#affirmation There’s a difference, I feel, between being a realist and being the person who stomps on your own dreams. I think this card shows that difference.
In this card from the new (and gorgeous) Japaridze Tarot, the suit of earth/pentacles/coins is represented by Gardens. That’s an easy translation for me.
Traditionally the 7 of Coins is the card that shows a man resting while his garden continues to grow. He has been doing hard work but he is taking a much needed break.
Some of us would poo-poo the idea of needing to take that moment. Surely there is something else that can be done. Finished hoeing? Well get to the beans to see if any need harvesting. No? What about the shed? Wouldn’t your time be better spent organizing your tools so you could be more productive?
And so it goes. There is always something else that needs doing. Always one more task you cross off your list.
But what about the dreams? What about the expectations? What about the future?
[Tweet “Future won’t come if you don’t keep working!”]
Really? Stop working and see what happens. Tomorrow gets here as surely as today fades into the past.
I’m not saying don’t work at all. I’m not saying don’t cross things off your to-do list.
I am saying that it is critically important to give time to dreaming.
Maybe you should put that on your to-do list?
Today’s affirmation:
Dreaming brings me joy. Downtime is good time. I allow myself space between the busy busy moments to dream. I honor the dreamer in me. Today I take time to dream a little dream of joy. Today I honor the emptiness so that it may be filled with dreams. Loved and loving, I love each of you.
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
Seven of Gardens, Japaridze Tarot, U.S. Games