health issue comes up, but the question asked cannot be about health.

2. Does she/he love me?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the answer is in the question most of the time when you ask a yes or no question. This one tells me that you already aren’t sure so something is wrong somewhere.

Better to ask “What do I need to know about my current relationship?” That way you are going to get a more productive answer.

3. Is she/he having an affair?

First, see question two. Second, this question asks me to spy. I’m a Tarot consultant not a private investigator, y’all. 😀

4. Will I find a job?

Now, I am happy to do consultations on “what is the best job” or “where should I look for employment” but the yes/no of this question makes it one not to ask. Again, the question tells me that my seeker feels very insecure. That’s okay! We all feel insecure. But in this case, rephrasing the question helps.

5. Will they ask me to marry them?

This is a combination of two and three because it shows the questioner isn’t sure of their partner. Plus? It’s asking me to spy on someone again.

6. Will I die?

Yes. You will die. I will die. We will all die. It’s a fact of life. I won’t answer this one. And, yes, I’ve had people ask this.

7. Will my football team win?

This one is a throw-away question. I mean I could certainly answer it and charge you for it. However, we are talking about an event where so many others are involved. I believe we all have free choice. What the cards say today could be changed by one team member’s choice tomorrow.

8. Which lover should I choose?

Here’s one I’ve done a lot of readings on. Yet I list it on my list of questions not to ask. What the hell, Arwen?

It goes back to my feeling of free will. I get a bit anxious telling someone to dump person A for person B. What if B shapes up down the road? LOL the trials and tribulations of a Pisces Tarot consultant.

9. What advice does my dearly departed have for me?

This one feels invasive to me. Now don’t read me wrong here. I can and do read for the dead. All. The. Time. They show up unasked, uncalled, and sometimes unwanted when I read. I’ve had grandfathers waving butcher knives and people not even related to my querent show up. Inevitably there’s a message, but can you imagine how “entertaining” it is to ask someone, “So, do you know a short dude in an apron who might be mad at you? He’s waving a really big knife.”

Yeah. That. That last? That’s a true story about someone’s neglected grandfather who was a butcher.

10. What are the winning lottery numbers?

Darlings, if I knew that, I’d be doing readings from a beach on Fiji. When I felt like it. 😀

If you DO want a reading, you can book yourself here.

Today’s affirmation:

I am in control of my own life. I make the best possible choices for my future self. I accept that I am here and now in this moment. I trust in the Universe to lead me forward. I breathe in joy. I exhale doubt. I am the captain of my own fate. Loved and loving, I love each of you.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

By the way, do you have any good reasons NOT to get a reading that I left out? Let me know in the comments.

Ten of Swords, Deviant Moon Tarot, U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

There’s An App For That

3-gardenerToday’s card is a shout out to a fave Tarot artist of mine. She’s brought her gorgeous deck to the tech side of things. And I couldn’t be happier!

Yep, that’s right, y’all. The Gaian Tarot is now an app from the Fool’s Dog. I’m a huge fan of the Fool’s Dog apps. I have yet to be disappointed by the artwork or the presentation. They are very functional and at 3.99 a pop, completely ownable.

I can now say that I own six copies of the Gaian Tarot. 😀 Seven if you count the version on my iPad. LOL

It really capture the warmth and sensuality of the Gaian. Get you one. 😀

And while you are out and about, I’d love it if you would take a look at my Tarot for Writers eCourse. It’s 33 days of “finish the book” helpers. 😀 And only $33 for the whole thing. You start when you start and finish when you finish. 😀

What Do You See?

gypsy-tarot-wharfSo today’s card isn’t a card. It’s a card reader. It’s a fanciful take on a beautiful Romany woman. She’s outside her caravan with the cards in her lap. There’s a fire off to her side with another caravan in the background. This is a detail from a larger piece, but I don’t know the name of it.

I have to wonder what others think when they hear I’m a professional psychic. That I read cards for a living. Just today I had to give my email out.

That’s readings like reading a book with an s on the end.


I’ll spell it out. t-a-r-o-t-b-y-a-r-w-e-n dot com.

So that’s

Yes, but it is Tarohhhh not Tarott.

The blank look on the other end of the phone was probably my imagination, right?

But still, what do you think they saw? Pretty Romany girl? Wizened old crone? Evil witch in a black corset? Wizened old pretty witch in a corset?

I look at me and see, well, me. Glasses. Middle-aged. Curly hair. Green eyes. Friendly smile. Great skin.

I don’t see ooky spooky psychic.

Now I can dress the part for sure! I have what I call my Traveller Drag. It’s floaty skirts etc.

And I love it because I look pretty darn good in it. 😀 I have always leaned towards the South Austin Bohemian Yoga Vegan Hooper Hippie style anyway.

There are days when I worry that I will disappoint my clients. Not because of how I read. No, I’m solid there. More because I won’t be their dream reader when I show up in leggings and a shirt. 😀 Do you think they expect this dreamy Romany girl?

