Litha 2017 Tarot Blog Hop


Our TarotBlogHop wrangler, Aisling, asked us, in part, “so we will use our Tarot cards to explore and explain the duality of our own natures. Who, indeed, is your “other Self”, your “Tanist”? How is it that you are, actually, of “two minds”?”

She gave us a very detailed set of steps. I have chosen to go off-book by taking only one part of her instructions for this post.

“These two cards, the light and darkness of your own Being, will work as a unit but represent two opposite views of the same situation. They both may be in the same suit or in two different suits, one may be major and one minor arcana, but if one were to receive both these cards in a reading, how would you represent the opposing energies thereof as they apply to your own personality and all the situations which life hands you?”

When  I think about duality of being, my Piscean sun self swims effortlessly into the topic. I think we are all far more than merely two parts of one whole. For me, there are layers to the dark and layers to the light. I cannot, by my very nature, see myself as just dark and light. I am at my heart, a myriad.

That is to say, a multitude, a large/great number, a large/great quantity, scores, quantities, a mass, a host, droves, a horde. In a way, this correlates to my feelings about the Tarot. The seventy-eight cards are also myriad. Within one deck, you have countless ways to combine cards for scores of interpretations. When you expand your mind to encompass the fact that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of artistic interpretations of each of those seventy-eight cards? Yeah. Mind=blown.

How can I see only two sides of myself? I am not a fan of seeing shadow self as evil or wrong or even as needing to be incorporated into anything. For me, again that Piscean nature leaping in a great splashing arc, I see shadow self as whole and separate. I think I will call it my Submerged self while the other main self is Emerged. Submerged is no less important than emerged. And vice-versa on that. What I allow to be seen may be partially my submerged self. The fact is only I will ever know the true answer to that. Which points to my strong Scorpio moon influence. Secrets are part of my life. I know many secrets that aren’t mine but were given to me in confidence. So I keep them there in confidence.

If  I only address Submerged Self and Emerged Self, I wonder what they would say.  Could I be a bridge between those two pieces assuming they don’t actually communicate? It’s  my belief that they do communicate–well and often. The society we live in has a norm of not addressing Submerged Self except as an enemy. What intelligent being would allow itself to be seen if it is only ever thought of as wrong?

To that end, I wanted to create a vehicle for communication between Submerged and Emerged Selves. Of course, that vehicle would be a Tarot spread. I thought I might use the Sun and the Moon for the Emerged and Submerged Selves but it didn’t work for me. Instead I have a list of questions. Then I follow that with my reading for myself using this spread.

Submerged-Emerged Selves Spread

    1. What is the main message from Submerged Self?
    2. How can Emerged Self use this message best?
    3. What does Submerged Self need most from Emerged Self?
    4. What is the main message from Emerged Self?
    5. How can Submerged Self use this message best?
    6. What does Emerged Self need most from Submerged Self?


  1. How can Submerged Self and Emerged Self best work together?

What is the main message from Submerged Self? Main Message (Submerged) is the Teacher. Here is someone sitting with Coyote just behind them. They offer me a dandelion which most of us consider a weed. I must remember that  Submerged self offers up seemingly useless parts of myself. But with a bit of exploration, I can learn all the uses of those unwanted-by-society parts.

How can Emerged Self use this message best? Take all the energy of worrying about what other people think and use it to swing my own personal fire. Be my own best self as the Explorer(Knight) of Fire is her best self.

What does Submerged Self need most from Emerged Self? Submerged Self needs Emerged Self to allow both halves to drive the Chariot (Canoe). Only by swimming together can we master our own true purpose.

What is the main message from Emerged Self? The Seven of Earth is the card of the gardener. The one who plants and tends and lets things grow. Here the plants of the Teacher are echoed as she puts saplings into the earth. Both selves are intent on growth and learning about the things we plant.

How can Submerged Self use this message best? Interesting to see the Child (Page) of Fire show up when the Knight of Fire showed up for the reverse question. Here I am told that Submerged Self could be more proactive, more curious about how things are. This is a card of energy and movement. Both sides have plants and energy.

What does Emerged Self need most from Submerged Self? Death floats in reminding me that to master myself (as with the Canoe), some parts of me must be laid to rest. Any parts that aren’t nourishing me. If I don’t flourish from the energy, then it must be let go. Death is change that is inevitable, inescapable, and unavoidable.

