Books & Tarot & Oracles & Lenormand

Secrets of the Mystic Grove Seeking Knowledge

Skip the chit-chat. Get me right to those decks for sale!

Arwen Lynch is a prolific writer with ten works of fiction under her belt. Those, written as Marilu Mann, cover contemporary as well as paranormal romance. At this time (9/2020) Marilu Mann books are not available…yet! She is also a prolific collector of decks. Check out her Books & Tarot & Oracles & Lenormand decks for sale.

Her non-fiction includes Mapping the Hero’s Journey. She is the author of many Books & Tarot & Oracles & Lenormand.

Talking about myself in the third person is weird, y’all!

If you are an author (published or pre-published), you might like to visit my page for Tarot for Writers.

Books & Tarot & Oracles & Lenormand
Seeking Knowledge