Whispers of Lord Ganesha (used with permission of Blue Angel Publishing 2016. All rights reserved.
[inlinetweet prefix=”Seek Joy, Y’all!” tweeter=”@tarotbyarwen” suffix=”#seekjoyyall #seekjoy”]Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes.[/inlinetweet] They are done via video now so when you click a link, it goes to YouTube.
Did you know I have just for you? Get your joy back on track.
Book your appointment now. I’ve added email readings back in. Just remember that the email readings are email only so you can book them whenever.
Love to color? here: (it’s a pdf so you can print whichever page you like as you like.) Oh and you sign up for the newsletter too but it’s a great one. 😀
Are you a writer? This is my heart, y’all. I love teaching writers how to use the Tarot and Tarot readers how to give their stories voice.
Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. My goal is to help you find your joy and hang on to it. You can transform your existence by bringing joy back in on a regular basis. I’m here to be your joy guide. Remember that this is the last week I will be posting these to Twitter et al. In order to carve out more time for my writing, I will be sending these out via a weekly email. Subscribe here.
[Tweet “Last week for tarotscopes on Twitter. Weekly email after today. Signed up?”]
Just when I thought the daily wisdom books were a modern thing, I find that Leo Tolstoy wrote one that he called his greatest work. Have you read it?
Did you know you can hear your full monthly Tarotscope here? Listen to July’s . Let me know how I did. August will be out 8/1. There will be a link to it in the weekly Tarotscopes newsletter as well.
CARD OF THE WEEK: [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What does “being in grace” mean to you? Is it [/inlinetweet]being able to balance books on your head? I think it is more than physical balance. For me, the act of being graceful is also the act of being gracious. It’s being able to say a kind word to another human even when you are in tremendous pain. It’s being able to reach beyond yourself to see where another person may need you. In a way, it’s about being selfless. I’m not against being selfish. I think there’s a time and place for that. But in today’s pain-filled world, I think of grace as compassion through, or perhaps, in spite of fear. Our card for the week is Grace. How will you seek grace this week? What will you be called to do in the name of grace? Set your goals this week to include time for you and time for others. GRACE (Vintage Wisdom Oracle)
AQUARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What projects do you have going on? Check to see [/inlinetweet]how they are going. This is a good week to revisit your goals. Reassess which ones are working. Some of them may need to be set aside for others. That’s okay. The key is that you are investigating your time investments. Make sure you are checking in with others on joint projects too. This is a time to get serious about what you want the rest of the year to bring you. Home projects will also make themselves known so make time for those as well. And don’t be surprised if a brand-new project surfaces. Mental agility is key this week. FOUR OF AIR
PISCES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What is calling your heart? Are you resisting for a [/inlinetweet]practical reason or is it simply fear of failing? And how can fear of failing be simple, you ask? It’s simple when you use it as your go-to to stop you from living…from loving. If fear is your first response to something, what is your second response? Sitting back down is not the answer. Getting up is. When your heart is called, you owe it to yourself to answer with passion. Fear? Sure, but that’s only the first thing. It’s the second that’s the real key. So live and love, Pisces. Live and love this week. EXPLORER OF WATER
Gaian Tarot
ARIES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]How much input is too much? How many people are in line [/inlinetweet]to ask things of you? This week may come at you hard and fast with many decisions to make. Some will be easy but don’t gloss over any of them. Take the time to investigate both sides, please. Indulge in your natural curiousity and that sense of fairness you own. Make sure even the “this won’t take long” questions receive your full attention. They come to you because they value your opinion but sometimes it is also because they know you tend to make hasty decisions in their favor. It’s not a good week to put yourself last, Rams. Step up and listen. Make the best decisions for all concerned–especially yourself. TWO OF AIR
TAURUS [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What old sorrows are weighing you down? Why are you [/inlinetweet]still mourning them? Shake it off as the song says. Time to clear out any misunderstandings or hard feelings. Air your grievances in a calm, considered manner. I think you will go further if you air them out in writing so you can reread them before sending. Emotional communication is hard, but it is necessary if you want to release the anchors you’ve tied to your heart and soul. Love will win. Think of this as decluttering of your heart. All those loves lost? Write them letters even if you can’t send them. Release yourself from their grasp so you can soar again. FOUR OF CUPS
GEMINI [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What sets you on fire, darling? Note that is not about [/inlinetweet]another person. This is about you. Are you being passionate about living? Are you fully engaged in life? The Two of Fire calls you to get turned on to life on a cellular level. Don’t pussy-foot through this week. Dive in with all you have. Could be an exhausting week if you don’t let that internal flame super-charge you this week. Just not a week to lay back and let life live itself. You are on tap for an energetic POW of a week. Take your vitamins. And don’t be surprised if love gets a little hot this week. Just enjoy that too. TWO OF FIRE
CANCER [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Could old hurts be holding you back? The biggest concern [/inlinetweet]this week is how much you invest in past emotional yuck. Do you revisit it like touching a paper cut? Ow that hurts. Ow that hurts. Well stop touching it! Who are you letting in that shouldn’t be in the same zip code much less your heart? If you are creating relationships that are destined to be old baggage, why are you wasting your beautiful life? Red flags exist for a reason, my dears. Time to swim away. Seek a distant shore if you must, but stop building connections that aren’t feeding your soul and your heart. EIGHT OF WATER