The final question is How can Submerged Self and Emerged Self best work together? The Elder (King) of Air with his Luna moth companion made me smile when they showed up. I see him as the Priest who does the work. He is sending his prayers (and those of others) up to the heavens. The Luna moth serves as the steed to carry those hopes. When I stand in myself as priestess, I am myriad.

This reading made sense to me. I realize that I used some shorthand here and there but this was a deeply personal reading.bI offer this spread for you to use.  Please do not post it without my attribution: Spread by Arwen Lynch

And if you are doing #CampNaNoWriMo, .


Imbolc Awakening the heart

Our blog hop wrangler, Joy Vernon, tasked us with this theme:

“…the still point of the center of the fixed stimulates germination and the awakening of the heart.”

I thought about it a long while. Thought I had a blog idea after someone attacked all Tarotists as abominations, but then I decided not to give that crazy any more space in my head.

I thought I might blog about saving a dog only to have to release it to animal control to be euthanizes. I opted to not burden you all with that sorrow.

Then last night just as I was going to bed, I realized what I wanted to share with you. My muse gifted me with a spread for you. I will do a reading for myself via video (below). Here is the spread.

Germination Spread

Seed: This card represents something you want. You can choose it intentionally by going through the deck until you see/feel/sense/know the card you need. Or you can draw it at random.

Soil: This card represents what surrounds your SEED. It is what supports this need of yours, this want. It is the nutrient-rich darkness that all ideas/dreams/whispers must exist in as it begins to burgeon with all your expectations and hopes.IMG_2016

Water: This card represents what you will have to do to bring your SEED to life. Here is your sweat, your salty tear, your moistened mouth as you wet your lips while you hunger for this SEED to burst forth into the light.

Sun: This card represents your heart, your heat, your very spirit. This is the warmth of your love, the heat of your desire, the brilliant inferno of lust for this SEED you have planted.

Time: This card represents what you will do while you wait. Waiting is a part of all things in life–especially growth. We cannot force things into being. We cannot reach beneath the soil to firmly yank the small green sprout upwards. But while we wait for our SEED to grow, there are things that we can do.IMG_2015

I invite you to do your own germinating as you continue your hop through the kickoff of our fifth year of the Tarot Blog Hop. This started as a seed itself. A discussion on Facebook led me to asking a question that then led me to inviting others to join me on a group exploration of one question. You can see that here.

Here is me doing my own Germination reading. (don’t forget to come back to continue the hop, y’all.)

And please? Leave comments as you go. Share the posts that speak to you. We do this as a community for you and for ourselves. Comments tell us you were here. Sharing tells us we touched you on some level.

May your seeds grow. May you find the courage to weed out the ones that don’t have strong stems. May your year bring you all the joy you deserve.

zentangle_seekjoySeek joy, y’all. Pass it on.


TarotBlogHop: Imbolc

Oracular Anomalies is the subject we’ve been given for this Tarot Blog Hop. Did you know that this is the beginning of the fourth year of this? I’m so pleased that what started as a community-building exercise has gone on for this long. We’ve seen so many amazing voices join this chorus. I’m blessed to be a part of such a vibrant community. Like to join us? Go here.

As I thought about the topic, I had to look up the definition of anomaly. I had a good concept since I am a child of the original Star Trek series. “Mr. Spock, what do you make of it?” “It’s an anomaly, Captain.”

One of the definitions is “strays from common rules or methods.” Right. I see this a lot. Many consultants, readers, coaches, whatever name we want to call ourselves, try to set ourselves apart by pointing out how different we are. How we are anomalies in a sea of anomalies.

I mean, let’s face it. How do you stand out in a crowd of unusual? This is the thing that has my mind buzzing right now. There’s an inherent part of me that loathes promotion by demotion. By that I mean the need to sing my praises by putting down someone else. Or a group.

It’s something I work at but by the very nature of the beast, I fail at. For instance, I see someone on the Book o’ Face who is bitching about how he doesn’t like so-and-so doing something. But he doesn’t say this TO so-and-so. He says it to a locked down group of friends.

I get upset about him not saying something to so-and-so. I go to my Book o’ Face to post. My post says those who don’t go to the source are perpetuating the problem.

