Seek joy, y’all! Welcome to the February Tarotscopes. This 23 minutes 42 second podcast includes all twelve signs plus the card of the month. What does February have in store for you?
Seek joy, y’all! Welcome to the February Tarotscopes. This 23 minutes 42 second podcast includes all twelve signs plus the card of the month. What does February have in store for you? Buy Now (0.99)
You will note that there is only one episode this month. Based on feedback, I’ll be doing one podcast with all twelve signs.
DANG! My horoscope didn’t pull any punches this week. Did you read your ‘scope?
Welcome to your weekly Tarotscopes for January 25-31, 2015. I hope you’ve had a good start to your year.
I’m working with this workbook to set up my spectacular year. I highly recommend it. This is my third year doing this. It’s all self-paced. I love it so much I’m giving you a free three card reading if you grab it from . Just let me know you want your reading so I can get that set up. This offer ends Saturday 1/31/2015 at 9pm PST. P.S. Yes, that’s my face you see amongst all the other glowing testimonials. And yes, that’s an affiliate link. ๐
Here are your scopes! Thanks for sharing them. There are some hard-hitting ones this week from the Tarot of the Trees.
[Tweet “DANG! My horoscope didn’t pull any punches this week. Did you read your ‘scope?”]
CARD OF THE WEEK: ACE OF CUPS Drink deep. Turn the glass of happy upside down to get that very last drop. Great week to tell others what they mean to you. Beginning again is a good thing.
AQUARIUS SIX OF PENTACLES When you share with others, you get so much more back. Don’t tie strings to what you give. Release it with love. It will return in amazing ways.
PISCES FIVE OF SWORDS Feeling broken? Make yourself the priority. Stop letting other people’s opinions matter so much. Cut away the dead wood to heal.
ARIES NINE OF CUPS So much possibility, darling! Make a list of what you want the most. Then reach out for it. Open up to the abundance of life. Take two apples instead of one. Love.
TAURUS FIVE OF PENTACLES Sometimes you feel like you are too far from the hearth and too close to the cliff. Taking a step back isn’t a loss. It’s regrouping. Revisit that budget too.
GEMINI FOUR OF SWORDS Remember that you need support as much as you give support. If you don’t care for yourself, you may let others down. Take time out this week for you.
CANCER TWO OF CUPS Focus on love. Focus on maintaining existing relationships. Good week for quiet moments with those you care about. Show them what they mean to you.
LEO TEN OF WANDS Growth may seem blocked, but let those ideas sprout just a bit more. Those standing in your way will have to yield to the persistence of your will. Just not this week.
VIRGO FIVE OF WANDS Well hell. Can’t see your way out of the tangle this week? Dive in. Others may take the competition thing far too seriously. You will just have to grit your teeth. You will survive this.
LIBRA THE WORLD Expansion comes to your world. Things open up. Something amazing grows out of something kind of shitty. Don’t disregard your friends’ advice. There are jewels there.
SCORPIO THE HERMIT Time to realize that your studies of life have brought you to this point. Use the lessons. Learn from mistakes and triumphs.Time to put some things down so you can pick others up.
SAGITTARIUS EIGHT OF CUPS A division of emotions is not serving you well. What must you do to bring yourself back together? What must you let go of in order to heal the cracks in your heart?
CAPRICORN QUEEN OF WANDS Time to show off your mad multitasking skills, darling. You are in a strong growth period personally. This may make you feel a little crazy since it brings a lot of things that must get done…yesterday. Go for it.
Here is a weekly affirmation for you as well based on this week’s Ace of Cups.
[Tweet “I open to love. I open to life. I am a vessel of happiness. I allow love to fill me up.”]
[Tweet “Is it shit or is it growth? I get confused.”]
#affirmation Here’s to growth. It ain’t easy. Some times it ain’t pretty. Often you turn up with grubby finger nails, stained knees and dirt on your face.
A lot of what I do on a personal level feels like shoveling shit. Surprised to hear me say that? Well, bear with me.
I am moody. I can be a bitch. I can snark with the best of them. My Scorpio moon says I can out snark most.
I don’t like that self. I like the self who is cheerful. Who laughs more than she cries. Who makes seeking joy a priority.
Even when I have to fight up from all the shit I pile on top of myself.
Shit: I am not joyful enough.
Shit: I am not skinny enough.
Shit: I am too angry.
Shit: I am too mean.