What about you? Do you ever think you don’t look the part of whatever it is you are called to be today or tomorrow?

How do you deal with it?

Today’s journal prompt is: How do I present myself to the world?

Romany Reader, Unknown,

#SeekJoy, y’all. Pass it on.

July 2013 Tarotscopes

Afraid you can’t find joy? Worried your bliss has taken a permanent vacation? I can help. Let’s have a conversation using Tarot as a tool for personal development. Contact me.

This month’s deck is my pesonal reading deck, the Gaian Tarot. The podcast is 17 minutes and 45 seconds.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Here’s where you will find my podcast if you don’t see it on the Podcast Player down below.

Tarotscopes for 8/26 – 9/1

Tarotscopes for 8/26 – 9/1

AQ 5Wtr Empty? Fill yrslf up. No waiting on others. This is yr me time. Grab it. Indulge in the quiet. Allow it to show U new paths.

PIC Fool Stop! ??? Stop hesitating. Stop 2nd guessing. STOP! Now go. Go forward. Go freely. Go towards that distance joy. Get moving.

ARI Wheel All is possible if U reach. Stretch. Won’t fall in your lap but will dangle from yr fingertips if you REACH. Opportunity.

TAU 6Fire Let yr heart move yr feet. Open up to the warmth of friends. Open up to the possibility of success. See what U want. Dance.

GEM 3Earth Committees can be fun if U get the right mix. Are U being the right mix? Are U focused on friends/family? Laughter needed.

CAN 5Air Careful w/ words. Others may seek to escalate when it isn’t necessary. Rise above. Fly higher than the weasels, darling.

LEO KnFire GRRR, baby, GRRR! If they won’t allow U freedom, U will have to take it. U gotta move, gotta dance, gotta go. Fire it up.

VIR Mag Well! It’s yr time to make things happen. U get to call on yr Power. Tools? Make them if U must. No apologies for brilliance.

LIB Partnerships are the key. Working w/ others brings U joy. Let the little moments become bigger. Make them important. Make yr joy.

SCO 3Air Don’t let past hurts interfere w/ yr present. Write things down. Get crystal clear on what U want from yr new life. Own it.

SAG 4Fire Sacred space can be anywhere. U are the catalyst. U create it. When U see U as sacred, things change. Seek Joy within.

CAP Lightning Change happens. Sudden, painful maybe, but always for the eventual best. Focus on future. Ride this out for now.

I’ll help you seek your joy w/ a #tarot consultation. Feeling lost? Need hope? Book today.

Carolyn Cushing’s Winter Into Spring Spread

Here is my second spread I have chosen from the very enlightening Imbolc Tarot Blog Hop. We are already gearing up for Ostara where I will be a participant while Donnaleigh delaRose takes on the organization. And I think we have our Beltaine organizer already.

As I said in this post, there was a plethora of spreads. Well, I may not have said that exactly, but there were. This one is from Carolyn Cushing who used the Continue reading “Carolyn Cushing’s Winter Into Spring Spread”

#Tarot Blog Hop: Imbolc Tour

The subject is “How can I be the best candle.” The only parameters were that we use that topic and make it related to Tarot or an Oracle deck. As I thought about the question, it occurred to me that a candle can do several things.

Welcome to the first of what I hope will be 6 a year Tarot Round Robins. This came about because of a post on Facebook in a group called Tarotholics. Someone (me) said we should do a round robin where we all posted on the same subject and linked to the blog before us and after us so folks could peruse a number of Tarot blogs. Well that was really well accepted. We have a total of 34 Tarot bloggers for your first round robin. I’d love it if you could leave me a comment just to let me know you were here. And comment as you hop. 😀

Hopefully you got here from Continue reading “#Tarot Blog Hop: Imbolc Tour”

Otters, Pollyanna & Lucy Van Pelt

A lesson on where I was and where I am now. This involves otters, mirrors and unicorns pooping rainbows…

PollyannaSo if you are a regular reader here, you know I’m all about the joy. Back in 2005 or so, I started on what I jokingly called the Arwen Remodeling Project. People who have known me through the years will tell you I was a much different person back then.

  • Darker
  • Angrier
  • More inclined to bitterness
  • A bitch, really

I would happily engage in online battles. In fact, I was a proud member of both WitchWars and WitchWarsII where it was common to shred someone verbally. I gave as good as I got. I ganged up on people with others. I cut them down. I was praised for my cruelty, my sarcastic wit. I enjoyed it. Then something changed.

Lucy Van Pelt Not My FriendI can’t tell you what that was. I’m really not sure. I can’t pinpoint when I decided that the rage was not just making me a very unhappy, unpleasant woman. Worse. It was killing me. I realized I truly didn’t like myself. As in, I was not a woman I’d be friends with. I was Lucy Van Pelt. Ouch.

