TarotBlogHop: Samhain 2013

Tarot, for me, is such a gift for writing. Because Tarot for Writers is less about traditional interpretation and more about creative opening, it’s really the perfect tool.

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Welcome to the 2013 Samhain Tarot Blog Hop. In 2012, a group of us came together to show that we can build community. This is our ongoing effort to explore and express the deep bond Tarot can create. We choose, as a group, to celebrate community rather than denigrate one another. I am proud to be a part of another community exploration.

This Tarot Blog Hop theme is LOVE. Just love. No question to answer. This round’s Blog Hop Mistress Alison Cross just said love.

I have to admit that it was really really really did I mention REALLY difficult for me to come up with a blog topic. I am not sure why except that it is really not a subject I think about this time of year. But then I realized that there is something I love about this time of year.

This time of year!

You see this is my favorite of all the seasons. Nothing beats rainy days, crackling fires, hot cider and cool days. I can’t think of anything I love more than fall. Crisp leaves, hints of wet earth and so much more make this a season I adore.

It’s also the time of NaNoWriMo. Do you know that I’ve never done a NaNoWriMo? It’s true. I haven’t. But I have taught a workshop for the past 5 or 6 years called the Hero’s Journey. It’s one of my Tarot for Writers workshops. Connecting creative minds with one more tool to help them create is a joy to me. But I have to admit that the workshops were very draining. And I could only take so many people at a time. Limits. It had so many limits that I began to dread offering it.

Then it hit me. I could take my love of teaching and offer it in another way. I hooked up with the Amazing Biz + Life Academy (click that link to sign up for some free goodies) where I met other heart-led entrepeneurs who were bringing what they loved to others. Because of the Business Goddess course, I got the idea to offer my Hero’s Journey as an eCourse.

Now anyone can take my workshop at any time. I think it’s brills, as my friends across the pond might say. No one is tied to my schedule. They can sign up when they like and get thirty three emails over as many days. It’s over forty thousand words geared towards teaching folks how to utilize their own voice, their own creativity and the Hero’s Journey. Tarot is the vehicle and each student chooses how fast they drive.

Tarot, for me, is such a gift for writing. Because Tarot for Writers is less about traditional interpretation and more about creative opening, it’s really the perfect tool. Here’s a peek at one of the spreads I offer in my eCourse.

Cocktail Spread

Next let’s examine a spread I do for my characters to deepen them. Often our characters are sketchy at first. We might know one or two things about them like caped crusader who fights crime. But we need more. We need to know what makes them stand out at the League of Justice company picnics. When this happens, I pretend I’m going to a cocktail party with my hero as my guest.

Cocktail parties are designed to be free-flowing and you need a quick introduction. For those in the writing business, you can think of this as your Elevator Pitch only for your character. You will draw three cards. The first card is what your character does for a living. The next is why your character does that for a living. And the last card is a personality quirk.

  1. Your Character’s Job
  2. Your Character’s Personality
  3. A Quirk

For me, the most important card here is the quirk. Let’s say your hero’s job is saving Metropolis from criminals (Knight of Swords). His personality is the strong, silent type (Emperor). But his quirk? His quirk is that he has this thing for a woman but she doesn’t know about his secret identity (Page of Pentacles.) I’m most interested in what makes him unusual, aren’t you?

So what about you? What do you love most about Fall?

Thanks for stopping by during this Tarot Blog Hop. Remember that comments are a great way of letting me know you were here. If you are a fellow writer, take a peek at my eCourse. NaNoWriMo does start tomorrow.

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ONLINE CLASS: Tarot For Writers June 2012 (not July!)

GPS for Your Character

Gaian Tarot Seven of AirHave a story that must be written? Characters babbling in your head?

Don’t know where to start? I can help. We can map out your entire book in a month.

Continue reading “ONLINE CLASS: Tarot For Writers June 2012 (not July!)”

Kings, Queens & Card Sharps (online class)

This three week online workshop will show you how to create characters who leap off the page. By exploring their back story, you can find amazing insight into quirks and what makes them tick. How did their early relationships with their families shape who they are today? You will discover ways to use the Tarot to interview your hero and heroine and even your villain. Let them talk to you through the versatile, inspirational Tarot.


Kings, Queens and Card Sharps: 78 Real Characters

  • Have you been told that your characters are flat?
  • Do people not want to meet your characters for lunch?
  • Are your characters 2-dimensional talking heads?
  • Do you sometimes want to murder them all?

Predestination or happenstance? Don’t Continue reading “Kings, Queens & Card Sharps (online class)”

2 Tarot For Writers Workshops

Fool (World Spirit Tarot)
Fool (World Spirit Tarot)

I have two workshops coming up. My Hero’s Journey that I am doing in August and my basic Tarot for Writers that I am doing for the Florida Pan Handle Romance Writers (FPHRW) RWA chapter in September. See more information on the workshop for FPHRW at the end of this post.

Let Arwen show you a new way to approach your writing. Hang on to your manuscripts as she unleashes the power of Tarot for you. In an online workshop, you will learn how to utilize the Tarot for yourself on a personal level. Meet your characters as you have never met them before. Learn about their quirks and let your journey through the cards introduce you to their own past. Writer’s Block will never be a problem again with the Tarot cards to give you insight. Continue reading “2 Tarot For Writers Workshops”

WORKSHOP: Tarot For Writers

Want a tool that will help you plot, learn about your characters and help you finish the damned book? Have you been thinking you would like to learn to read the Tarot for yourself? Scared that there is just too much to memorize? Ready to try something new? Continue reading “WORKSHOP: Tarot For Writers”