Rage, Scorpio Moons & Asking Too Much

Instead of that Five of Fire spewing wrath in a focused way, I want to be my Three of Water self. Seeking joy. Seeking play. Seeking others of a like mind. I didn’t expect to find my work…

The Gaian Tarot’s Five of Fire captures my current feeling perfectly. I am working on a project that involves pulling all of my many Tarot spreads into one place. I did a search on one to find out when I first published it. Can you imagine Continue reading “Rage, Scorpio Moons & Asking Too Much”


Hoo boy, Arwen is hot under the collar. I think if I drew a card, I’d get the Five of Fire right now. Full on flame-throwing fire-breathing dragon mode.


Hoo boy, “teh Arwen” is hot under the collar. I think if I drew a card, I’d get the Five of Fire right now. Full on flame-throwing fire-breathing dragon mode.

Here is what Joanna Powell Colbert says of this card:

A fire performer spits billowing flames out of his mouth. Twisted faces of gargoyles or maddened creatures form in the smoke and fire.

Divinatory meaning: Anger, rage, fury. Hubris. A dangerous game. The temptation to dominate or have power over others.

Someone is trying to dominate another. And it is making me FURIOUS. You see, Continue reading “Tick…Tick…BOOM!”