LEO [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #horoscope”]How does your garden grow, lovely one? This week [/inlinetweet]expect abundance in your world. Open your arms and your heart but especially your mind to the gifts coming your way. Focus on growth but don’t forget to keep weeding your world. Things that prevent your growth? Negativity (yours and theirs). Guilt. Rehashing past events that you can’t change today. Let the abundance coming your way drive out all the rest. As they say, ain’t nobody got time for that. So let “that” be a reference for all the past things that are so so gone. Your week is about your future, not your past. GARDENER (EMPRESS)
Gaian Tarot
VIRGO [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Are you ready to shine? Be available for the spotlight [/inlinetweet]because it is going to be on you this week. Home and health will be highlighted as you show others how amazing you are. Don’t be surprised if a raise or a promotion pop up. With all this glowing energy around you, random presents may happen as well. Remember to treat your family with honor, love and respect. They are a reflection of what you put in so make it worth the time. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear you say you need a break from all the joy you get this week. It’s going to be all about you, darlings! SUN
LIBRA [inlinetweet prefix=”LIBRA” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What new idea do you need to foster? This is a good [/inlinetweet]question to ask yourself every morning. How do you want your day to go? By setting your intention each morning, you can guide your day. Of course others may try to interfere, but aren’t you the captain of your own ship? Aren’t you in control of your own hula hoop? Stop letting others set your course. Set yourself up for success each day. Then navigate what comes at you knowing you are in charge no matter what. I recommend picking one simple affirmation to say three times morning, noon and night. Let the sacred nine guard you and guide you this week. ACE OF AIR
SCORPIO [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Where are you in need of the lesson of generosity? Who [/inlinetweet]needs your help? Whose help do you need? Remember that this is about the exchange of energy. Not in a “I gave you this much so I need this much back” but in a “I’ll do what I can for you knowing that someone else will do what they can for me” way. When you set expectations with your gift, you cheapen that gift. You also set up blocks to what could be coming. Your shoulds prevent the coulds. So open up to all the beauty of the earth. Understand that when you offer a helping hand to someone, someone else is waiting to continue that energy of generosity. Be giving this week. SIX OF EARTH
SAGITTARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”SAGITTARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]How’s your budgeting going? Might be time to [/inlinetweet]take a look at your finances. If you aren’t saving something, you need to get started. Even a dollar a week is better than nothing. I know times are hard but when you set your mind to thinking that, you make it more real than it needs to be. Abundance thinking doesn’t mean spend every dime you have. It means counting what you have as blessings. Gratitude is going to be your staff this week. Let your first response be one of thanks rather than a litany of what you don’t have. It’s not easy, but it will reopen the paths that have been closed. FOUR OF EARTH
CAPRICORN [inlinetweet prefix=”CAPRICORN” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #horoscope”]Where were you ten years ago? Let’s do some [/inlinetweet]reflecting this week. Revisit your self ten years ago to see how far you’ve come. Dreams realized? YAY! Dreams unrealized? Well if they still mean something, write them down. Put actionable steps down to make them happen. The only person standing in your way is in your mirror. I doubt that will last long. You goats know how to work for what you want. So let’s make this week a goal setting week, okay? Write things down. Don’t worry about dates as much as about how to get what you want. Each big ticket item needs at least five steps to get there. Make it happen. You have the power. NINE OF EARTH
Remember to seek joy, y’all. Pass it on! Ready to create a plan for you that takes you from feeling alone to feeling alive? Let’s make that happen now.
I hope you will join me for my weekly Tarotscopes via email. This is the last time I will be sharing these here. Sign up for the weekly email so you don’t miss them. Subscribe here.
IMPORTANT: Starting August 2, 2015, these Tarotscopes will only be available via newsletter. I’m trying to reduce the time I spend putting these together so I can channel the energy into some other projects. So please subscribe to my newsletter. You will get an email every Sunday and one on the 1st of the month for the monthly podcast. Right now I post these to Twitter, my webpage, Facebook and five other places. I love doing these for you. I just have to wrestle my schedule back into a manageable beast. This will reduce my time from two hours down to one. This is a good thing, darlings. Seek joy. Don’t miss your ‘scopes. Subscribe today.
Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. My goal is to help you find your joy and hang on to it. You can transform your existence by bringing joy back in on a regular basis. I’m here to be your joy guide.
[Tweet “This week’s Tarotscopes are here. Remember to sign up if you want them after 8/1.”]
Ready to rock this world with your own brand of joy seeking? Time to let your inner joy beast out? No time like the present to get started on your own joy seeker’s life. I’m ready to help. Are you ready?
I’ve been working with the Tarot since 1980. One of the first books that I truly connected with was this one by Mary K. Greer. To this day I will recommend this one first to someone who is just learning the Tarot or who wants to reinvigorate their own Tarot practice. Have you read it?
Did you know you can hear your full monthly Tarotscope here? Get your month started right with an .