Um, Arwen? You just did the same damned thing.

So I’ve just stood out for the wrong reason. Back to anomaly me. How do I stand out in this fabulously flawed fellowship? Without putting down others? Is it even possible in our world of “my detergent cleans better than yours?”

Well this is a divination hop, right? Let’s ask the Tarot.

Anomaly Spread

1. What area am I most unique?
2. How can I play up that uniqueness?
3. How can I stand out the best?

Using the Chrysalis Tarot (U.S. Games Systems, Inc.) I got cards that made me smile.

Chrysalis Tarot
Chrysalis Tarot

1. The Pilgrim is how I am most unique.

2. The Poet is how I should play up that uniqueness.

3. The Mime is how I can stand out the best.

Without further commentary on these cards, I’ll just say, “MOOOOMMMMM! The Universe is mocking me again.”

If you have input on these three cards, feel free to let me know. I need to go practice my “I’m in a box” routine.

Please enjoy today’s TarotBlogHop. Use the links below to navigate your way around. If you get lost or find a broken link, use the Master List link to find the next blog.

As always, seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.


Life’s Purpose?

What are good questions to ask about your life’s purpose?

Today I wanted to share an affirmation that came to me after answering some questions posed by Nicole Ortega. She is doing the same blog challenge that I am doing.

In her post about Demystifying Your Life Purpose, she posed that there were common questions and more important questions. I commented that the three more important questions would make a good Tarot spread.

So here it is:

[Tweet “What are good questions to ask about your life’s purpose?”]

Nicole Ortega’s Demystify Your Life Purpose Spread

  • What thought patterns are keeping me stuck?
  • Why do I seem to take two steps forward and one step back?
  • Where is my energy best focused right now?
  • How can I put this information to use now?

I added the last question. Using the Dream Raven Tarot deck, I pulled four cards. Here is my reading for myself.

Nicole Ortega Demystifying Your Life Purpose Spread
Nicole Ortega Demystifying Your Life Purpose Spread

1. What thought patterns are keeping me stuck?

Six of Swords The idea that I’ve won as much as I can. That the race is over. I see this as a warning against complacency. The Six of Swords is generally a positive card but this question is one of being stuck.

Since an air card shows up as the answer to the thought question, I take this to mean that I shouldn’t ever think the race is over. There is always a new leg to be run.

2. Why do I seem to take two steps forward and one step back?

Hermit I had to laugh when I saw the Hermit. I do tend to hole up then pop out for a bit. I think this card is about consistency. Consistency in studying what I do. Consistency in being available to do what I offer.

That’s a big one. Lately I’ve been finding it hard to make room for my work because of my work. Catch 22!

3. Where is my energy best focused right now?

Star Can’t get a much clearer answer than the Star, can I? Higher goals. Higher purpose. Higher everything. I need to reset my frequency. Retune my channel. Revive my spirit. Onwards and upwards, Arwen.

4. How can I put this information to use now?

Two of Pentacles I added this one to give me something practical, something doable, something immediate. And I get the Two of Pentacles which is a card of balance.

I am advised that I need to apply this information to both my personal as well as professional life. That this issue encompasses my all rather than just one side or the other. Since I’m a Pisces, this makes sense to me.

I’d like to give this spread a few test runs before I add it to my repertoire. If you think you’d like to consult with me using this spread, email me. I have five slots available.

This readings will be done via email so they will be $30 instead of my regular $55 for a half hour Tarot chat and will include a suggested affirmation for you based on the cards you receive. Are you ready to demystify your life purpose?

If you’d like to see more of this deck, I did a last year.

Want to get your own deck so you can do the spread yourself? I say fabulous. 😀 Here’s the deck on Amazon.

You can find

The affirmation I get from this is:

I am still moving forward. I am consistent in my efforts. I revive my spirit. I am balanced. Loved and loving, I love each of you. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Dream Raven Tarot, Schiffer Mind, Body, Spirit


SPREAD: Sun, Holly + Oak

Saturday I shared a spread as part of the 2013 Yule Tarot Blog Hop. I promised to share my reading using that spread so you might see how it can work. I used the Dark Goddess Tarot which I am completely enamored of these days. It’s one of those “wow I didn’t expect that” connections that happen.

