Paths, Smuggling and Missing Things

Recently I saw the title of a book that simply intrigued me. It made me want to find the book. I have not yet bought this book, but I will own it. Part of what attracted me was the word “snail” in the title. See, lately I’ve learned to pay attention to my path because of snails. I know that sounds odd, but let me explain.

Recently I saw the title of a book that simply intrigued me. It made me want to find the book. I have not yet bought this book, but I will own it. Part of what attracted me was the word “snail” in the title. See, lately I’ve learned to pay attention to my path because of snails. I know that sounds odd, but let me explain. Continue reading “Paths, Smuggling and Missing Things”


By becoming a conscious choice-maker, you begin to generate actions that are evolutionary for you and for those that are around you. And that’s all you need to do. ~ Deepak Chopra

Conscious choice-maker. What a concept. I have long known, and preached, that we all have the ability to make choices. Also that we are Continue reading “TIME “TWO” MAKE A CHOICE”

SPREAD: Joy Seeker

This spread is featured in the booklet for the Joie de Vivre Tarot by Paulina Cassidy, U.S. Games Systems Inc, 2011.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Recently I asked this question of my Twitter and Facebook friends.

What if your life’s purpose were simply “Seek Joy”? Would you have the courage? How hard is it to release the negativity? Seek joy, y’all!

Can you begin to imagine it? Your life filled with joy. Laughter replacing the tears. Hope shoving out the negativity?

For me, my own personal negativity is an anchor. It holds me back from reaching the heights I know I can attain. I’m so human, y’all. I get mad for the silliest of reasons. I get my feelings hurt. I think the world is out to get me. Then I remind myself of a wonderful quote by Albert Camus. Continue reading “SPREAD: Joy Seeker”


4/14 Community #3card Spread

I twitter. I twitter a lot. A lovely staff member from Weiser Books started pulling a tarot card a day. Many of us offered interpretations. This was begun as an effort to share about Tarot as we all learned together. Our beloved Ankhie 1.0 also instituted a Twitter book club as well as a night card. We now have an Ankhie 2.0 who is a busy lady so the daily Tarot has grown and transformed in lovely ways.

One of those ways is from Continue reading “TwitterTarot”

Musings: 6 Of Coins – Generosity

I failed my own test. I did not give to help him. I gave to make myself feel better. I handed him money to give myself a leg up emotionally. I felt so sleazy when I realized what I’d done. I mean a bad taste in my mouth.

Six of coins. Generosity. Hand outs. Charity. Strings.

There are so many things wrapped up in this card for me. I give to the homeless when I can. I do my best not to judge if they are “real” or not. That’s not my place.

There is a gentleman Continue reading “Musings: 6 Of Coins – Generosity”

Tarot Tag

Sigh. I got tagged by the lovely Joanna Powell Colbert and resisted.

Now I’ve been not just tagged but called out by name and challenged by my handsome little brother, Linus.

JPC’s tag was to list 25 things about me.

Linus’s tag is to list 10 interesting things but honest things about myself and then find 7 other friends to do the same.

So by doing Joanna’s, I accomplish Linus’ and raise him fifteen. HA! A win-win situation for me.

But since this is a Tarot journal, I’m going to draw 25 cards and tell you something about myself via the cards. 🙂

There! I made it into a Tarot exercise. I can sleep the sleep of the innocent tonight. Ok, at least the sleep of the “whew didn’t get caught”.

Onward! Continue reading “Tarot Tag”