Fine Books Auction: Tarot History

Just got word of a huge auction coming up. And when I say huge, I mean huge. Stuart R. Kaplan should be well known to most of us for his outstanding Tarot Encyclopedias. These books are truly amazing. I’ve seen them but still don’t own my own set (sob).

But I digress. You want to know more about this auction, don’t you? Continue reading “Fine Books Auction: Tarot History”

Interview: Rachel Pollack

printaceoftreesI asked one of my personal Tarot heroes if she would do an interview for me. Imagine my surprise when she said yes. It was even more fun to do it over the phone.

I’m telling you I am learning the lesson of just asking for what you want. I’ve been damned surprised every time lately when folks have said yes! I mean can you imagine it? First Mary K. Greer and now Continue reading “Interview: Rachel Pollack”