It’s all shit I shovel. And the target? Me myself and I.
But, like that donkey in that old joke, I have to keep shaking that shit off. I have to use it as material for growth. I have to burst forth stretching for the sky.
I have to grow. Grubby fingernails and all, I have to keep growing.
Today’s affirmation is:
I grow because I need to grow. I grow because I want to grow. I grow because it is the only alternative I can live with. Loved and loving, I love each of you. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!
So today’s thought comes from wondering about my garden. I have a tiny patio garden going with tomatoes, peppers and basil. I was going to say herbs, but really, it’s just a heirloom basil out there.
Each plant is growing to the best of its ability. I was thinking how many projects I have going. Each of them is growing to the best of their ability as well.
I have a memorization project going on and, I’m proud to say, I’ve got them down almost pat. Repetition and a cool memorization technique learned from the fabulous Donnaleigh de La Rose helped there.
I also thought about how sometimes gardens and projects must be protected from the chill of winter or the lack of water or the harsh summer sun. Or the words that mimic those energies.
How often have you had something you were very excited about? You dreamed, plotted and planned. You develop what you think is an amazing idea then tell it to someone.
And that someone sees nothing but failure. Nothing but loss. Nothing but the myriad ways it could all go wrong.
“Someone’s already written that book.”
“Someone’s already taught that subject.”
“People will laugh at you.”
So many wintery words, drought-inducing thoughts and heated remarks can decimate your garden of dreams. And many of the people don’t even realize what they’ve done or what they are doing
I don’t blame them (generally speaking.) I blame our society. We’ve been taught to look for potholes and traps and enemies. We go through live expecting someone is out to get us. There’s even a funny catch phrase that goes, “Just because you think someone’s out to get you doesn’t mean they aren’t.”
[Twitter “Yeah. Always looking for the bad can’t be good.”]
So today I stay excited about my work. Today I am my own cheerleader, my own publicist and my own fan. Today I work to give birth to my passion, to my dreams, to my hopes. Today I believe in me. Loved and loving, I love each of you. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
I revealed my sacred word of the year on my guest post for Leonie. It’s REGENERATE. And that’s really buzzing in my head right now. My website, my purpose, my passion–all need to be regenerated this year.
Today’s card reminds me that I need to get ready. I need to be prepared. I am moving into a new era of me. I want to celebrate that.
Do you ever have the feeling, the urge, the itching under your skin telling you that things are changing? That you need to be ready for a skin shedding of epic proportions? That’s where I am right now.
It’s one of the reasons I haven’t been blogging as much. Something is shifting, y’all. It’s going to be amazing, I know. I just need to focus on what it is.
In the free readings I’ve been doing this month, I’m seeing a lot of people get cards that talk about transcendence, hitting the next level, moving on up to the east side. ๐ My work with Leonie’s (the way everyone is getting the free reading) did this to me last year.
I revealed my sacred word of the year on my guest post for Leonie. It’s REGENERATE. And that’s really buzzing in my head right now. My website, my purpose, my passion–all need to be regenerated this year.
I will still do Tarot–can’t see myself ever letting go of that tool. But the focus is going to move more intensely into helping you become professional joy seekers. I want to start an army of joy seekers, y’all.
[Tweet “That’s right. Aunt Arwen Wants You!”]
Are you ready? Can you feel the shift coming? Do your very bones vibrate with the intensity? Mine do. Mine very much do.
Oh! Do you want a free reading? Maybe to see what your shift will be?
Well, for $9.95 you can!
LOL I know. That’s not really free, but the $9.95 is for the download version of the . If you buy it via this link –>
Four of Wands from the Tarot of Trees teaches us how to be independently connected.
Today’s card comes from one of my apps on my phone. Yes, I’m a geek. I have several Tarot apps and love them all. It’s nice to have several decks to choose from. I have, among others, the Gaian by Joanna P. Colbert and the Ghosts and Spirits by Lisa Hunt. But today’s card is from Dana Driscoll’s Tarot of Trees.
This card is a great representation of community and how we can each be our own individual selves while still extending our branches to one another.
Four trees grow on a hill. Their trunks are separate while their limbs and leaves co-mingle. It’s an exercise in how to come together while still maintaining your own boundaries, yes?
And it’s about supporting others as they grow and learn. Then they support you while you do the same. I had a great example of this recently. I chatted with Akashic Records healer, Bindiya Aravandekar. I didn’t know she was a ball of nerves! ๐ She was so very calme and poised on the show.