CARD OF THE WEEK: [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]We are being called to create something in the [/inlinetweet]moment. The Queen of Hearth and Home urges us to understand that we can make home where we are. It’s an interesting concept since I am in the process of moving. I have things scattered across two states. Her message is to realize that where we are is home for that time. That home is something we can carry with us. She asks us to remember to be gracious and inviting this week. And to welcome others into our home. 7 QUEEN OF HEARTH AND HOME, The Heart of the Faerie Oracle, Brian and Wendy Froud
AQUARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]While this isn’t the best message in the world, it is [/inlinetweet]important. If you don’t take the time to investigate your own emotional detritus, you may be clogging up your own parts. Self-examination isn’t really that much fun–typically speaking. However, it is vitally necessary to our own well being. When is the last time you took some time to unpack your own sorrows, joys, anxieties and triumphs? All of those emotions deserve to be examined. Then set aside the ones that you no longer need. You don’t have to drag to ugly along with you. You can remember without owning that pain. FOUR OF WATER
Gaian Tarot
PISCES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]There may be something going on above your pay grade. No need [/inlinetweet]for you to worry. Competition can happen where others feel that need. It is not up to you to feed their screaming. Step back. Step away. Fly off. Do whatever it takes to remove yourself from the strife others try to lay at your feet. It’s not your circus and they are certainly not your monkeys. Let them squabble as much as they like. You and your opinion are best kept to yourself this week. FIVE OF AIR
ARIES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]You know that feeling when everything is in balance? When harmony really [/inlinetweet]is your first response? Yeah, that’s you this week, Rams. Channel your mind into positive states of relaxation and readiness. The more you refocus your passion into those activities that bring you joy, the more you will thrive. Others will recognize it. They even may ask you to teach them how. Be ready to show them the way to inner peace Aries-style. NINE OF FIRE
Gaian Tarot
TAURUS [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Expect success. Celebrate what you have. More importantly, celebrate [/inlinetweet]what’s coming. By acknowledging your own strengths, you can re-engage your power. Maybe it’s been offline for a bit. Reboot, baby. Re-freaking-boot. Don’t be surprised when you are asked to speak to others about your own journey. You’ve made some difficult decisions. Lived a challenging life. More than that, you’ve thrived that life. Thrive on, Bulls. Thrive on. NINE OF EARTH
GEMINI [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Are you listening carefully? This week brings you [/inlinetweet]many messages. It’s up to you to decide which ones work best for you. I recommend taking some quiet time to craft a list of questions you want answers too. Then still your mind and your voice. Listen. The wind is carrying the answers to you but you must quiet your self in order to receive them. Some are not going to be easy solutions, but you already knew that. QUEEN OF AIR
CANCER [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Good week to create community. You are not alone except [/inlinetweet]when you refuse to reach your hand out. Even mountains have foothills, darling. Who is supporting you? Make your connections stronger. Pick up the phone. Write that letter or email. Friends are waiting to hear from you. Even the ones who haven’t reached out to you. So make this week about reconnecting with those who are of a like mind. You are stronger with them. THREE OF EARTH
Gaian Tarot
LEO [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #horoscope”]ZOOM. Do you have your running shoes handy? Grab them and [/inlinetweet]hit the ground running. You have so much to get done this week. The good news? It’s all about you, Lions. Your passion is going to start a forest fire in your world. Big changes are coming in the area of heart and soul. Break out of that self-imposed shell. Throw your arms out to embrace all the good coming your way. Time to set the stage ablaze with your beauty. ACE OF FIRE
VIRGO [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Feeling ready to make that next commitment of heart? Time [/inlinetweet]to plant your roots, honey. If you have a home, do something to make it even more yours this week. If you are ready to find a home, write down what creates the perfect place for you. Then act on that. Be passionate about your place in the world. Clean it up. Fix it up. Do what needs doing this week to make home the sanctuary you crave. FOUR OF FIRE
LIBRA [inlinetweet prefix=”LIBRA” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Quiet your need to know if you want to learn their secrets. [/inlinetweet]The more you listen, the more you learn this week. Be still of mouth and open of heart. They will come to you with news you need to know. It may not always be what you want to hear, but it will be what you need to know to make some important decisions. This week it’s better to have ears than a mouth. Hard to do but the quieter you are, the louder the message will be. TWO OF AIR
SCORPIO [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Gather with others to celebrate victories. Look back to see [/inlinetweet]how far your journey has taken you. This is a good week for some reminiscing about hard-won wars. Try to start each day off praising the beauty of the night and looking forward to the glory of the day. By setting yourself into victory mode, nothing can stand in your way this week. You can tackle any thing, any project, any obstacle. Be grateful for where you were because it has brought you this moment. SIX OF AIR
Gaian Tarot
SAGITTARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”SAGITTARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Well, let’s just say that this is not your week to go [/inlinetweet]crazy at the store. Budget where you can but remember to live in an abundance thinking mode. When you say “I have nothing” the Universe works to make that true just as surely as it works to make it true when you say “I have everything.” Set your intentions carefully this week. Scarcity thinking encourages scarcity living. Acknowledge what you have while being open to what you want. FOUR OF EARTH
CAPRICORN [inlinetweet prefix=”CAPRICORN” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #horoscope”]Oh what can you explore this week? Here is a call to dip [/inlinetweet]your toe into something fun. Find a way to honor your inner child’s sense of play. This is an emotional exploration for you so take time to do a deep dive into what you really want out of life. If you are not getting it, make a list of how to get it. Then get start it. Get. Get. Get. This is about you making room in your life for your heart’s desires to have room to grow. CHILD OF WATER
Remember to seek joy, y’all. Pass it on! I want to hear from you if you are ready to kick the negativity habit in the tender bits. Let’s get started today to create a plan for you that takes you from feeling alone to feeling alive.
IMPORTANT: Starting August 2, 2015, these Tarotscopes will only be available via newsletter. I’m trying to reduce the time I spend putting these together so I can channel the energy into some other projects. So please subscribe to my newsletter. You will get an email every Sunday and one on the 1st of the month for the monthly podcast. Right now I post these to Twitter, my webpage, Facebook and five other places. I love doing these for you. I just have to wrestle my schedule back into a manageable beast. This will reduce my time from two hours down to one. This is a good thing, darlings. Seek joy. Don’t miss your ‘scopes. Subscribe today.
Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. My goal is to help you find your joy and hang on to it. You can transform your existence by bringing joy back in on a regular basis. I’m here to be your joy guide.
[Tweet “Uh oh! No more tarotscopes after 8/1? What? I need my ‘scopes.”]
