Mapping The Hero’s Journey:
How a Fool Does Wander
“I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” Robert Louis Stevenson
It’s a common thing to want to write a book. It’s a less common thing to finish one. It’s a still rarer thing to submit your work. It’s a precious gem that gets published.
I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed this class. Plotting is my Achilles Heel. But the cards have opened up possibilities that I would never get on my own. ~Kathye Thornton
I wanted to write. Since I was a little girl, it’s been my dream to be published. I realized that dream in 2008 with the publication of my first book. Writing as Marilu Mann, my best friend and I have teamed up to complete quite a few more books. As of October 2013, we have nine stories published with two more under contract.
How did we do it?
Well one thing we did was employ Tarot cards to help us plot our stories and meet our characters. One of us, me, had years of studying the Tarot while the other, Cai, did not. We found that if I could put aside my “traditional” interpretations, Tarot became a vital tool for our writing.
Megan Ryder says, “This course is fantastic!!! I love the ideas, the different spreads, and how to use the tarot for writing. I do find different decks might give me a different impression so I tend to use the actual descriptions to think about what the card COULD mean. but I honestly love this class. So helpful!!! Thank you! It was seriously an awesome course. Made me really think and brainstorm on my characters.”
- Do you want to finish your own book?
- Maybe you are planning on doing the NaNoWriMo 50,000 word challenge?
- Maybe you have a book that has stalled out because you’ve forgotten one necessary thing.
The Hero’s Journey is not a myth. Well, it is a myth really but the use of it? No, that’s not a myth.
Kathye Thornton says, “I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed this class. Plotting is my Achilles Heel. But the cards have opened up possibilities that I would never get on my own.”
This eCourse will arrive in your inbox for thirty-three days. Each day will offer a lesson or a handout or a journal prompt. Everything is geared towards you releasing your voice, finding your character’s Hero’s Journey and writing “the end” to your story.
- This eCourse will keep you on track.
- This eCourse will inspire you to take chances.
- This eCourse will do the dishes while you write.
Well, two out of three isn’t bad!
Ready to commit to your dream of finishing that book? For less than a dollar a day, you can. Buy now.
Cera Daniels I’m a plotter, so I’m working through the journey alongside my writing, tweaking turning points ahead of me before I get there. I’ve been surprised at how well the tarot cards I’ve drawn ramp these points up for my hero, and from the flow of words at my fingers, I’m certain my muse is just as tickled to have a new tool in her arsenal. Thank you for the wonderful resource and thoughtful prompts!
This 33 day eCourse is only $33. You just need you, your email and a deck of Tarot cards. No one is judging your work. You won’t have to share it with the group. This is just between you, your email and your deck of Tarot cards. Buy now. The shopping cart will show up once you click buy. It’s a PayPal checkout. If you need to purchase it via check, send that to Arwen Lynch, P.O. Box 627, Farwell, TX, 79325-0627.
I love helping others learn how using tarot to write can give you one more tool in your toolbox.