Tarotscopes for March 30-April 5, 2014

Welcome to this week’s Tarotscopes. What’s up for your sign for the week of March 30-April 5, 2014?

If you are reading this on Sunday, I’m running a contest. One person will get a free 3card/1question reading by email. It’s a Twitter contest so you will need an account. ๐Ÿ˜€ Contest ends at midnight PST (so 3am Eastern).

[Tweet “I read my @tarotscopes this week. I might win a reading. #tarot #contest”]

Dark Goddess Tarot
Dark Goddess Tarot
  • AQUARIUS HAG OF EARTH Watch over your own world. Be present in your own home. Take care of your own cares. Rule your immediate self first.
  • PISCES DESCTRUCTION May have to tear down some preconceived notions about self. Deconstruct what is to rebuild what you would be. Work hard.
  • ARIES FIVE OF AIR So many ideas. So many people wanting bits of you. Time to tie your hair back. Choose what YOU want to do then do that.
  • TAURUS TEN OF WATER Consider all those emotionally attached to you and you to them. How can you foster deeper connections? Good time for that.
  • GEMINI ACE OF AIR By focusing on what you WILL have, you can have it. No time to be indecisive. Intentions set now must be followed through.
  • CANCER WITCH OF WATER Past, present, future all connected by heart. Reach back to resolve. Look forward to hope. Nurture your own first.
  • LEO STRENGTH Yes, you can. Remind them that your mind is a fearsome thing when set. Choose to support those who support you. Will makes it happen.
  • VIRGO SEVEN OF AIR Sometimes you must take what you can. Solve problems with your mind rather than brute force. Puzzles abound. Solve them.
  • LIBRA FOUR OF EARTH Money can be a riddle. Riches to be attained but makes lists first. Know the answers before they ask the questions.
  • SCORPIO MAGICIAN As you will it, so it happens. Putting your tools to work creates a surprisingly prosperous week. Open to what you can do.
  • SAGITTARIUS HIEROPHANT Rules exists to be followed as long as they make sense. If you must bend them, do so cautiously. Many watch this week.
  • CAPRICORN TEN OF AIR The whip you use on yourself is harsh. Be gentle with you, please. Stop making yourself the enemy if you want to win.

I’ve got ten slots open this week for email readings. So if you’ve got a burning question, email me. If you are one of the first ten, I’ll contact you with how to pay. It’s $25 for a three card reading.

And please do set a reminder for 10pm Eastern, 3/31 (that’s tomorrow) to join me on You Never Know with Arwen as I chat with Bitten By Books founder and owner, Rachel Smith. Juicy insider secrets may be leaked! Rumors could be started. You never know.

Today’s deck is the Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince

Radavie, Shadows + Magic

An older man–don’t remember his name–explained a bit of what he was going to do. In my head my skepticism was very high. Dive into an animal’s soul? Retrieve fractured bits? Heal the animal if possible?

Fool, Paulina Tarot
Paulina Tarot

Today’s card is a reminder to never lose hope in magic. That we should always be open to new and different things. The world is a complicated place. I don’t think we can know all there is to know, do you? And that’s part of the FUN of being alive.

In my years on this earth this time, I’ve learned that sometimes we lose pieces of ourselves. There are many ways to regain those pieces. One of those ways is a Shamanic process I know of as “shadow retrieval.”

I was once a part of a small circle where this was done–this shadow retrieval. It wasn’t done on a human. It was done for a cat. I had known the family for a few years. This cat was a foundling. She never, and I mean never, came out if there were strangers in her house. Even people like myself and my partner were not trusted. The only people she trusted were her two humans.

An older man–don’t remember his name–explained a bit of what he was going to do. In my head my skepticism was very high. Dive into an animal’s soul? Retrieve fractured bits? Heal the animal if possible?


Well, y’all, let me tell you. I suspended my disbelief and joined the circle. We drummed very softly as this man (he was just a little man and about 60 maybe?) went into a trance. It was 30 maybe 45 minutes later when he let us know we could stop.