Tired of being sad? Done with all the negativity in this world? Let’s work together to bring you back to the joy path. No time like the present to get started on your own joy seeker’s life. I’m ready to help. Got fifteen minutes?
Did you know that the Dalai Lama had his own author’s page on Amazon?
Did you know you can hear your full monthly Tarotscope here? Get your month started right with a free .
CARD OF THE WEEK: [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What if everything you did came back to you? How would you [/inlinetweet]change what you do, say, think? This week is a really good week to consider the energy you put out into the world. It is reflecting back to you. Are you working to change for the good or are you working in a different energy channel? There are so many to choose from. The Universe urges us to choose well this week. What we put out, comes back. Seek joy, y’all. LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT From the Cosmic Deck of Initiation by Barbara DeLong (U.S. Games)
AQUARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]How much are you taking on this week? Can you [/inlinetweet]write yourself a note that just says “Delegating is a good thing”? Refocus your efforts on streamlining your life. Decluttering isn’t just for closets, darlings. Work to make your life easier. The leader who never rests is a poor leader. Allow yourself to step back so someone else can step up. It will make things so much calmer in your world. TEN OF AIR
PISCES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Who teaches whom? Open your heart up to all the [/inlinetweet]infinite possibilities of how you learn and how you teach. Set the best example for your self. Don’t worry about how others see you. It’s far more important to worry about how you see yourself. Your job isn’t to judge, critique, instruct anyone other than yourself. Live your best life. Navel gazing is highly recommended this week. TEACHER ARIES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]How can you best connect with your community? Feeling a little [/inlinetweet]bit outside of everything? This is a good week to explore your community connections. Even picking up the phone is a good thing. You may find yourself taking a short trip to see loved ones. This will be a good thing in the long run. Make sure you are focused on the ties that bind with love. EXPLORER OF EARTH Bonus: Check out the book by the model for the Explorer of Earth
TAURUS [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Who needs a helping hand? Remember that the secret to charity [/inlinetweet]is to receive as easily as you give. You lessen the gift when you feel guilty. Receive and send with the same amount of love. It will grow exponentially when you back your ego out of it. The giver is blessing themselves when they give to you. You do the same when you give. Allow the flow to grow. SIX OF EARTH
GEMINI [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What are your successes so far? Take time to write them [/inlinetweet]down. Revisit your goals. Celebrate the ones you’ve met. Reset your sights on those you still find important. The spiritual being who understands that yesterday’s goals may not be tomorrow’s desires–wins. You will go further remaining flexible while still focusing on your changing horizon. No one does it better than you, Gemini. NINE OF EARTH
CANCER [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What emotional needs are you ignoring? This isn’t about [/inlinetweet]someone else, compassionate Crab. This is about you and your needs. You fulfilling your own needs. You depending on your own heart to take care of you. You you you. It really is all about you this week. Take yourself out for dinner. Have a tea party with you. Make your needs the focal point of the week to have your best week. CHILD OF WATER
LEO [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #horoscope”]What needs to be examined? Time to pull out that old [/inlinetweet]science kit. Get a microscopic look into your own thoughts. Channel them into analytical lines of thought. This is your week to make all the lists you want. I know, right? YAY! Be childlike as you examine things. Break them down into bite-size chunks. Investigate every rabbit hole to your heart’s content. It’s an “in your head” week for you. CHILD OF AIR
VIRGO [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? [/inlinetweet]Great week to meditate on where you want to be in 2,5,10 years. Set down some achievable steps. What the heck. Write down some that seem as easy as walking on the moon without air. With your brain power, Virgo, you might just be the one to solve all the problems of the world. Dream big. See what your future guru self has to say. GUARDIAN OF AIR
LIBRA [inlinetweet prefix=”LIBRA” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Who sets your boundaries for you? If the answer [/inlinetweet]is anyone other than yourself, STOP. If you set up boundaries based on input from anyone other than your precious soul self, why? Who better than you to make decisions about your life? Who better than you to create the life you want to have. It’s okay to get input from loved ones, but don’t make decisions that make your stomach twist up into knots. Do the right thing for you. GUARDIAN OF EARTH
SCORPIO [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What’s tying you down? Why do you let [/inlinetweet]old fears and old voices dictate your beautiful existence? Time to rise up. Cast off those chains of guilt, doubt, fear. Step away from being told how to love, who to love, what to love. Make your break for spiritual freedom by letting go of outdated desires. You love the world hard. Don’t stay trapped by the demon of regret. Live, darlings. BINDWEED
SAGITTARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”SAGITTARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What do you want to learn this week? Curiosity[/inlinetweet] is your super power, Archers. Find a new craft. Rekindle an old one. Dive into projects that encourage your creative child to play. Finger paint to your heart’s content. This is a week to splash color all over your world. Make something fun. Let that child out and stop holding yourself back from doing fun things. PLAY. CHILD OF FIRE
CAPRICORN [inlinetweet prefix=”CAPRICORN” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #horoscope”]What makes you feel strong? Don’t worry about [/inlinetweet]what is SUPPOSED to make you feel strong. Explore what actually makes you feel strong. Is it your ability to dive into deep wells to help others out? Is it your innate knowledge of who can help whom? Maybe it’s your compassionate inner warrior who fights battles for those who can’t. This is your week to be strong, Cappies. STRENGTH
Remember to seek joy, y’all. Pass it on! I want to hear from you if you are ready to kick the negativity habit in the tender bits. Let’s get started today to create a plan for you that takes you from feeling alone to feeling alive.