She shared a lot of what she was feeling before and after the show here. I was so touched by what I read. She is am amazing light. I’m very grateful to the Universe for guiding me to her.
How do you let other support you? How do you extend your support to them? Do you have others who are walking your path or a similar one? How can you connect with them today?
Yep, there’s your journal prompt, y’all. “How can I make authentic connections with people who will support me?”
Love my Tarotscopes? I love doing them for you. Help keep them a free service by sharing them out.
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AQ King of Pentacles Rule your money or it rules you. Strong growth potential IF you manage the bank account with a firm but fair hand. Don’t be a bank.
PIC Star The best way to shine is to help others shine. Light up your sky by bringing others up on stage with you. Goals achieved easily.
ARI Devil Make sure your actions don’t increase the chains. Marley’s message endures. What you do now follows you. Make the right choices.
TAU 10 Pentacles Success in monetary goals looks good. Remember! Focus on wealth in all things to be truly happy. Family, home, community.
GEM 7 Swords Mental jigsaw puzzles steal time. Cut through to the heart of the matter. Don’t waste time worry about others. Laser focus.
CAN Page of Swords Remember each day is a blank slate. Set your mental focus on joy. Look up instead of down. Enthusiasm carries you over the top.
LEO 2 Pentacles What needs balancing? You really can do it all once you identify the 2 key goals. Growth is inevitable so stay current.
VIR 4 Pentacles Protect what is yours but don’t overdo. Sheltering too much limits growth. Spend a little to gain a lot. Think outward.
LIB 10 Wands Passion seems to be blocked. A creative mind can see the path clearly. More twists & turns maybe, but there is a way out.
Want to finish the damned book? I can help. Let’s about your sagging middle and talking heads today.
SCO 3 Swords Digging into emotional difficulties can bring pain. Also can bring freedom. Growth happens when you weed out the unnecessary.
SAG Queen of Cups Your emotional support nurtures others. Make sure you nurture yourself. Others come to you for sympathy. Let them take away joy.
CAP Page Cups Love fills you up. Share that with others. Romance is good, but friendship is the foundation. Let that spill out into more.
Thanks for stopping by. I’m so glad you were here. I look forward to hearing from you so leave a comment. Oh! Do check out this month’s free . It’s an in-depth look at your sign through Tarot.
Whew! That’s another week done. Goodnight 2012. U’ve been a spectacular year. Ups, downs + whirl-me-rounds. I am grateful to U for it all.
Whew! That’s another week done. Goodnight 2012. U’ve been a spectacular year. Ups, downs + whirl-me-rounds. I am grateful to U for it all.
Have you gotten your workbook yet? Let me know. I’ll add you to the ! It’s never too late to set your goals, plan your steps and do it with other creative souls.
AQ 3P Coming together w/ like minds creates fusion, energy, momentum. Try not to butt heads. Joining is better than opposing now.
PIC Devil Time to let go of old chains. Time to release those that tie U down. Let them go. They no longer serve U. Release/Renew.
ARI KP The oak grows where it wants to grow. Don’t stunt yr growth. Stand firm. Stand solid. Roots go deep. Branches higher.
TAU KnSw Sometimes U have to cut yrslf loose. Give yrslf permission to move. Thoughts control actions not vice versa. Stay sharp!
GEM QP Protect yr family. Friends shelter U. May be cold now, but inner beauty really is all that! Bend if U must. U won’t break.
CAN KSw Yr thoughts create simple joys. Focus on the important. Home. Creativity emphasized this wk. Carpe Ferret!
LEO QSw Nurture yr personal creativity. May have to limit public activities due to yr need to make beautiful things. U are a beauty!
VIR MAG As U will it, so will it be. Focus on next yr. Set goals. Create steps. Watch people, places fall into place. Opportunity.
LIB 6W Dreaming? U win! All dreams come from same place. Identify place to gain victory. U achieve amazing joy this wk. Congrats!
SCO QC Abundant love nurtures them. Give them joy. Show them beauty. Allow them space to grow. It will all come back to U. Cherish.
SAG 4C It’s ok. One love feeds another until the flow is overwhelming. U haven’t lost. They’ve gained. Curl up w/ those U love.
CAP 10P Yr harvest is ready. Celebrate the abundance of family, home, community. Realize that U are in a perfect moment this wk.
