
Hoo boy, Arwen is hot under the collar. I think if I drew a card, I’d get the Five of Fire right now. Full on flame-throwing fire-breathing dragon mode.


Hoo boy, “teh Arwen” is hot under the collar. I think if I drew a card, I’d get the Five of Fire right now. Full on flame-throwing fire-breathing dragon mode.

Here is what Joanna Powell Colbert says of this card:

A fire performer spits billowing flames out of his mouth. Twisted faces of gargoyles or maddened creatures form in the smoke and fire.

Divinatory meaning: Anger, rage, fury. Hubris. A dangerous game. The temptation to dominate or have power over others.

Someone is trying to dominate another. And it is making me FURIOUS. You see, Continue reading “Tick…Tick…BOOM!”


Art Of The Lie, by Delphine DrydenToday, I do a reading for Delphine Dryden‘s contemporary hero, Richard. Richard and Lindy are her characters from her Truth And Lies series. These contemporary erotic romances will tickle your fancy. Make sure you look for The Art Of The Lie available now from Ellora’s Cave.

From her bio:

After earning two graduate degrees, practicing law awhile, and then working for the public school system for over ten years, Delphine finally got a clue. She tossed all that aside and started doing what she should have been doing all along, writing novels! In hindsight she could see the decision was a no-brainer. Because which sounds like more fun? Being a lawyer/special educator/reading specialist/educational diagnostician…or Continue reading “CHARACTER READING: Richard”

Sex, Trouble and Tarot

What’s a demon gotta to do to get a little love? Find out when I do a reading for one red-hot lover who’s got a little problem. You can win a $50 gift certificate too.

To celebrate the release of book number seven, I did a reading for the hero of Sex and Trouble by Marilu Mann. What’s a demon gotta to do to get a little love?

Go comment here. You’ll be in the running to win a $50 gift certificate or a signed copy of Marilu’s first two books. NOTE: The contest starts at noon Central.

By the way, for those that don’t know, I’m half of Marilu Mann.

Sex And Trouble by Marilu Mann:

“Marielle has just learned she’s a hereditary witch whose inheritance comes with a creepy house and a hot butler who is really a trapped sex demon. Mari doesn’t believe in magick or demons. But once she sees her butler’s—ahem—horns, she has to face the facts. And, he can only be released through mutual sexual pleasure.

Although Mari’s sexier than anyone he’s ever known, Rosier wants to go home. If that means making Mari scream in ecstasy, he’ll just have to deal. It’s simple. They have to unlock her powers, defeat her father’s enemy and have mind-blowing sex…in the next two weeks or he’s trapped forever. What’s a girl to do when her inheritance leads to Sex and Trouble? Enjoy it!”

Buy your copy here!

Character Reading: Adam Putnam

Cris Anson is my guest today as her hero, Adam Putnam gets his cards read. Here is what Cris  says about herself :

“After the death of my husband of 22 years, it took me three years to come out of my grief and feel alive and open to new experiences. Now I consider myself a senior citizen and “cougar” —hey, one is never too old to dream about, or experience, romance. I’ve been writing since the ‘90s and read voraciously across all genres. I enjoy my garden during warm days and have just discovered Zumba for fun exercising. My wish list includes sleeping on the floor of the Grand Canyon and dancing a tango or two with Gilles Marini.”

Meet James Adam Putnam, the hero of Cris Anson’s latest. This one is a very hot historical erotic romance. Do you think you can handle the heat? Now, join me as I read for Adam, a perplexed Puritan dealing with Continue reading “Character Reading: Adam Putnam”