Card of the Week is from the Cosmic Deck of Initiation by Barbara DeLong (U.S. Games)
Weekly Tarotscopes feature the Gaian Tarot by Joanna P. Colbert (self-published)
Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. My goal is to help you find your joy and hang on to it. You can transform your existence by bringing joy back in on a regular basis. I’m here to be your joy guide.
[Tweet “Got my weekly serving of my Tarotscopes by @Tarotscopes. What did yours say?”]
Did you know I can help you find joy in fifteen minutes? I’m ready to help. Let’s get started.
Here’s a book that’s really been helping me be more mindful. I recommend it if you are looking for something that will give you bite-sized, practical steps on how to build a habit of mindfulness into your daily life.
Did you know you can hear your full monthly Tarotscope here? Get your month started right with an .
CARD OF THE WEEK: [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]The Redwood Deva brings us this week’s overarching message of learning [/inlinetweet]to see the obvious. This is our invitation to “enter the silence and listen”. Such an odd concept, yes? Move into silence and listen, but to what? We tend to lead such noisy, busy lives that we miss the messages available when we sit in the quiet. So this week, carve out some time to sit in silence. I know, it may be hard to find that stillness, but even in a non-stop, gogogo world, we can find it if we look hard enough. Find the silence. Listen to the quiet. REDWOOD DEVA
AQUARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]If you knew you could, what would you do? Your question comes to us from [/inlinetweet]the heart surfer, the Explorer of Water. Cowabunga, dude. When you follow your heart fearlessly, amazing things will surface. This can also be about time on the water so it’s a good thing if you can get out to enjoy your local bodies of water. Remember to throw your heart over the fence, then let the rest of you follow it. Good things coming your way. EXPLORER OF WATER
PISCES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Where are you going? Are you able to just take off to explore your own [/inlinetweet]inner landscape? The Seven of Air challenges your thinking in a good way. You are being asked to look at the world through a clear marble. See how else you can achieve the goals you have. You may have over-planned your journey. If you don’t leave room for error and for change, you may miss the entire reason for the trip. Ease up on that critical self-thinking, sweetheart. SEVEN OF AIR
Gaian Tarot
ARIES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What is ready to harvest? What projects do you need to give more time? Once you [/inlinetweet] can answer those two questions, you can eliminate some of the dithering going on. It’s good to be compassionate, but overwatering is just as bad as underwatering. You must determine where in your life you are being too cautious in the name of caring. It may be time for tough love. Only when you yank the weeds, can the other plants grow. Don’t kill everything in your garden because you are afraid to boot some weeds to the curb. GUARDIAN OF EARTH
TAURUS [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Are you ready to win? Ready to celebrate that victory? Good news, this week may [/inlinetweet]be the time. When you put your self into your work, you will win. Stop worry about what others are doing or not doing. You can’t control them. They are not in your hula hoop. So stop being so crazy about them. You waste your time and energy on worthless people and causes. Focus on what you know, what you do, what you control. Get back in your own hula hoop, bulls. This week will bring you the victory you hope for if you can just let go of the need to control others. SIX OF FIRE
GEMINI [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]If you could buy one thing for yourself, what would it be? This is a good week to be [/inlinetweet]a little self-indulgent, Gemini. Don’t get caught up in the “if I do this for you, what will you do for me” cycle, though. That ties strings from you to them and back again that are not healthy. This isn’t quid pro quo time. It’s quid pro YOU time. It doesn’t have to be a Lexus, but maybe that book you’ve been wanting? I’m just saying that you might want to give into that desire so you don’t binge out. You know…a little goes a long way. SIX OF EARTH
CANCER [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What friends are you missing right now? How about being the one who reaches out to [/inlinetweet]reconnect. Some ties can stretch across oceans but you still need to hold your hand out to them. Just make those connections know how much they mean to you. Nostalgic talks over coffee or the phone are going to be your bread and butter this week. Good times with good friends are a done deal as long as you reach out to let them know how much they still mean to you. SIX OF WATER
Gaian Tarot
LEO [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #horoscope”]Who’s the party animal now? Time for you to show off your socializing skills. Make those [/inlinetweet]naysayers shut up by showing them how to throw a real shindig. The three otters in this card show you going to parties, throwing parties, heck, just being the party wherever you are. There are those in your world who think you might do better being quiet, being small, but that’s not your forte`, is it? You are the leader of the pack this week so get out there and shake your tail feathers. Show them what it means to be a Leo. THREE OF WATER
VIRGO [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What is holding you back? Or more accurately, who? This week’s card tells me the culprit is [/inlinetweet]you. You are allowing things to tie you in place. You have a need, an itch, a desire to do something, but all the little birds in your life who are telling you do this, do that are making it hard for you to hear your own wisdom. Review the card of the week to learn your lesson about silence. And stop making your life about acquiring things. Remember to connct with the people in your life or they may feel you don’t want to connect with them. BINDWEED
LIBRA [inlinetweet prefix=”LIBRA” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Are you skimming your own emotional surface? How scary is it to just [/inlinetweet]dive in? To submerge yourself in the emotional connections that bind you to others? You are being challenged, Libra. Challenged to dive into to meet your compassionate self. To hug your inner wise one. This is a week where you will do best when you forge deeper connections with those already in your life. Time to tell them a few secrets. They may have a few of their own. If you can show them how to live compassionately, you will be giving them the best gift of all. GUARDIAN OF WATER
SCORPIO [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What is your heart’s desire? If you could just open your arms, sing your dream, what would [/inlinetweet]that look like? Take a minute. Get quiet with yourself. Ask your Higher Power what dream can come true. Then make it happen. Do whatever it takes to create that reality for yourself. Heart’s desire is a big, big thing so make sure you are open to the inevitability of getting what you want this week. You lead a charmed life for the next seven days. Make the most of it, Scorpions. Don’t waste this energy NINE OF WATER
SAGITTARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”SAGITTARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What must you accomplish this week? I’ll bet your to-do list is longer than [/inlinetweet]a well-fed anaconda. Just remember that you are an excellent multitasker and a terrific delegator. Your delegation skills will help you more than you think when you bring others of a like mind in on one of your bigger schemes. You just have to show them where the fire is and hand them the hammers. Together you will forge something that will last. This is about you leading others towards a single purpose. Use that fire. SEVEN OF FIRE
CAPRICORN [inlinetweet prefix=”CAPRICORN” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #horoscope”]How will you find your sacred space? Are you prepared to throw down [/inlinetweet]the boundaries this week? You need to focus on home and hearth because there may be someone knocking at your doors who doesn’t understand no. Plant your self. Let them understand where your lines are. Don’t allow them to cross those lines without full knowledge of what you need and want. Your space is sacred. Don’t let just any damn fool in, please. And celebrate your family this week. They are where you are safest. FOUR OF FIRE
Remember to seek joy, y’all. Pass it on! I want to hear from you if you are ready to kick the negativity habit in the tender bits. Let’s get started today to create a plan for you that takes you from feeling alone to feeling alive. Check out what others have to say about working with me.
