I love creating stories. One thing I loathe in my own writing, though, is characters who lack depth. They are cardboard cut-outs with no imperfections. These characters bore me to tears. What about you? If you were going to introduce them to your friends, what would you say?
“This is my heroine, Joie. She heals animals. She loves her godmother. She’s pretty.”
Yeah. I won’t want to hang out with her. She comes across as perfect, right? Nobody is perfect. At least not in my group of friends. I want my characters to be real not cardboard cutouts.
Now what about:
“This is my heroine Joie. She heals animals. She thinks she’s too short. She has a jealous streak a mile wide but she is a loyal friend.”
So she sounds far more real to me. We all have things we don’t like about ourselves. We have flaws as well as strengths. I think she is someone I could be friends with now. Moreso than the cardboard perfect Joie from before.
Okay, but how do you get those quirks? How do you develop a character who is 3-D…believable? One way that I do it is with a simple three card Tarot spread. Try this out for your next character and let me know the results.
Cocktail Spread
The premise is that you are going to a party with your character as your guest. You are going to have to do a short introduction when you get there. Draw three cards for the following positions.
Job Personal Life Quirk
Using the award-winning Ghosts And Spirits Tarot by Lisa Hunt (U.S. Games Systems, INC 2012) I drew the following cards for a different character:
My character’s job requires them to be a mentally focused warrior. He can’t let his guard drop ever. (King of Swords)
My character’s personal life has too many ties to his past so he really doesn’t like to talk about it. (5 of Cups)
His quirk is that he parties so he can be one of the guys but he really wants one of the guys. (4 of Cups)
So, from this, I realized my character is a gay soldier who has rejoined the military to get away from a bad relationship. 😀 It’s my story so I get to let my brain wander wherever it likes. King of Swords is a warrior. When I saw the 5 of Cups next, I immediately wondered about his past relationships. Why would he be a warrior with a broken heart. But the 4 of Cups showed me he had a bunch of regrets but ignored them by indulging in the drink too much.
Or, if I were going a more paranormal track, I might say that he was an eternal warrior(job) who was haunted by all the loves he’d lost(personal life). He avoids water because that is how the ghosts of his past connect to him(quirk). And there’s nothing worse than being nagged by a dead ex!
This is a good spread for the main characters and the villain.
So what are your cards? What is your take away? I’d love to hear what you think. You can use any deck. A deck of playing cards (look the meanings up online) can work as can any oracle deck.
This exercise is from a workshop I used to teach online. I’ve turned that . Now you can take advantage of all the lessons, handouts and writing prompts whenever you like. No more waiting for me to set up a workshop. It’s my secret weapon for NaNoWriMo.
If you like, I’ve got a video here. It is on YouTube but was on Periscope first. It’s not great quality video wise…it was my first one. 😀 I do a few exercises including this one. 😀
If you are doing NaNoWriMo, I’m there as TarotByArwen. I do it every year.
Please note that links included may be affiliate links which means I get a small monetary payment if you buy via them.
Originally posted in 2012. I've updated the post and republished.
Back when I did this SXSW gig, someone videoed me doing their reading for them. They mentioned Periscope or Meerkat…I can’t remember. I never found that video but remembered being intrigued.
Fast forward to working with Amethyst Mahoney who mentioned Periscope again. So I tuned in to her channel. I was on lunch so why not!
I loved it. 😀 Then I watched a few others. Of course, my Aquarius Rising had to try it out.
Here is my very first Periscope.
Do you Periscope? Please follow me. I’ll follow back.
Got something you would like me to chat about on Periscope? Let me know in the comments.
Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. My goal is to help you find your joy and hang on to it. You can transform your existence by bringing joy back in on a regular basis. I’m here to be your joy guide.
[Tweet “#Seekjoy, y’all! Read your weekly Tarotscopes. Check out some decks Arwen recommends. Thanks for retweeting.”]
I had so much fun yesterday at the Yellow Rose RWA chapter meeting. They invited me to come speak to them about using Tarot for writing. I was blown away by the creative approaches they took with this tool for their writing. We had NYT bestselling authors there as well as pre-published. Everyone came away with new insights on their characters and stories. I wanted to share with you some of the decks we used (and discussed).
