Tangles, Zen & Stick Figures

Today’s card is not a card. Before I start, can you do me a favor? I’m teaching a one hour webinar this weekend. I’d love it if you could let your friends know. It’s one of my Tarot for Writers series. I’ll be sharing some tips, tricks and spreads on how to use Tarot to create characters who stand out! Click here.

Okay, commercial time over! 😀 Now, you will notice that this card says “Seek Joy, Y’all” and has Arwen 8-2012. This might lead you to believe that I did it myself.

But those of you who know me are shaking your heads saying, “But that Arwen–she can write but her stick figures leave something to be desired–like, you know, looking like a stick figure!” GRIN!

It’s true. Visual art has never been my forte, but it’s always been my love. I get lost in art. It can make me cry, sing, happy, you name it…visual art moves me.

I saw this thing on line and thought it looked really cool. I sighed that I would NEVER be able to do that. I looked it up anyway.

Then I took a class because it pretty much promised me I could draw these things. Yeah right.

Um. Yeah. Right! The one you are seeing above is never going to win an art show. But it made me happy. Like dancing and singing happy. My co-worker is really tired of my “NOW LOOK” as I work on these.

Have you ever wanted to learn how to do something but let fear or self-criticism or old tapes hold you back? Now’s the time to move forward.


Go find a class. Go do it. And tell yourself it is good. Allow yourself to be your own mama/papa to your five year old “LOOK WHAT I MADE YOU” self.

Do it for you and no one else, darlings! I believe in you. And yes, you can “LOOK WHAT I MADE” at me if you like. I’ll love it. Promise.

Seek joy, y’all! Pass it on.

P.S. This is called a Zentangle and you can learn more about them at (surprisingly enough) http://www.zentangle.com/ 😀 I know…crazy, right? I bought this book yesterday and some of the patterns you see in this piece were from this book.