Regardless of the topic, everything that she covered was a confirmation of the direction that I was already being led, even in areas that I have never discussed with anyone, including Arwen. For those who may think it’s easy to make up an answer to a question asked, please know that I did not verbally ask my questions to Arwen. I held them in my mind, and each time the insight was on point.
Thanks for joining me for the July 2015 Tarotscopes podcast. We had an interesting group of cards show up. The two links I mention in the podcast are my and my eCourse.
[inlinetweet prefix=”#Horoscopes” tweeter=”tarotscopes” suffix=”#tarot”]Check out the July 2015 Tarotscopes free podcast.[/inlinetweet] Click to tweet.
Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. My goal is to help you find your joy and hang on to it. You can transform your existence by bringing joy back in on a regular basis. I’m here to be your joy guide.
[Tweet “Stop by to see what your horoscope for the week says. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.”]
Ready to get back on track to your joy-filled life? Want to ditch the negativity that’s been seeping in? Got fifteen minutes? Not sure? See what others are saying. “For those who may think it’s easy to make up an answer to a question asked, please know that I did not verbally ask my questions to Arwen.”
You know I love books, right? Here’s one that blew me away. Rachel Pollack takes personal experience then combines it with her years of Tarot knowledge to apply practical magic to every card in the deck. Honestly, this is one of my keepers in my Tarot collection. See for yourself.
Did you know you can hear your full monthly Tarotscope here? Check out June . July will be up on the first. Subscribe to my newsletter to be reminded. Get a free book too.
CARD OF THE WEEK: [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What will you choose this week? Our card for the week is the [/inlinetweet]Two of Spirals. Here a wren has two nests to choose from. The choice is not clear as both look identical from the top. But if our little feathered friend will just looks a bit closer, he or she will see that one next doesn’t have the support the other does. It makes me realize that sometimes I choose based on “what the hell” rather than actually giving both options my undivided attention. Choose wisely this week, darlings. Seek joy, y’all.
AQUARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]How foolish are you? How much do you dare to show when you feel [/inlinetweet]insecure but know you must move forward? I have a friend who showed up in shorts at a party. She had AMAZING legs but said she never wore shorts. She was surprised, I think, at the support she got from all of us. She felt foolish but wanted to show off a new tattoo. What can you do this week that makes you feel just a bit vulnerable but could gain you amazing rewards? Put yourself out there, Aquarians. Take the risk to reap the gains. It will be worth it. MERLIN THE HERO (FOOL)
PISCES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Can you truly let go of what needs to be relinquished? How tight do you[/inlinetweet] hold on to things that just don’t work for you any more? And people? What and who must be let go of now so that you can make that necessary transition? You are being offered a thread to follow into your own labyrinthine soul. Follow it where it leads. This journey must be made if you are going to ever move up to the next level. You do want to move up, right? ARIADNE DEATH
Chrysalis Tarot
ARIES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Where must you wander? What roads call you the most? This is a [/inlinetweet]great time for you to sing your own songs. Choose your truths and let them be the stones in your mouth that prevent you from lying to yourself. You are being called to rule with compassion. Reward those who are loyal to you. Eschew those who aren’t. By standing up for what you know to be right, you will make that name for yourself. You remember, right? That acknowledgement from your community of your own amazing success? THE MINISTREL KING OF STONES
TAURUS [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Have you heard that clarion call? The one that says to stand up [/inlinetweet]for your self? That says you won’t be recognized unless you firmly, gently, relentlessly put yourself forward? That’s not easy at the best of times for you Bulls, but it’s got to be at the top of your weekly to-do list. I’d recommend putting it in at number 3, 5, 7 and 9 too. Just don’t back down easily. You don’t have to make it a battle royale, but you do have to let them know you won’t budge on this. SEVEN OF SPIRALS
GEMINI [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What needs balancing in your world? Your card this week insists [/inlinetweet]that you seek, find and own your own sense of justice. Things aren’t balancing out so you must create equality in your life. Ma’at is the Goddess of the scales. Don’t put all your weight on one side. Walk that middle tightrope. Scary? Sure, but it’s the best path for you this week. Justice will prevail as long as you stay centered. MA’AT JUSTICE