One of the things I love to do is read the Hero’s Journey for characters. Cai and I do it a lot for our books. We are in the process of re-releasing some we have gotten rights back to. First though, we want to go through them to see where we can beef things up a bit. If you have a book in progress or in your heart, I’d love to work with you too!
Did you know you can hear your full monthly Tarotscopes here? We are mid-way through June. Listen to your here.
CARD OF THE WEEK: [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]We get a lovely message for this week, y’all. Set your goals high because [/inlinetweet]the Star is guiding the way. All you need to do is believe in your self as you reach for the heavens. So many gifts await this week. Make sure you are staying open to the positive possibilities of life. THE STAR
Fantastical Creatures Tarot
AQUARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What would you do if you knew you were being blessed by the Universe? If you knew, without [/inlinetweet]a doubt that the thing you want most right now was already yours? The Wheel of Fortune is spinning, Aquarius. It’s spinning for you. The catch, and there’s always a catch, is that you must stretch out for what you want. This is not time to hunker down in your comfort zone. Tap your inner strength. Screw on your courage. Turn up your faith. Then step out into the scary zone to get that prize. WHEEL OF FORTUNE
PISCES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What is the one thing you must do to keep passion red-hot in your world? [/inlinetweet] This week you must do that thing that lights you up, sets you on fire, turns you on. Get ready to blaze a little, Fishies. Expect tools to be delivered and problems solved when you step into your “get ‘er done” self. Sometimes hard to rev the fish up, but when you do, it’s more like Jaws than Flipper. People may be surprised by your fiery activity but that’s okay. This isn’t about them. It’s about your passion. PAGE OF WANDS
ARIES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What happens when what you want comes but it isn’t what you [/inlinetweet]really wanted? So your sign got 2 cards this week. Unusual, but let’s just say that the big event you are waiting on may not bring the expected results. Looks like you’ve been working towards one thing but the Universe may yank that out from under you to deliver something else. Don’t worry too much. The rewards may not be what you were hoping for, but the opportunity for growth will be huge. Hang in there this week. And definitely keep working towards the future no matter which rugs get yanked! THREE OF WANDS and THE TOWER
TAURUS [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Are you looking for some heart time? Partnership is [/inlinetweet]emphasized this week. Good times with people you love are happening. You get to bask in adoration. And you deserve it. Seek the wilder things in life this week if you want to jazz up your romantic life. Even single Bulls can do something that connects them with others. Don’t be shocked when someone unexpected tells you they have a little crush on you. Up to you if you want that crush to grow or not. The ball is definitely in your court this week, Taurus. THE LOVERS
GEMINI [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Who teaches you the most about compassion? This week look for [/inlinetweet]lessons in how to love more while remaining true to yourself. Too often we try to morph into what someone else wants. This week you will need to be strong. Stay true to yourself, Twin. Diving deeper into yourself is recommended. Something tells me that the person who needs the most compassion in your life is that face you see in the mirror. Seek out where you are not being kind to yourself. We all do better with honey over vinegar. QUEEN OF CUPS
CANCER [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What must you lose this week? Looks like it’s more about [/inlinetweet]emotional connections than anything else. Ask yourself who isn’t upholding their end of the relationship. Cut ties where you need to and shore up the ones where you are dropping that connecting ball. Please be gentle in all that you do. Now isn’t the week for the crabby Crab to attack. Put those pincers away, dears. Just take some quiet time to do some emotional exploration in your current relationships. You aren’t in this world to carry the world on your back. Promise. FIVE OF CUPS
LEO [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #horoscope”]Who is really on your side? Take care when you interact with others. Some may be [/inlinetweet]looking to make you a victim. Too bad we all know you are a survivor regardless of what life throws your way. Get tough. Get flexible. Move away from those who would stab you in the back. Dance on a different floor. Their opinions of you don’t matter. Make this week about your strong, gorgeous self. Show the world what it looks like to walk away from conflict and idiocy. Please do not engage this week. The mass destruction of self won’t be worth it. TEN OF SWORDS
Fantastical Creatures Tarot
VIRGO [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What do you really want the most in your current emotional relationship? Do you [/inlinetweet]have the courage to look them in the eye and tell them? Your needs seem to be getting overlooked a bit, Virgo. Typically that’s because you are always putting others first. Pick one of your dreams. Make that your priority this week. Your partners and friends will understand. Your quiet strength will get you through anything that comes this week. But your dream? Yeah, let’s make that a number one on your to-do list, okay? SEVEN OF CUPS
