This card reminds me of something my mama said to me. I was weeping and whining about something I wanted. Something I wanted but wasn’t here yet. I was stuck waiting for it. Mama, a true blue Scorpio, looked me in the eye. What she said to me then I’ve never forgotten.
“Get wet.”
“Sometimes if all you are doing is waiting for your ship to come in, you need to get wet.”
Well at that time in my life, that certainly wasn’t what I wanted to hear. No way. No how. Get wet? What the hell kind of advice was that?
Grin. My mother was not the most maternal thing in the world if you are looking for the June Cleaver/Carol Brady mom. Her method was to push you a little further than you thought you could go. Didn’t always work for me but she never failed to remind me that I was loved.
This Three of Wands (Witches Tarot 2012 from Llewellyn) shows a man watching over the harbor. He’s got three wands with him. The Ace of wands was the intent and the potential of his desire. The second wand that made the Two of Wands showed his bringing action to his desire. Now with the third wand in hand, he waits to see if what he worked for will flourish.
In writing, the first thing many of us hear once we say, “I submitted” is “what are you working on now?”
That’s a really important concept because as a writer, if you stop writing, you are not producing. And a non-producing writer is forgotten very easily. Most writers don’t want to be forgotten (insider secret into the mind of the professional writer.)
Really, none of us want to be forgotten, do we? So why not get wet? Why not jump in and swim out to see how things are going? If that’s not possible, try this.
Instead of spending your time waiting, spend it working/creating/doing. Make the next thing happen.
Time’s a’wasting.
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
3 of Wands,
Witches Tarot, Llewellyn Publishing 2012
Pick up a copy for yourself.