CANCER [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]So you are being asked about the concept of sacrifice, Crabs. what [/inlinetweet]does that word mean to you? To me it is about what I must give up in order to get what I want. Here we see a sword piercing five scrolls. Does this mean none of them were the right choice? Or were they all possible right but another was chosen and these set aside? Examine your current situation. Ask yourself what you really want out of life. Then ask yourself what you must sacrifice in order to achieve that particular goal. FIVE OF SCROLLS
Chrysalis Tarot
LEO [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #horoscope”]What must you let out, Leos? What is filling you up so much that you are [/inlinetweet]nearly drowning in? This emotional response needs to be releases do you can begin to heal that area. Look in your mirror. Look into your own eyes. Forgive yourself first. The key word for you this week is emote. Let your emotions free. You can do it in the safety of your own home but make a date with the person in the mirror. Feelings must be let out. ACE OF MIRRORS
VIRGO [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Who isn’t giving you what you need? Look to your family and friends. Ask [/inlinetweet]yourself if you give as much as they give and vice versa. Don’t let excuses stand betwee you and them. Open up. Tell them what you need. Explore how to rebuild those relationships. Give yourself permission to gently release those who aren’t holding up their end of the friendship bargain. Make gates more than fences. NINE OF STONES
Chrysalis Tarot
LIBRA [inlinetweet prefix=”LIBRA” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]How kind are you to yourself? That’s the biggest [/inlinetweet]question for you right now. If you speak of yourself and to yourself in demeaning ways, I would ask you why? Do you think it builds yourself up to tear you down? You are so compassionate with others, Libra. Turn that kindness on yourself. Make yourself as important as you make others. Build yourself up. Then you are even stronger when you take on the immense task of helping the world. THREE OF MIRRORS
SCORPIO [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What are you going to create this week? If you had [/inlinetweet]infinite resources, what is the first thing you would start? Why are you letting anything hold you back from that? Your gift to the world is intensity. You have a passion that can not, and should not, be dimmed. Stop holding yourself back. Live like there is no tomorrow. Throw yourself into your creative passions. Show the world your beauty and strength. Create for those who can’t or won’t. Burn it up, Scorpio. THE ARTISTE QUEEN OF STONES
SAGITTARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”SAGITTARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Why do you let rejection hurt so much? Aren’t you [/inlinetweet]aware that it is their loss, not yours? Pick your head up. Shake yourself off. Turn away from the attachment to the past. You can’t move forward if you’ve tied a rock to your own tail. Cut that burden. Let go of that ridiculous need to wallow in self-pity. You are so much greater than that loss. You are worth so much more than that. Live. THREE OF SCROLLS
Chrysalis Tarot
CAPRICORN [inlinetweet prefix=”CAPRICORN” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #horoscope”]What do you need in order to make your life come true? It looks like [/inlinetweet]what you really need this week is some time to yourself. Immerse yourself in your natural world. Blend in to the trees and bushes. Hide your soul in water. Taking time for your own peace of mind will bring you some amazing results this week. Your project will all be the better for it. Release your need to do for others. Do for you this week. THREE OF SPIRALS
Remember to seek joy, y’all. Pass it on! I want to hear from you if you are ready to kick the negativity habit in the tender bits. Let’s get started today to create a plan for you that takes you from feeling alone to feeling alive.
Chrysalis Tarot 2015 COVR Best in Tarot Winner, U.S. Games Systems
Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. My goal is to help you find your joy and hang on to it. You can transform your existence by bringing joy back in on a regular basis. I’m here to be your joy guide.
[Tweet “#Seekjoy, y’all! Read your weekly Tarotscopes. Check out some decks Arwen recommends. Thanks for retweeting.”]
I had so much fun yesterday at the Yellow Rose RWA chapter meeting. They invited me to come speak to them about using Tarot for writing. I was blown away by the creative approaches they took with this tool for their writing. We had NYT bestselling authors there as well as pre-published. Everyone came away with new insights on their characters and stories. I wanted to share with you some of the decks we used (and discussed).
One of the things I love to do is read the Hero’s Journey for characters. Cai and I do it a lot for our books. We are in the process of re-releasing some we have gotten rights back to. First though, we want to go through them to see where we can beef things up a bit. If you have a book in progress or in your heart, I’d love to work with you too!
Did you know you can hear your full monthly Tarotscopes here? We are mid-way through June. Listen to your here.