LIBRA [inlinetweet prefix=”LIBRA” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What are you trying to decide? This is going to be a week of [/inlinetweet]choices. Remind yourself that each choice you make isn’t about what you let go. It’s about what you choose. Make your choices strong and bold this week. If it’s the wrong choice, it isn’t the end of the world. You’ve got a lot going on right now so it’s time to prioritize your actions. Stop wasting time, please. When you don’t take action, you do more than just nothing. You stagnate your own growth. Nobody wants that, right? CHOOSE! TWO OF WANDS
SCORPIO [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Who brings you joy? Good week to reach out to [/inlinetweet]them to incorporate more happy in your life. Are you really going to go through another week without seeking joy for yourself? Time to loosen up just a bit, please. You’ve been uber focused on something (and it’s good that you are). But this week calls you to indulge in some me-time with a special someone. Even single Scorpios can find a good friend to let their hair down with. Just loosen your tie. Take off that girdle of responsibility. Play a bit, please. You’ll be all the better for it. TWO OF CUPS
SAGITTARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”SAGITTARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What would you do if you knew you were going to succeed? If an angel whispered [/inlinetweet]in your ear that they had your back? Success is your theme this week, Archer. Let your warrior heart guide your decisions. Battles lost are only stepping stones to bigger wins. Remember that. Write that down. All the no’s you hear are preparing you for a better yes. The marathon runner doesn’t win by quitting at mile 25, right? Keep on keeping on. Your card this week says victory comes to the last one standing. Let it be you. SIX OF WANDS
CAPRICORN [inlinetweet prefix=”CAPRICORN” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #horoscope”]If money weren’t an issue, where would you go? What would[/inlinetweet] you do? Whose life would you change? That’s a series of questions you want to explore this week. And stop being so jealous of resources, please. You are over-focused on what others have. Your personal hoard won’t grow if you are always up in other people’s lives. Your treasures are the ones you have. Stop desiring what others have. Stolen treasure hurts, but it’s not worth it to let that be your worry. Seriously, let it go and focus on what you have. Grow that. FOUR OF COINS
Remember to seek joy, y’all. Pass it on! I want to hear from you if you are ready to kick the negativity habit in the tender bits. Let’s get started today to create a plan for you that takes you from feeling alone to feeling alive. I’m only an email away.
Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. I hope you enjoy them.
Tired of being sad? Done with all the negativity in this world? Let’s work together to bring you back to the joy path.
Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. I hope you enjoy them.
Tired of being sad? Done with all the negativity in this world? Let’s work together to bring you back to the joy path. No time like the present to get started on your own joy seeker’s life. I’m ready to help. Are you ready to start?
Want to test the waters with a three card email reading? Just buy Leonie’s workbook from . Let me know you got it (digital or print, it doesn’t matter) by contacting me. I’ll set up your free three card email reading.
There’s still time to check in on too.
CARD OF THE WEEK: CHILD OF WATER [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]This is a good week to open[/inlinetweet] your heart up. Engage in childlike activities: crayons, skipping rope, loving all you meet. Be open to love this week to find the most joy.
AQUARIUS NINE OF WATER [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Something big is coming. Check in with your[/inlinetweet] heart’s desires. What are you doing to actively create that energy in your world? It’s coming. Are you ready?
PISCES FIVE OF WATER [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Stop waiting for someone else to fulfill you. You’ve got[/inlinetweet] two hands and a working heart, right? Make your own needs important. Stop moping and start creating.
ARIES FOUR OF AIR What ideas are percolating? Mental prospects need nurturing. Writing them down is good, but go a step further. Create actionable steps to follow through.
TAURUS THE CHARIOT[inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”] Where do you need to push more? What requires[/inlinetweet] a firmer hand on the rein? Have you allowed yourself to be run over? Time to step up to the wheel Who’s really in charge?
GEMINI EXPLORER OF EARTH [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Stubbornness may win the day this week. Determine[/inlinetweet] your best course of action then stick to it. Learning your community’s strengths and weaknesses could be the way to go.
CANCER FIVE OF AIR [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Competition rarely thrills a crab, but this could be[/inlinetweet] the week to show them what you can do. Pick your teammates carefully. The loudest aren’t always the best.
