Hey y’all! Are you ready to start a new week of seeking joy? I want you to do something for yourself this week. Just a random nice thing for you. Maybe that means an extra five minutes in a hot tub. Perhaps it’s a new book you’ve been wanting. Or it could be something that just pops up!
I bought myself roses yesterday. Pretty pink roses that were five bucks at the grocery store. Then I put them in a white jug. The beauty was instant and easy. I looked at them in the store thinking, “I wish someone would buy me flowers.” Then I moved on to do my shopping. I went past the roses again and spent some time chatting with the florist about a really gorgeous bromeliad she had. It had pink and purple spiky flowers that were very striking. I didn’t buy myself roses. I went to get in line. But you know what?
I realized in that moment that five dollars wasn’t all that much in my budget. I realized that I really wanted those pretty pretty roses at my home. I went back to get the roses before I checked out. And grinned all the way home.

[Tweet “Here are your Tarotscopes for the week of 1/19-1/25. What does yours say?”]
P. to the S. I’m doing them on the blog now because I can do a more in-depth reading without being limited by 140 characters. 😀
- AQUARIUS THE HERMIT Look for joy by following your own light. Strike out on your own. Don’t worry that it might be “weird”. Hey! You are an Aquarius and weird is part of your astrological makeup. Seek knowledge for the sake of understanding. Ferret out why a clock works. Explore the essence of your left big toe. Don’t limit your seeking to what others say you “should” learn. Learn for your self. Indulge your encyclopedia reading habit this week.
- PISCES DEATH Time to make some changes. You can mourn or you can grow. Of course, you can do both, but I recommend focusing on growth. Death means changes in your world. Be strong enough to make the right choices for yourself. Don’t keep something or someone just because you’ve always had that energy in your life. What you let go of this week can bring you joy this year. Make it happen.
- ARIES PAGE OF CUPS Someone makes an overture of love this week. I suggest it be you to you. Write yourself a love letter. Buy yourself a cup of coffee. Open up communication with your self to repair bridges. The friend you need the very most may be the face in your mirror. Reach out to yourself to see what would be a good date night. Then do it. Don’t make excuses. Take yourself out.
- TAURUS THREE OF WANDS Things are beginning to pay off. You can expect that your passion will bring you rewards. It’s been a long wait, I think, but this week is the start of you getting what you deserve. Make sure you’ve been working for the right things or what you deserve may not be what you want. The ship that is about to come in was pre-loaded by you. Be careful. Cargo may have shifted during transport and some contents may have settled. Don’t skimp on what you deserve.
- GEMINI SEVEN OF COINS Growth happens. Make sure you are focused on the good growth. The more emphasis you put on the negative, the more you get. Same goes for the positive. Which will it be, my Gemini darlings? Do you need more negativity in your live? Or do you want to bring forth the good that you know you require? I checked your Universal balance. Looks like you are drawing more on the “what went wrong” rather than pulling out of the “Wow you’re amazing” accounts. Why?
- CANCER TEN OF WANDS Okay. So you’ve got a lot to do. You can handle it. The only thing I need to remind you of today (and tomorrow and the day after that…) is you have permission to say no. You have my authority to say, “Thank you, but my plate is full.” Clear the to-do list before you add to it if you want to make it through without pulling out your hair AND theirs. No is okay to say. I promise!
- LEO THE DEVIL So there’s some things you’ve been indulging in that aren’t the best for your precious lion heart. I need you to step away from the emotional excesses, the physical over-doings, the spiritual deprivations. Now pay attention. I’m not saying totally stop. I’m staying you need to be heedful of what you are doing that is simply avoiding the hard work. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you can pretend it isn’t there. will you let your indulgences destroy all your past hard work? I didn’t think so. Get going, Leo.
- VIRGO NINE OF COINS Nice week for you practical lovers. Wishes come true this week but you will have to put some effort forth for that. Expect to be noticed by someone in a position of power. They may offer you something that you think you don’t deserve. Put aside your humility. Shake their hand and thank them. Step into the place of recognition and be proud of what you have done.
- LIBRA THREE OF CUPS Happiness and joy are your coin this week. Spend them freely. Share your joy with others to refill your own cups. This is an unending cycle once you realize that you are the font of all that is good. Trust the Universe wants you to be happy and be happy. It really is as simple as that, darlings. This is your week to step into your professional Joy Seeker shoes.
- SCORPIO ACE OF CUPS Love letters can be trusted. Offers to make you the bombdiggity of someone else’s world are highly possible. Open your heart up to the beauty around you and within you. As you express your love for all, that is reflected back to you in ways you probably didn’t think were real. They are, my beautiful Scorpions, they are. You are a vessel overflowing with the beauty of the world. Let others share in that amazing joy.
- SAGITTARIUS TWO OF WANDS Well, sugar, it’s time to poop or get off the pot. Your time to make THAT decision is here. Your moment to choose a different path is right in front of you. The good news is it is time. The bad news is it is time. If you are feeling pressure to choose, blame the Universe if you must. Or look in the mirror at the person seeking perfection and missing true joy that is in the palm of their hands already.
- CAPRICORN FOUR OF SWORDS To make that project work, you need to set up some firm boundaries. Don’t rabbit trail this week. Stay on target. The more quiet time you can carve out, the better. You have something dangling just out of reach. Just for now, let it dangle while you focus on something more at hand. The key for you this week is time. Don’t accept social invitations. Nose to the grindstone and headphones on. You can do this.
Today’s deck was the Ukiyoe Tarot that has been rereleased by U.S. Games Systems Inc. It’s a graceful deck that uses the Japanese style of art known as “floating world”.
I would love to help you find your joy. I use Tarot as a vehicle to explore ways to solidify your joy seeking practices and to guide you towards decisions that will be best for your life.
Not sure? You can get a free three card reading for me if you buy this by 1/30/14. Any of the downloadable ones qualify and you can buy one as a gift. You can use the free reading or give it to whomever you give the workbook too. I recently did a guest post about this workbook here. I’d love to work with you.
Feel free to share this post however you like. 😀
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!