As he told us what he’d seen of her early times, that cat came out. Hand to the Gods, that never-seen feline wander out. She rubbed up against her humans first, then each of us in the circle.

[Tweet “I was blown away. BLOWN. AWAY. It was magic, real and true.”]

Tonight, I am chatting with a facilitator of Shamanic Healing. Her name is Radavie. You can explore her Facebook page (and I hope you like that page as well.) You can also learn more about her at her website.

The show is You Never Know with Arwen and is tonight at 10pm Eastern time. Set your reminders now. You don’t want to miss this!

Fool, Paulina Tarot, U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Anxiety+Fragile Times+Thriving

But I have learned to acknowledge the tears, ride them out to the other side.

10 of Swords from the Crystal Visions TarotToday’s card is a reminder that what we think can hurt. I chose this card because The Tarot Lady pulled it for today’s #AMTarot. It’s a hard card to face for many. In some ways it is worse than the Tower card because it’s a result of our thinking down the wrong paths.

The Nine of Swords is the card of anxieties and nightmares. The Ten follows that as a tribute to what can happen when you fall to far into the anxieties. It is what happens when we let our own thoughts defeat us.

Right now is a fragile time for many of us. It’s a hard one for me because I tend to remember Mama more. Even though she’s been gone 11.5 years, I can still hear her voice, see her smile, smell her perfume in my mind. That usually comforts me. Sometimes it brings in grief hard slicing through me like a katana blade.

[Tweet “But I have learned to acknowledge the tears, ride them out to the other side.”]

Because this is a fragile time for many of us, I’ve asked Susan Franklin of Groundwater Wellness, LLC to join me on You Never Know to talk about Thriving The Holidays.

Susan is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, an Intuitive Psychotherapist, Reiki Master, and Certified Grief Intuitive Coach. Yeah, she’s not my mama’s counselor. I hope you will set yourself a reminder right now to join us Monday 12/9 at 10pm Eastern (7pm Pacific, 8pm Mountain, 9pm Central, 4pm New Zealand) as she helps us learn how to THRIVE.

Don’t forget to check out the 2014 Biz+Life planner/workbook. and hit me up for your free 3 card reading via email.

10 of Swords, Crystal Visions Tarot, U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

Rock ‘n Roll + Gift Certificates

By letting your monkey mind have noise, your higher self can focus in on getting the messages out to you.

RockRollOracle_ListenToTheMusicDriftAwayToday’s card reminds me of last night’s show with the Rock ‘n’ Roll Oracle himself, David Rosenhaus. You can catch the archives here.

This card tells us to Listen To The Music. Letting yourself drift away on the sounds can free your mind up to do the hard work. By letting your monkey mind have noise, your higher self can focus in on getting the messages out to you.

What messages do you need to get out? What are you not listening to because you are on the wrong frequency? ๐Ÿ˜€

I know for me that writing is how I find out what I’m not listening to. These daily posts are a part of that work…that listening. That’s why they are sometimes a bit rambling or even disjointed. It’s because the frequency gets changed.

What I thought I was going to say gets transformed into something else. ๐Ÿ˜€

Your journal prompt for today is, “What do I need to hear?”

Oh! Don’t miss out on this huge giveaway. Among the fabulous prizes you can win are gift certificates and my . Go on! You know you want to win something. Click here to learn how to enter. It’s free.

Banner for giveaway

125x125-animatedSpeaking of free, I’m giving away three card readings to anyone who purchases this .

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Enter the contest here. ๐Ÿ˜€

Cupid, Dreams + Vajayjays

Dreams are a funny thing. We all have them. We all chase them. What happens when you catch them?

DaliTarot_2CupsToday’s card is from yet another deck that I don’t own. I know. Shocker! But it’s hard to find and expensive when you do find it.

The Two of Cups from the Dali Tarot shows Cupid leaving Psyche’s bed–if I remember correctly. He’s the answer to her dreams. Or is he?