LEO THE MOON [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #tarot”]Emotional cycles may seem overwhelming. Don’t let[/inlinetweet] past downers ruin current good times. Someone from the past may make an unwelcome appearance.
VIRGO FIVE OF FIRE [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Okay, honey. There are weeks when you can let things[/inlinetweet] go. This isn’t one of them. Just control your temper as best you can but definitely let them know your feelings.
LIBRA THE TEACHER[inlinetweet prefix=”Libra” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”] Turn to your mentors for guidance. Your reconnection[/inlinetweet] with your own spiritual path leads you to success. Don’t lose sight of your personal boundaries but you can push them a bit more.
SCORPIO ACE OF EARTH [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Great week to start a business. Get a [/inlinetweet]plan together. Not enough money? Start a savings budget. Stick to it. This is slow, but steady growth for you if you work the magic.
SAGITTARIUS BINDWEED [inlinetweet prefix=”Sagittarius” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #tarot”]Stop giving into the baser things. You’ve been putting[/inlinetweet] body before mind again. Don’t overdo the physical. By balancing the spiritual, you will make greater gains in what you want.
CAPRICORN SIX OF FIRE [inlinetweet prefix=”Capricorn ” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #tarot”]Passion rules but you may not have time for it. Find time to [/inlinetweet]dance, laugh, sing. Celebrate all the wins–especially the small ones. Definitely engage with others to share the kudos coming your way.
Tarotscopes for April 13-April 19, 2014 + contest that runs from 4/13 through 4/14. You can win your choice of a reading or a class.
Hey y’all, welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. I’m delighted that you’ve stopped by. I am running a contest 4/13 and 4/14. See details below if you would like to get in the drawing.
It’s been a busy week here in Austin and next week is already booked up too. How are you faring this April? I’m looking forward to the lunar eclipse of 4/15. Hoping I can stay up to watch AND hoping we have a clear night. My alter ego, Marilu Mann, is working on the second round of edits for the fourth book in the Lusting Wild series. This one has a really slimy villain who is giving me nightmares.
And if you love fairy tales, I hope you will check out my eBook which features ten spreads based on the archetypes of fairy tales.
AQUARIUS ILLUSION Don’t let doubts eat at you. Look for what’s real. Trust your gut. Smiles may hide knives. Stick to friends you know.
PISCES KNIGHT OF PENTACLES Get the work done. Slow, steady=race won. Tend to the growth. Honor self by working with a present attitude.
ARIES THE STAR Hopes can be fulfilled this week if you set your course now. Don’t wander. Focus on that dream. Emphasize the power of desire.
TAURUS FOUR OF PENTACLES Worrying about money won’t fix things. Understanding what wealth really works better. People not things. Love not coin.
GEMINI KING OF SWORDS Decisions must be made. No wavering. Ideas work when you do the work. Time to focus on what MUST be done. Stay fierce.
CANCER TWO OF PENTACLES Don’t waste time. There’s a lot that you can get done but you must start now. Not a good week to ignore work OR play. Balance.
LEO KING OF RODS Country living calling you? Be a leader. Go where you want to be led. Stop following. Their path isn’t yours. Walk your walk.
VIRGO MASTERY Do not be surprised if more than one door opens. Don’t take on more than you can chew but don’t underestimate your bite.
LIBRA THREE OF SWORDS Some things can’t be unsaid. Anxieties feed fear. Mind your tongue. Hearts are fragile. Don’t believe everything you fear.
SCORPIO THE CLOSE Time to put away relationships that no longer serve. Clear out that heartspace for what’s coming. A healthy heart is needed.
SAGITTARIUS THE HIGH PRIEST Who must you learn from? History is important. Kindness moves the hardest heart in your way. Students teach too.
CAPRICORN PAGE OF SWORDS Cautionary tales begin with “seemed so nice” Less trust + more street smarts gets you further. Pretty faces sour hearts.
We are formed and molded by our thoughts. Those whose minds are shaped by selfless thoughts give joy when they speak or act. Joy follows them like a shadow that never leaves them. ~Buddha
Want to win your choice of a 3 card, 1 question reading or my 33 Days To Finish Your Book eCourse? Share this post on Tumbler, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc. Leave a comment below letting me know where you shared it and the link. (NOTE: If you tweet the statement below, no need to share the link. Just leave a comment.) Contest ends 4/14/2014 at midnight Pacific time.
