Geese, Spirals and Queens

I’ve been in a pissy mood. I was going to change that to cranky, but that would not be correct. Pissy is, to me, being angry about petty, little non-events. And then sharing that with others whether they like it nor not. So what is that about?

Part of it is my underlying Continue reading “Geese, Spirals and Queens”

Vultures, Blue Jays & Geese

So the latest edition of BellaOnline Mused is out. I have two pieces in this one. I’m always so proud when I am accepted to this endeavor. I love much of the other works (particularly the photography) and am often inspired by them. That happened with this one. I saw a series of zoo animal photographs. One of them was an intense vulture. I looked at that bird thinking “but vultures are supposed to be ugly.” The response in my head was Continue reading “Vultures, Blue Jays & Geese”