Sometimes I just have to sit back. I need to remember to enjoy the journey. When I don’t have a particular goal, destination, step in mind, I can learn so much just by simply being.
A year ago, maybe two, my then boyfriend (now husband) and I journeyed to Caps Rock Canyon in west Texas. We wandered. We roamed. We just ambled. He found bobcat tracks in one area. In another we watched birds swoop and soar on the winds.
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Today I envelop myself in joy. I take advantage of the happiness in the world. I release my need to wallow in sadness. I invoke my higher happier self. I give myself up to the Universal joy winds. Loved and loving, I love each of you. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
Caps Rock Canyon by Stephanie Arwen Lynch
Here’s a beautiful book on the canyons of Texas.
Feel free to share.
Seek joy, y’all.