[Tweet “I read my 4/14-4/19 tarotscopes. @TarotbyArwen put me in the drawing!”]
Welcome to Tarotscopes for November 24-30, 2013. This is a mixed bag week and some of you need to work on thought patterns a little more intensely, please and thank you.
Tomorrow, 11/25, PA Minnell will be chatting with me about her Maori Oracle. We might even convince her to do a reading or two. It’s a rare opportunity for a peek into the Maori culture. This deck has amazed me every time I’ve worked with it. Join the show’s Facebook page to get the links and time.
My eCourse is winning some rave reviews. “The first few character-building days brought me a wealth of goodness right away” is just one lovely comment I’ve gotten. and take the course at your own pace.
AQUARIUS SIX OF COINS Generosity wins. Nature, spirit, soul–be loving and giving in all. Don’t expect a return. Let the giving be the reward.
PISCES SIX OF SWORDS Let someone help you. Ask to be guided away from sorrow towards joy. Your thoughts threaten to sink your ship. Seek joy, y’all.
ARIES KING OF SWORDS Follow your thoughts where they lead you. Then leap again. You have a brainstorm of AMAZING this week. Pay attention.
TAURUS THE HIEROPHANT Time to be the teacher. Time to remind them of the rules of school. Boundaries must be set more firmly. Yes, again.
GEMINI ACE OF SWORDS Time to be startin’ something. You better be startin’ something. What you put your mind to, succeeds. So do that, okay?
CANCER ACE OF CUPS Love comes your way. Open up to the possibilities. Deepen your relationships to find the missing meaning of life. Open.
LEO TEN OF SWORDS Your thoughts are your own worst enemy some days. Turn those sharp points down. No, don’t aim them at someone else. Sheesh!
VIRGO FOUR OF COINS A budget doesn’t mean denial. It means thoughtful choices that mean something. Spend what needs to be spent but only that.
LIBRA KNIGHT OF SWORDS Your thoughts are on overdrive. So many things to think about, dream about. Choose your battles wisely, padawan.
SCORPIO SEVEN OF WANDS Defend your position with passion but don’t drive off your support team in the process. Stand that ground carefully.
SAGITTARIUS THE TOWER Not to worry, darlings. Your bumps will be minimized by your sheer awesomeness. Prepare for the unexpected to succeed.
CAPRICORN QUEEN OF WANDS Communicate effectively by showing rather than telling. You know…walk the talk. Super busy week. Expect multitasking as usual.
BONUS! Mary K. Greer’s Tarot For Yourself is the first book I recommend when someone wants to dive into Tarot. It’s available on Kindle. I just found out! I know…I’ve been sleeping again. Now I have her whenever I need her! Get your own today.
Today’s deck was the sassy Vanessa Tarot from U.S. Games Systems Inc. It’s always a party fave!
Tarot, for me, is such a gift for writing. Because Tarot for Writers is less about traditional interpretation and more about creative opening, it’s really the perfect tool.
Welcome to the 2013 Samhain Tarot Blog Hop. In 2012, a group of us came together to show that we can build community. This is our ongoing effort to explore and express the deep bond Tarot can create. We choose, as a group, to celebrate community rather than denigrate one another. I am proud to be a part of another community exploration.
This Tarot Blog Hop theme is LOVE. Just love. No question to answer. This round’s Blog Hop Mistress Alison Cross just said love.
I have to admit that it was really really really did I mention REALLY difficult for me to come up with a blog topic. I am not sure why except that it is really not a subject I think about this time of year. But then I realized that there is something I love about this time of year.
This time of year!
You see this is my favorite of all the seasons. Nothing beats rainy days, crackling fires, hot cider and cool days. I can’t think of anything I love more than fall. Crisp leaves, hints of wet earth and so much more make this a season I adore.
It’s also the time of NaNoWriMo. Do you know that I’ve never done a NaNoWriMo? It’s true. I haven’t. But I have taught a workshop for the past 5 or 6 years called the Hero’s Journey. It’s one of my Tarot for Writers workshops. Connecting creative minds with one more tool to help them create is a joy to me. But I have to admit that the workshops were very draining. And I could only take so many people at a time. Limits. It had so many limits that I began to dread offering it.
