Roses Memories Leaves Always Forever Love Reminders Photographs Pale
Midnight Rose
She still wears those memories of you
Like midnight roses wrapped so tight
Around that slim throat blue black dying
Flower kisses against such pale skin
Reminders of the depth of your love
Five midnight roses cling so close
Soft yellowing leaves set them off
As her eyes stare wide unseeing
While they try to lift those roses
Off her pale pale unmoving throat
She will always wear those memories
Captured forever Permanently marked
In clinical criminal photographs
Reminders of the depth of your love
Stephanie Arwen Lynch
Wicked Games Buying Guide Ideas Red Fire Spring Preventive
Wicked Man
Wicked wicked man allowing me
To believe you might be buying
All these red fire desire ideas
That spring within me because
I forgot to take precaution
I forgot those preventive rules
Games are only fun to be played
When you know the rules the guides
Boundaries within which to keep
All these red fire desire ideas
About one wicked wicked man
Stephanie Arwen Lynch
Reckon ~ Round ~ Riven ~ Rock ~ Regret ~ Reap ~ Road ~ Rust ~ Recognize
Blackbird’s Singing Again
Reckon you know the story too well
Regrets reaped then heaped so high so high
‘Round abouts here we recognize
That driven by a raven look
Don’t stop gotta keep running
Blackbird’s gonna getcha tonight
Your riven heart in small pieces
Dust off the rust off those boots
Hit the road hit the road hit it
Turn up the music so you can’t hear
The screaming calls of your own death
Rock on regardless of who gets hurt
Reckon you know that story quite well.
Stephanie Arwen Lynch