Sharing, Shadows & Slices

I’m sharing how I do it because I know it works. Plain and simple, I’m not going to hold on to all the important pieces. Hold out your hands. I’ll share.

Today’s card reminds me that sharing is caring. Here we have two young ladies but one has all the important pieces. They might be meeting to solve a problem, but how can they if one holds all the knowledge? And so smugly too!

We know these types. We’ve even been these types. Well, I know that I have. Have you? It’s okay to admit it because that’s how we get better. We address our shadow selves then bring light to those places that need light.

Secret tip from teh Arwen: Not all of our shadow selves NEED light. Some parts are in the shadows because that’s where they do their best work.

I’m an admitted Pollyanna. I have coke-bottle-thick rose-colored glasses. I let the blue bird of happiness sit wherever he likes. I chase rainbows. I climb mountains because they are there.

In a word, I’m obnoxious about seeking joy. OBNOXIOUS.

And I’m fine with that. Those that don’t need/can’t process what it is that I do are not on my radar. I’m seeking joy with fellow joy seekers.

I’m sharing how I do it because I know it works. Plain and simple, I’m not going to hold on to all the important pieces. Hold out your hands. I’ll share.

I want you to be happy. I want you to understand that, yeah, I’m not happy 24/7. But I seek joy 24/7. I may be the world’s biggest bitch at work (hint: don’t talk to me when I’m working because I’ll snap like a loggerhead turtle), but I also will apologize because I know it’s an unpleasant experience to have your head bitten off.

Ptooey. And heads really don’t taste that good. I think I’ll work on giving up that habit of mine.

So what type are you going to be today? Don’t worry about tomorrow. Focus on right now.

Me? I’m going to share my important pieces. I’m not going to use my razor-sharp tongue to slice off any heads of any co-workers. I’m going to focus on seeking joy even when it’s a customer who just needs to bitch at me about things I can’t do anything about. That’s their stuff not mine.

My stuff? That’s the joy-seeking missile stuff. Ready? Set? Aim? FIRE!

Seek joy, y’all. pass it on.

Five of Swords, Dreaming Way Tarot, US Games, 2012