Top Ten Reasons NOT To Get A Tarot Reading

My top 10 reasons NOT to get a #tarot reading include a short dude with a big knife.

Deviant Moon Ten of Swords
Deviant Moon

These are in no particular order. I thought it might be fun to do a top ten list. So here are my top ten reasons why you should not get a reading.

1. My doctor said I have “X”. I just wanted to get a second opinion.

Your Tarot consultant is not your medical professional unless they have a medical degree. Any Tarot professional who makes medical diagnoses without referring you to a doctor is, in my not so humble opinion, unethical.

Using divination alone to diagnose and treat illness is wrong. I actually will not do health readings. I will read the cards if a health issue comes up, but the question asked cannot be about health.

2. Does she/he love me?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the answer is in the question most of the time when you ask a yes or no question. This one tells me that you already aren’t sure so something is wrong somewhere.

Better to ask “What do I need to know about my current relationship?” That way you are going to get a more productive answer.

3. Is she/he having an affair?

First, see question two. Second, this question asks me to spy. I’m a Tarot consultant not a private investigator, y’all. 😀

4. Will I find a job?

Now, I am happy to do consultations on “what is the best job” or “where should I look for employment” but the yes/no of this question makes it one not to ask. Again, the question tells me that my seeker feels very insecure. That’s okay! We all feel insecure. But in this case, rephrasing the question helps.

5. Will they ask me to marry them?

This is a combination of two and three because it shows the questioner isn’t sure of their partner. Plus? It’s asking me to spy on someone again.

6. Will I die?

Yes. You will die. I will die. We will all die. It’s a fact of life. I won’t answer this one. And, yes, I’ve had people ask this.

7. Will my football team win?

This one is a throw-away question. I mean I could certainly answer it and charge you for it. However, we are talking about an event where so many others are involved. I believe we all have free choice. What the cards say today could be changed by one team member’s choice tomorrow.

8. Which lover should I choose?

Here’s one I’ve done a lot of readings on. Yet I list it on my list of questions not to ask. What the hell, Arwen?

It goes back to my feeling of free will. I get a bit anxious telling someone to dump person A for person B. What if B shapes up down the road? LOL the trials and tribulations of a Pisces Tarot consultant.

9. What advice does my dearly departed have for me?

This one feels invasive to me. Now don’t read me wrong here. I can and do read for the dead. All. The. Time. They show up unasked, uncalled, and sometimes unwanted when I read. I’ve had grandfathers waving butcher knives and people not even related to my querent show up. Inevitably there’s a message, but can you imagine how “entertaining” it is to ask someone, “So, do you know a short dude in an apron who might be mad at you? He’s waving a really big knife.”

Yeah. That. That last? That’s a true story about someone’s neglected grandfather who was a butcher.

10. What are the winning lottery numbers?

Darlings, if I knew that, I’d be doing readings from a beach on Fiji. When I felt like it. 😀

If you DO want a reading, you can book yourself here.

Today’s affirmation:

I am in control of my own life. I make the best possible choices for my future self. I accept that I am here and now in this moment. I trust in the Universe to lead me forward. I breathe in joy. I exhale doubt. I am the captain of my own fate. Loved and loving, I love each of you.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

By the way, do you have any good reasons NOT to get a reading that I left out? Let me know in the comments.

Ten of Swords, Deviant Moon Tarot, U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Anxiety+Fragile Times+Thriving

But I have learned to acknowledge the tears, ride them out to the other side.

10 of Swords from the Crystal Visions TarotToday’s card is a reminder that what we think can hurt. I chose this card because The Tarot Lady pulled it for today’s #AMTarot. It’s a hard card to face for many. In some ways it is worse than the Tower card because it’s a result of our thinking down the wrong paths.

The Nine of Swords is the card of anxieties and nightmares. The Ten follows that as a tribute to what can happen when you fall to far into the anxieties. It is what happens when we let our own thoughts defeat us.

Right now is a fragile time for many of us. It’s a hard one for me because I tend to remember Mama more. Even though she’s been gone 11.5 years, I can still hear her voice, see her smile, smell her perfume in my mind. That usually comforts me. Sometimes it brings in grief hard slicing through me like a katana blade.

[Tweet “But I have learned to acknowledge the tears, ride them out to the other side.”]

Because this is a fragile time for many of us, I’ve asked Susan Franklin of Groundwater Wellness, LLC to join me on You Never Know to talk about Thriving The Holidays.

Susan is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, an Intuitive Psychotherapist, Reiki Master, and Certified Grief Intuitive Coach. Yeah, she’s not my mama’s counselor. I hope you will set yourself a reminder right now to join us Monday 12/9 at 10pm Eastern (7pm Pacific, 8pm Mountain, 9pm Central, 4pm New Zealand) as she helps us learn how to THRIVE.

Don’t forget to check out the 2014 Biz+Life planner/workbook. and hit me up for your free 3 card reading via email.

10 of Swords, Crystal Visions Tarot, U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

Bitches With Whips

In the card’s background, there ten figures in various aspects of suffering. The Goddess wields her whip (an important tool for this particular Goddess in my fiction as well) as she moves forward. She pays no attention to the suffering around her. She’s moving on.

DarkGoddess_10SwordsToday’s card is from a brand-new deck that is making quite a stir in the Tarot world. And this random draw today made me smile even though the card’s message is not the most appealing.

You see, I’m writing a story that features one of the Erinye. That Erinye happens to be Destruction who is pictured here. The key words are very apropos to my story as well.

“Endure it or end it.”

How often have you found yourself in a situation where you are not content? Where it seems as if everything is conspiring against you?

What did you do?

Did you endure it complete with venting to friends so you didn’t blow your top?

Did you end it so you could get on with the job of being happy?

In the card’s background, there ten figures in various aspects of suffering. The Goddess wields her whip (an important tool for this particular Goddess in my fiction as well) as she moves forward. She pays no attention to the suffering around her. She’s moving on.

When you are in a craptastic situation, it can be very hard to get out. I know. I was in an abusive relationship for five years. Five long years where I had to move from thinking it was my fault to understanding that it was that person’s inability to process their own anger. I had allowed myself to be her emotional punching bag (and physical nearer the end). So I also had to deal with my own acceptance. In a way, it was similar to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’s five stages of dying.

And it took a long time to end it even after I was out of it.

It’s a tough call from this card.

Endure it or end it.

So let’s take that as our journal prompt today.

“What situation am I enduring when I should be ending it?”

10 of Air, Dark Goddess Tarot, Arnell’s Art, 2013