CARD OF THE WEEK: [inlinetweet prefix=”CARD OF THE WEEK” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]We get a lovely message for this week, y’all. Set your goals high because [/inlinetweet]the Star is guiding the way. All you need to do is believe in your self as you reach for the heavens. So many gifts await this week. Make sure you are staying open to the positive possibilities of life. THE STAR
Fantastical Creatures Tarot
AQUARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”AQUARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What would you do if you knew you were being blessed by the Universe? If you knew, without [/inlinetweet]a doubt that the thing you want most right now was already yours? The Wheel of Fortune is spinning, Aquarius. It’s spinning for you. The catch, and there’s always a catch, is that you must stretch out for what you want. This is not time to hunker down in your comfort zone. Tap your inner strength. Screw on your courage. Turn up your faith. Then step out into the scary zone to get that prize. WHEEL OF FORTUNE
PISCES [inlinetweet prefix=”PISCES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What is the one thing you must do to keep passion red-hot in your world? [/inlinetweet] This week you must do that thing that lights you up, sets you on fire, turns you on. Get ready to blaze a little, Fishies. Expect tools to be delivered and problems solved when you step into your “get ‘er done” self. Sometimes hard to rev the fish up, but when you do, it’s more like Jaws than Flipper. People may be surprised by your fiery activity but that’s okay. This isn’t about them. It’s about your passion. PAGE OF WANDS
ARIES [inlinetweet prefix=”ARIES” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What happens when what you want comes but it isn’t what you [/inlinetweet]really wanted? So your sign got 2 cards this week. Unusual, but let’s just say that the big event you are waiting on may not bring the expected results. Looks like you’ve been working towards one thing but the Universe may yank that out from under you to deliver something else. Don’t worry too much. The rewards may not be what you were hoping for, but the opportunity for growth will be huge. Hang in there this week. And definitely keep working towards the future no matter which rugs get yanked! THREE OF WANDS and THE TOWER
TAURUS [inlinetweet prefix=”TAURUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Are you looking for some heart time? Partnership is [/inlinetweet]emphasized this week. Good times with people you love are happening. You get to bask in adoration. And you deserve it. Seek the wilder things in life this week if you want to jazz up your romantic life. Even single Bulls can do something that connects them with others. Don’t be shocked when someone unexpected tells you they have a little crush on you. Up to you if you want that crush to grow or not. The ball is definitely in your court this week, Taurus. THE LOVERS
GEMINI [inlinetweet prefix=”GEMINI” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Who teaches you the most about compassion? This week look for [/inlinetweet]lessons in how to love more while remaining true to yourself. Too often we try to morph into what someone else wants. This week you will need to be strong. Stay true to yourself, Twin. Diving deeper into yourself is recommended. Something tells me that the person who needs the most compassion in your life is that face you see in the mirror. Seek out where you are not being kind to yourself. We all do better with honey over vinegar. QUEEN OF CUPS
CANCER [inlinetweet prefix=”CANCER” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What must you lose this week? Looks like it’s more about [/inlinetweet]emotional connections than anything else. Ask yourself who isn’t upholding their end of the relationship. Cut ties where you need to and shore up the ones where you are dropping that connecting ball. Please be gentle in all that you do. Now isn’t the week for the crabby Crab to attack. Put those pincers away, dears. Just take some quiet time to do some emotional exploration in your current relationships. You aren’t in this world to carry the world on your back. Promise. FIVE OF CUPS
LEO [inlinetweet prefix=”LEO” tweeter=”@Tarotscopes” suffix=”..more #horoscope”]Who is really on your side? Take care when you interact with others. Some may be [/inlinetweet]looking to make you a victim. Too bad we all know you are a survivor regardless of what life throws your way. Get tough. Get flexible. Move away from those who would stab you in the back. Dance on a different floor. Their opinions of you don’t matter. Make this week about your strong, gorgeous self. Show the world what it looks like to walk away from conflict and idiocy. Please do not engage this week. The mass destruction of self won’t be worth it. TEN OF SWORDS
Fantastical Creatures Tarot
VIRGO [inlinetweet prefix=”VIRGO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What do you really want the most in your current emotional relationship? Do you [/inlinetweet]have the courage to look them in the eye and tell them? Your needs seem to be getting overlooked a bit, Virgo. Typically that’s because you are always putting others first. Pick one of your dreams. Make that your priority this week. Your partners and friends will understand. Your quiet strength will get you through anything that comes this week. But your dream? Yeah, let’s make that a number one on your to-do list, okay? SEVEN OF CUPS
LIBRA [inlinetweet prefix=”LIBRA” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What are you trying to decide? This is going to be a week of [/inlinetweet]choices. Remind yourself that each choice you make isn’t about what you let go. It’s about what you choose. Make your choices strong and bold this week. If it’s the wrong choice, it isn’t the end of the world. You’ve got a lot going on right now so it’s time to prioritize your actions. Stop wasting time, please. When you don’t take action, you do more than just nothing. You stagnate your own growth. Nobody wants that, right? CHOOSE! TWO OF WANDS
SCORPIO [inlinetweet prefix=”SCORPIO” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]Who brings you joy? Good week to reach out to [/inlinetweet]them to incorporate more happy in your life. Are you really going to go through another week without seeking joy for yourself? Time to loosen up just a bit, please. You’ve been uber focused on something (and it’s good that you are). But this week calls you to indulge in some me-time with a special someone. Even single Scorpios can find a good friend to let their hair down with. Just loosen your tie. Take off that girdle of responsibility. Play a bit, please. You’ll be all the better for it. TWO OF CUPS
SAGITTARIUS [inlinetweet prefix=”SAGITTARIUS” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”…more #horoscope”]What would you do if you knew you were going to succeed? If an angel whispered [/inlinetweet]in your ear that they had your back? Success is your theme this week, Archer. Let your warrior heart guide your decisions. Battles lost are only stepping stones to bigger wins. Remember that. Write that down. All the no’s you hear are preparing you for a better yes. The marathon runner doesn’t win by quitting at mile 25, right? Keep on keeping on. Your card this week says victory comes to the last one standing. Let it be you. SIX OF WANDS
CAPRICORN [inlinetweet prefix=”CAPRICORN” tweeter=”@tarotscopes” suffix=”… more #horoscope”]If money weren’t an issue, where would you go? What would[/inlinetweet] you do? Whose life would you change? That’s a series of questions you want to explore this week. And stop being so jealous of resources, please. You are over-focused on what others have. Your personal hoard won’t grow if you are always up in other people’s lives. Your treasures are the ones you have. Stop desiring what others have. Stolen treasure hurts, but it’s not worth it to let that be your worry. Seriously, let it go and focus on what you have. Grow that. FOUR OF COINS
Remember to seek joy, y’all. Pass it on! I want to hear from you if you are ready to kick the negativity habit in the tender bits. Let’s get started today to create a plan for you that takes you from feeling alone to feeling alive. I’m only an email away.