Then it hit me. I could take my love of teaching and offer it in another way. I hooked up with the Amazing Biz + Life Academy (click that link to sign up for some free goodies) where I met other heart-led entrepeneurs who were bringing what they loved to others. Because of the Business Goddess course, I got the idea to offer my Hero’s Journey as an eCourse.
Now anyone can take my workshop at any time. I think it’s brills, as my friends across the pond might say. No one is tied to my schedule. They can sign up when they like and get thirty three emails over as many days. It’s over forty thousand words geared towards teaching folks how to utilize their own voice, their own creativity and the Hero’s Journey. Tarot is the vehicle and each student chooses how fast they drive.
Tarot, for me, is such a gift for writing. Because Tarot for Writers is less about traditional interpretation and more about creative opening, it’s really the perfect tool. Here’s a peek at one of the spreads I offer in my eCourse.
Cocktail Spread
Next let’s examine a spread I do for my characters to deepen them. Often our characters are sketchy at first. We might know one or two things about them like caped crusader who fights crime. But we need more. We need to know what makes them stand out at the League of Justice company picnics. When this happens, I pretend I’m going to a cocktail party with my hero as my guest.
Cocktail parties are designed to be free-flowing and you need a quick introduction. For those in the writing business, you can think of this as your Elevator Pitch only for your character. You will draw three cards. The first card is what your character does for a living. The next is why your character does that for a living. And the last card is a personality quirk.
Your Character’s Job
Your Character’s Personality
A Quirk
For me, the most important card here is the quirk. Let’s say your hero’s job is saving Metropolis from criminals (Knight of Swords). His personality is the strong, silent type (Emperor). But his quirk? His quirk is that he has this thing for a woman but she doesn’t know about his secret identity (Page of Pentacles.) I’m most interested in what makes him unusual, aren’t you?
So what about you? What do you love most about Fall?
Thanks for stopping by during this Tarot Blog Hop. Remember that comments are a great way of letting me know you were here. If you are a fellow writer, take a peek at my eCourse. NaNoWriMo does start tomorrow.
You want to bring your voice into the story. It’s really the only reason to tell a story to me. So others can see things how I see them if only for a few hundred pages at a time.
Oh darlings! Sorry for the lateness of today’s thought. I did a reading with a beautiful soul then dove into my book, Mapping The Hero’s Journey. I will just share a bit of that with you today as I am consumed with the passion of this.
Fire, like all the elements has both good and bad inherent. You can’t cook a decent steak without a flame, but you can also burn Chicago down if you aren’t careful. A lot of fire showing in a story arc always makes me think of a passionately lived life like that of Frida Kahlo or Beverly Sills. How does fire make you feel? It’s important to take your own slant into consideration when working with the Tarot—especially as a writer. You want to bring your voice into the story. It’s really the only reason to tell a story to me. So others can see things how I see them if only for a few hundred pages at a time.
So what is your story that you want to tell? What burns you up until you weep with joy when you can finally share it? Is it a story? A song? A ceramic pot? A well-groomed dog? A successful child? Your passion isn’t my passion as mine isn’t yours. We have different fires within us that urge us forward to make a difference in our worlds.
Go out today and make that change. Burn with passion. Let yourself dream huge. The Universe and I both are here to cheer you on. You go, girl. You go, boy. Go. Burn. Be the it kid. I love you and I know you can do this.
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
Dolphins April 2012, personal collection of Arwen Lynch
Whoa. I think this is a picture by the professional photographer. I took a bunch but I also got some from him via my company. Not sure this is mine
You need to learn to trust your gut again, I think.
Edmund’s Response: Yeah, when AJ told me that Utah and I had to together find the aquamarine to save Mavis, I was kinda skeptical. But we decided to give it a go. It’s heart-breaking to see Mavis as she is now, so devastated. If it’s up to me…well, yeah…gotta do my best, eh.
Today I am reading for Edmund who is the hero of Berengaria Brown’s latest offering from Torque, Aquamarine: Courage & Comfort
Berengaria is a multi-published author of erotic romance ~ contemporary, paranormal (ghosts, vampires, werewolves) and Regency set historicals. She loves to read all different kinds of romance so that is what she writes: one man/one woman; two women; two men; two men one/woman: three men…Whatever the characters need for their very hot happily ever after, Berengaria makes sure they get it.