Dreams are a funny thing. We all have them. We all chase them. What happens when you catch them?

For me, I like dreams that are catchable, achievable. Dreams that are not going to be realized often annoy me. I do have “pie in the sky” dreams, but for the most part, I want realizable (is that even a word) dreams.

I love this quote by Marcia Wieder of DreamU. She says, “You can change your beliefs so they empower your dreams and desires. Create a strong belief in yourself and what you want.”

What do you want? What is your belief in yourself? You have the ability to change your beliefs so they empower you. What choices will you make today?

[Tweet “Journal prompt is just that. “What do you want?””]

We had a good time on last night’s You Never Know. You can see the archive here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1muFmYI2inU

Did she really say magical vajayjay?

Two of Cups, Dali Tarot

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

Tarotscopes, Mama + Dreams

Hey y’all! I’d love to hear from you in the comments. What are your goals this week? What about your dreams? What steps, big or small, will you take towards your goals and dreams? Let’s seek joy together, y’all.

Gaian_3Group002Hey y’all! I’d love to hear from you in the comments. What are your goals this week? What about your dreams? What steps, big or small, will you take towards your goals and dreams? Let’s seek joy together, y’all.

Mark your calendars for tomorrow Monday November 18. Not only would it be my beloved mother’s 70th birthday, but it is also time for my internet broadcast. Join me for a video chat with the amazing, award-winning author, Seressia Glass. She will be giving away her Harlequin e-book trilogy. I might even do a few free readings if we have time. Go here to keep up with this and other upcoming shows.

Tarotscopes for November 17-23, 2013

  • AQUARIUS EIGHT OF AIR More listening. Less sharing. Find out what they want and need to succeed. Make it about them this week. Seek counsel.
  • PISCES HERMIT Study more. Learn the lessons before you teach them. Nature holds the truths you seek. Less others. More you. Tea for one is best.
  • ARIES ACE OF AIR Oh my beauty! Time to believe in you a bit harder. Open up to the wonder. Joy is on the way. Spread your wings to embrace it.
  • TAURUS CHILD OF FIRE Tempted? Not a bad week to indulge in some play. Seek the heat. Let your mind have some acrobatic time. It’s all good.
  • GEMINI ELDER OF EARTH You need to focus on the finish. Realize that it’s time to complete rather than start. Tie up ALL the loose ends first.
  • CANCER TWO OF FIRE Heat up the sheets, baby. Burn off a little energy showing someone else your moves. Time to open up spirit to connect deep and hard.
  • LEO TWO OF WATER Emotional depths need to be plumbed. Dive into that other person. Love them to learn about them. Learn about them…Yeah. That.
  • VIRGO CHILD OF WATER Explore emotions. Wade in a bit deeper to connect with friends more. Your heart needs feeding so indulge that need.
  • LIBRA GUARDIAN OF FIRE Allow your passion room. Guard what is precious. Indulge in spiritual connections. Listen to spirit this week, please.
  • SCORPIO FOUR OF WATER Okay to spend time focusing on emotional loss but don’t dwell, darling. Look up to see other offers. Reach out for hugs.
  • SAGITTARIUS THREE OF EARTH Your friends are key to your success this week. Involve to resolve. Get 2nd, 3rd opinions. Make this decision a committee one.
  • CAPRICORN BUILDER Details are key. Get focused. You’re in charge for a reason. Protect your boundaries but don’t hover, please. Love works.

And if you are a #NaNoWriMo participant, get a boost with my . This is a self-paced course so you don’t have to scramble to turn anything in. Here’s what one class taker said, “I’m enjoying the ecourse and I find that using the tarot is helping me think outside the box.” (JT)

What about you? Ready to add another tool to your writer’s toolbox?

[Tweet “Sharing this week’s Tarotscopes brings me joy. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!”]

Gaian Tarot, Joanna Powell Colbert

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!