TarotBlogHop: Yule 2018


Happy Holidays, y’all. It’s time for the Tarot Blog Hop. This is an even that celebrates the Tarot community by asking bloggers to all post at the same time on the same subject. I liken it to Brigadoon–springing up fully realized every six weeks.

For this episode of TBH, our wrangler has asked us to explore the concept of cozy. Cozy is such a lovely word, isn’t it? I thought I might share a recipe with you, but my coziest recipe is tea and toast. Right? Who needs a recipe for tea and toast. My others are mac-and-cheese and tuna. I know, tuna, right? Who has tuna for a comfort food? Me, I guess.

Right now, cozy is a word that is not finding a home in my daily vocabulary. I’ve been up to my earballs (that’s a joke in my family) in alligators that looked a lot like back-to-back issues of The Cartomancer. I got behind on Fall so Winter was right on the heels of it. I mean I got the Fall issue in the mail on 12/14, then picked up the Winter issue on 12/20. Guess what I’ll be doing while you are blithely hopping away? HA!

So back to cozy. Cozy for me is wrapping up in a quilt. Then snuggling into my pillows while burying my nose in a really good book. Lately, my reading has been nearly all done on Audible. I’m currently loving re-listening to the Bloody Jack series. It’s about a young girl named Mary Faber who goes on all sorts of madcap adventures. It’s not horror despite the name. Just a fun read.

But that’s cozy to me. Reading while wrapped in a blanket. Or, as I did as a girl, reading while up a tree. True story! There was a gorgeous live oak in my front yard. It had a perfect place to lean back for a reading nook. My mother used to pitch acorns at me to get my attention.

Four of Swords from the Whimsical Tarot
Whimsical Tarot (can I be the Princess at the top?)

So, to make a long post longer, cozy is that feeling of blissful quiet. That precious instance of time when I can sit in absolute stillness with no noise other than nature. The card that brings to mind is the Four of Swords. It is my meditation card, my “quiet times are necessary” card, my “tell the world to shut up” card.

What about you? What is your idea of cozy? Happy Yule, y’all. Merry Christmas. Joyous Solstice. Happy Hanukkah. Celebrate Kwanzaa. However you do it, make your winter/summer solstice cozy.


5 thoughts on “TarotBlogHop: Yule 2018”

  1. Reading up on a tree! I love climbing trees, reading a book while sitting on a branch would be awesome!

    I hope this issue will be a lot less problematic! You need a rest after what happened to Fall! :O

  2. Ah, the Four of Swords! A great cozy choice, depending on the deck. The traditional RWS image is not quite so cozy as the Whimsical (I love the Whimsical!), but many decks do portray this card in a comforting way.

    I wish you well finding a refuge like the tree from your childhood. That Cartomancer is an awesome magazine, but I can see that a ton of work goes into each issue. Thanks so much for keeping it going!

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