But back to blessings and gratitudes. I focused on the idea of wanting a card that would communicate counting blessings then drew.
The Magician? WHAT THE HECK, UNIVERSE? I said COUNTING not creating. sigh.
Today’s card comes from a deck that has utterly charmed me. I don’t reach for it often enough so I think I’ll tuck it into one of my Baba bags so it can rattle around in my purse a bit.
I woke up today thinking, “I need to do a post on gratitude.” I’m in a Facebook group where all we do is post a daily gratitude. So simple. And so effective. It reminds me how to find joy in so many ways. So then my mind wander off to the idea that gratitude is counting your blessings.
Of course, this made me remember this song from White Christmas. Which I just realized I missed this holiday season. Grin, good thing they run it a lot late at night. ๐
But back to blessings and gratitudes. I focused on the idea of wanting a card that would communicate counting blessings then drew.
The Magician? WHAT THE HECK, UNIVERSE? I said COUNTING not creating. sigh.
Then I looked again. The magician’s tools dangle from his limbs. He has what he needs right there with him. And beneath him are a bevy of beautiful flowers.
Um, Universe?
Yeah. Sorry about that outburst. I guess this card is perfect.
The first place to start with gratitude, with counting blessings, with finding the WOW!Moment is myself. I don’t need to look further than my nose to realize that I am grateful for the ability to see my nose. I’m grateful for my fingers that type this post. I’m grateful for my tastebuds that tell me how yummy that cup of coffee tastes.
Then I expand out. I’m grateful to a son who asked me if I wanted coffee this morning. Then made some and brought me a cup.
And I could keep going. Keep tying the knots of things from one to the other to create (yeah, I hear you laughing, Universe) a net of gratitude that casts so far and so wide.
I may be a simple Pollyanna girl, but little joys that pile up into bigger ones are what sustain me.
What’s your most immediate gratitude? What does it tie to for you? Let’s make some knots together to create a worldwide joy net, shall we?
And did you know you can help me do one of my 100 Things for 2013? That’s one of the things from my workbook+planner that . You can do a short video of yourself saying, “Seek Joy, Y’all” for me. I would love to have folks saying this in every language of the world. I know “y’all” is a Southern thing, but it translates into “all of you” basically. So how would you say “Seek Joy, Y’all” in your way? Philadelphians might say, “Seek Joy, Y’ens” while Michiganders might say, “Seek Joy, You Guys.” How would you say it in England? or France? Or Paraguay? Or India? I want to hear you/see you say it. Message me here if you can help.
“Oh, what a world, what a world!” you might want to moan, but don’t. Each push. Each challenge. Each escape.
You’ve grown. You’ve succeeded even if you’ve only escaped by the skin of your teeth.
Today’s card reminds me that growth requires rain. It requires struggle. It requires pushing and shoving. It requires that you pay attention to what other say only as far as their commentary can push you into more growth.
Judgment (not judgement please, grin) is a card that can be difficult to interpret at times. It can feel like the heavy hand of the All Mighty ready to smack you down. But in this deck, Tarot of Trees by Dana Driscoll (, you see the acorn sprouting up and out.
So you see how hard it worked to get up through the earth right? Look again. That green sliver of life has had more than its fair share of hard. It fell off a tree. It escaped being bird food, squirrel food or even yummy acorn bread. It made its way under the earth.
Then it shoved out of the hard shell. It worked its way up through what must have seemed like unending earth to the light-seeking green sliver of life. Now as it unfurls the first two leaves to start transforming sunlight into what it needs, the rain clouds dump buckets!
“Oh, what a world, what a world!” you might want to moan, but don’t. Each push. Each challenge. Each escape.
You’ve grown. You’ve succeeded even if you’ve only escaped by the skin of your teeth.
Judgment, today, reminds me that my critics are as important as my supporters. Both help me move forward. I want to prove my critics wrong (living a Pollyanna life does work) and I want to show my supporters my gratitude.
Take five minutes. Write down a few of life’s challenges–past and present. How did the past ones create the you of today? How did they provide you with tools to continue seeking the light? How will you face the challenges that are here now and will, inevitably, come?
I know you can do it. I have faith in you. I love you.
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
Judgment, Tarot of Trees, Dana Driscoll, self-published.
Want to join me as I create my most incredible year ever? of Leonie Dawson’s Year Planner (personal and/or business). Let’s make 2013 amazing.