During that really dark time, I went through a lot. I not only broke up with a male partner but got stuck with a house that got repossessed. My mother died from cancer after a long battle. I went to a horrible place when I lost her. She was one of my best friends. I got into a relationship that fed my unhealthy behaviour. Again, I got complimented for being a really gross human being. I was doing poorly at a job I had excelled at (and been at for nearly five years.) I nosedived.

I went from dark, angry, bitter to far worse. I pulled away from my spiritual group and in fact self-sabotaged there as well. I was an amazingly talented self-saboteur. There are friends from that time that I have begun to rebuild friendships with but there are others who will never allow me that close again.

I don’t blame them. I was, as one friend put it, toxic. I poisoned nearly everything I was involved in.

Then, as they say, I hit rock-bottom. I remember it clearly. I was taking a two week break in Louisiana. My sister had given me free run of her guest house. I spent a lot of time there crying, journaling and reading Tarot. Tarot was like a life line for me at that point. I didn’t think my Gods had abandoned me. I knew I’d abandoned Them. I feared They wouldn’t want me back.

As hard as that two weeks was, I survived it. Even knowing I was going back to a crumbling marriage. Even knowing I was going back to quit my job. Even knowing I was going back to move out of my home and potentially losing my step-kids forever. I survived.

Why? I realized I had to change. Not for them. For me. I had to become someone I wanted to be with. Y’all, I had to like myself enough to fall in love with me again.

So I quit my job and got another one where I excelled. Still I wasn’t happy in Denver. I needed a change of scenery because the only person I saw in my mirror was that sad, tired, bitter woman struggling to become someone else. So I moved to Austin. I owe a debt of gratitude to a man named Conner that I will never ever be able to repay. He’s my hero because he gave me a way out.

When I got there, there was a person that I greatly admired and even loved. I wanted to be just like her. Then we had a falling out. I found out that her outside did not match her inside. I nearly fell apart again. I thought about moving–running away. My sister challenged me to stick it out. Others did too. Thank you to everyone who did.

Instead of running, I adopted a saying from my sister.

I can only control what is in my hula hoop.

I also realized that the person I had so wanted to emulate was like I used to be. Candy on the outside. Shitty on the inside. I set up boundaries to make sure I kept her as far away as possible. And, yes, it hurt.

Doesn’t it always hurt when you find out that someone you’ve so admired has been trashing you behind your back? Sadly, it wasn’t only me that this happened to. I practiced focusing joy on her then. My friends began to see why I’d distanced myself from her. They have done the same in the following years. It was hard damned work. Still is as even after all these years, I sometimes check in on her public self to see how she is. It’s like picking at an old scab.

Three of Water Gaian Tarot Joanna Powell ColbertDuring that time with her, I blurted out on Twitter, “Seek joy, y’all.” And it stuck. So she gave me something invaluable actually. That’s become my thing. My motto. I even have a pendant with that on it. The pendant features the 3 of Water from the Gaian Tarot. In this card, there are two otters on top who are kicked back. They are enjoying the sun, the water, the food. But the third otter is the one I identify with. He or she is diving into the water beneath the other two. Her whiskers are slicked back from the water sluicing along her nose as she seeks her joy.

That otter is me now.

I can’t begin to tell you how hard it was to transition from that other woman to this one. The hours of therapy, writing, crying, talking it out with friends are immeasurable. The value of all of that sustains me even now. So when I get comments like this from people I respect and admire…it means so much to me.

You are inspiring me in a bigger way than you can ever know. I have adapted your philosophy. Thank you.

I responded with

You can’t imagine how happy this makes me. Thank you. I am grateful to have your reflection in my joy mirror.

Pretty Handheld Mirror

Each of you reading this are in my joy mirror. Now whether that is as a reminder or a lesson? That’s up to you. Seeking joy is not easy. It’s a struggle many days. I have to verbally remind myself. I have to smack myself upside my own head when I wake up cranky. Sometimes I wish I could just stop seeking joy for a bit. Some days I fail miserably at being happy.

But you know what? When I look in the mirror, I like who I see. I’m in love with the woman I see. That keeps me on the straight and joyful. Even when I fall off the joy wagon, I know it’s far better to make the hard climb back up. Laying in the bitter gutter is no longer an option.

Seek joy, Y’all. Always. Especially on the “woke up late, everyone is driving slow intentionally, hungry, need more coffee, the whole world is stupid” days. Especially on those days.

So if you think I’m being a rose-colored glasses-wearing Pollyanna who poops rainbows and farts unicorns?

You’re right. 🙂Rainbow My Pretty Pony Unicorn

And I invite you to join me on that journey. It’s been six years since I wrote the above post. I’ve moved out of Austin, TX. I still come back to this post routinely. It’s still as urgent to me to seek joy today as it was then. I do thank all those who taught me (positively or negatively) how to be a better joy seeker. I take other people on Joy Journeys and help them re-calibrate their joy. I consider it my joy to help others bring joy back into focus in their lives. Let’s get you started today.

(updated 1/7/2017 from the original 06/25/2011 edition)