Who Do You Need Most?

DAC81_4This card is a reminder that all I need is love. And that the Beatles have been haunting me this week. Stop that, you bad bad boys!

Here is the Two of Cups from the Thoth deck. Honestly, as much as this deck doesn’t appeal to me, this is a favorite depiction of this card. I find it soothing and just lovely to look at.

One of the things I’ve been trying to do lately is to love myself more. I don’t feel as if I do it enough or maybe it is that I am not regular about it. I need to do it daily. Do you?

I find that when I see myself as both cups, I do better. When I stop needing someone else to fill be up, I am a person I just like more. What about you?

It’s easy to fall into the trap of “If they need me, I must be worthy.”

What about you? Do you need you?

For your 180 second challenge today, do something for yourself for three minutes. Love you.

Two of Cups, Thoth Tarot, U.S. Games

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

INTERVIEW: M.M. Meleen & the Rosetta Tarot

Recently, at my Austin Tarot Meetup, I heard about a new Tarot deck called the Rosetta Tarot. When I read the opening page, this line really leapt out at me:

“Tarot can be considered a hieroglyphic, symbolic, and pictorial language so flexible as to be able to contain the known universe and all combinations of manifestations both earthly and spiritual, tangible and intangible.”

I decided I wanted to look further into this intriguing deck. Continue reading “INTERVIEW: M.M. Meleen & the Rosetta Tarot”

SPREAD: R.S.V.P. Spread

So, do you have any invitations that you need to investigate? Are you wasting your energy RSVPing for situations that would be better for everyone if you just said no? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I did a web course about professional business writing. There was a series of questions that really leant themselves to a Tarot spread. The questions were simple.

• What is the situation/problem?
• Why is this document needed?
• Who is going to read it?
• What do those readers need to know?
• What action does the writer want the reader to take?

So I translated them into a spread to do when you aren’t sure about becoming involved in a situation. This goes back to my current theme Continue reading “SPREAD: R.S.V.P. Spread”

REVIEW: Sun And Moon Tarot

This is a powerful deck in terms of the imagery. I must tell you that my first response was “DO NOT WANT”. Very visceral. Very childish. Very LOLCats. Part of it was, I think, that it triggered the Thoth deck without me realizing it. I had a similar initial reaction to the Thoth deck which was my very first deck actually. A dear friend gave me a copy of that deck. I did not mesh well with it. In fact, it’s a wonder that I ever read another Tarot card in my life–but I digress.

Sun and Moon Tarot
Vanessa Decort
US Games, Inc
ISBN: 1572816597

Young. Fresh. Childlike. Not words you might apply to a reinterpretation of the (in)famous Thoth Tarot Deck deck. The first thing I noticed was the color palette. Muted yellows, soft blues, burnt oranges, dark greens permeate this deck. If you look closely at the cards, you can see the canvas striations. At times it makes the cards looks as if they’ve been scratched.

Artist/Autor Decort unapologetically Continue reading “REVIEW: Sun And Moon Tarot”