Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. Due to my not being consistent with my TarotCopes wording, I’m just going back to Tarotscopes. LOL
Have you listened to yet? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this new format. Feel free to drop me a line. Just click CONTACT over there on the right.
Did you know I’m doing three card email readings for anyone who buys this workbook using ? It’s true! It’s my annual “buy this amazing workbook” push. I wouldn’t push it if I didn’t believe in it. DISCLOSURE: Yes, I get money if you buy the workbook.
Also, I’m challenging everyone to commit a seditious act. If you are in, just share this post to advise everyone of your intentions. Seditious is such an inflammatory word, isn’t it? In my , I told one sign that was their goal this month. [inlinetweet prefix=”Arwens wants ” tweeter=”tarotbyarwen” suffix=”#seekjoy”]To commit seditious acts.[/inlinetweet]
Seditious means inciting or causing people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch. I think our world is blowing up right now. I want to create an explosion of love instead. So, are you in? Just share this post! Let’s make some noise, y’all.
You can now tweet your individual Tarotscope by clicking on your sign below. Have fun!
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotscopes” suffix=”… #tarot”]CARD OF THE WEEK GUARDIAN OF AIR Whisper your desires? Heck no![/inlinetweet] Shout them out so all can hear. Convincing yourself is the hard part.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotscopes” suffix=”… #tarot”]AQUARIUS SIX OF AIR Join with others for a common goal. You will go[/inlinetweet] much further that way. Turn to the light with an open heart. Share love.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotscopes” suffix=”… #tarot”]PISCES FIVE OF AIR Many want to be where you are. Let them[/inlinetweet] have your spot. You can just climb higher. Best not to fuss too much. Just fly.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotscopes” suffix=”… #tarot”]ARIES ACE OF FIRE Stop waiting. Sparks today create[/inlinetweet] bonfires. Get those creative ideas moving forward. Don’t let them die in the shell, please.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotscopes” suffix=”… #tarot”]TAURUS THE CANOE This is about you. This is about running[/inlinetweet] your own life. Mastery of self is the key. Don’t let others impede your progress. MOVE!
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotscopes” suffix=”… #tarot”]GEMINI EMPEROR Project managers see the big as well as the small. Don’t[/inlinetweet] miss either this week. Rule your world. Set your boundaries.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotscopes” suffix=”… #tarot”]CANCER SEVEN OF WATER Oh it’s all so dreamy, isn’t it? So many[/inlinetweet] choices. Honey, pick one. Run with it. You can come back to the others.CHOOSE.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotscopes” suffix=”… #tarot”]LEO SEVEN OF FIRE Multitasking must happen. Read a book while[/inlinetweet] weeding the garden. Learn a language while walking that mile. It’s all available.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotscopes” suffix=”… #tarot”]VIRGO MOON Emotional self needs tending. Cycles[/inlinetweet] happen. Own them by understanding them. Subconscious self speaks very loudly this week.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotscopes” suffix=”… #tarot”]LIBRA ELDER OF EARTH Financial goodies coming your way. Set[/inlinetweet] up budgets. Celebrate your gains. Positive outlook brings positive income.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotscopes” suffix=”… #tarot”]SCORPIO FIVE OF WATER Expect a slower week. Maybe even[/inlinetweet] some sorrow. Just remember you fill yourself up. Don’t let others let you down.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotscopes” suffix=”… #tarot”]SAGITTARIUS CHILD OF FIRE Encourage your playful self. Try[/inlinetweet] out new things. Rekindle passion for life. Play play play MORE. Kick life in the ass.
[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”tarotscopes” suffix=”… #tarot”]CAPRICORN THE TEACHER Lessons aren’t always easy, but perhaps[/inlinetweet] this time, you might write them down? Easier to avoid them next time. Hang in there.
Thanks for joining me this week. Remember if you already got your Leonie workbook through my link, let me know. You get a free three card email reading. Ends January 31, 2015, y’all.
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
Deck used this week was the Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert.
Truly perfect, for my Sun, Rising and Moon!