Saturday I shared a spread as part of the 2013 Yule Tarot Blog Hop. I promised to share my reading using that spread so you might see how it can work. I used the Dark Goddess Tarot which I am completely enamored of these days. It’s one of those “wow I didn’t expect that” connections that happen.

See the spread for the meanings of each position here.

Oak And Holly Spread

1. SUN: The Blue Dakini dances her way in. She represents the Three of Air. “If it is not real and true, sever the ties” is her message. Interestingly enough, this showed up for me in an online full moon circle that I did this past week with Ellen Lorenzi-Price (the creatrix of this amazing deck) and Nancy Antenucci. So my work with letting go of that which does not serve is going to grow exponentially. It’s in the Sun spot so there is already growth happening here…already in motion. I just need to keep this going.

2. HOLLY: The Four of Air follows (and yes, I shuffled the deck, sillies. 😀 ) Nut is this card’s Goddess. Nut will always make me think of my friend Ellen Reed. She passed some years back but Nut was a Goddess she loved. “Until dawn, rest as a star in my body” is her message. What a lovely one that is. I think this is saying that my health and healing are doing well and I can take comfort in that. Last year I worked hella hard on the diabetes thing. I will continue to work on it but perhaps it won’t be the all-consuming area it has been.

3. OAK: What area needs to be nurtured and pulled into the light to grow? Here is where you need to get busy. This area could use some elbow grease and a good helping of plant food to grow. Let this carry you into the next few months. So here is Baubo, the Siren of Earth. Baubo is a very earthy Lady. Read Her tale if you don’t know it. Her message is “this is life in the body: raw, ridiculous, sublime”. Taken into context with the positional meaning of the Holly card, I see that I need to get more into my body work. I need to be less mental (Four of Air) and more physical (Queen of Earth). So while my mental focus was good, I can step up the physical part.


I’d love to hear from you if you do this reading. Or if you do any of the readings in the Yule blog hop–there are some amazing choices this time around. I always get some great new spreads.

Dark Goddess Tarot, Ellen Lorenzi-Price, 2013,

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

Messages, Nudges + Paths

I think a good reading does that though. It is a two way street where I get information for my client but there’s generally a soft nudge for me as well.

Hibiscus_Mockingbird 006Today’s post is a throwback. I know yesterday was Throwback Thursday but oh well. 😀 is my Life’s Path spread. I shared it 9/30/2008. I have done this particular reading with many clients since then. It never fails to have a message for me as well as them.

I think a good reading does that though. It is a two way street where I get information for my client but there’s generally a soft nudge for me as well.

[magicactionbox id=”17324″]

Have a super day. And please?

Seek joy, y’all. pass it on!

Hibiscus, Arwen Lynch, 2008

Books, Cards + Tattoos

Books, Cards + Tattoos…

Tattoo_BirthCardsSo today’s card is a book. I know, right? That’s kind of cheating, isn’t it? Well not really since I never promised you a card garden.


Yes, yes. I am in a silly mood. Part of that is because I taught a class today (Sunday) which always revs me up. I love teaching.

We were working with Bonnie Cehovet’s Tarot, Birth Cards and You. It’s an excellent discussion of the concept of Birth Cards.

I asked Bonnie for some ideas on what to offer in this Meetup class. She was, as always, completely generous with her time and knowledge. I took her ideas and added a few of my own.

I encourage you to work with Bonnie’s book if you are interested in this concept.

For our class we determined our own birthcards (mine are pictured in the tattoo you see on this post–art work and tattoo by Dirk Mellot of Epiphany Tattoo, Aurora, Colorado). Then we did a brief guided meditation followed by activities that included writing an affirmation and doing a reading.

The spread we used was designed by me. I wanted to share it with you as well. Based on Bonnie’s book, I wanted to explore the concept of the theme as represented by the Birth Cards.


Shuffle entire deck. Draw three cards.

1. How can I manifest the energy of this theme in my life?

2. What stands in my way?

3. What strengthens me on this journey?

We paired off and read for each other. So person A put their birth cards out and person B used their own deck to shuffle and draw and read for person A. It went very well. Our Meetup has folks who’ve read for 30 years and those who haven’t even bought their first Tarot deck. I love this mix of energy.

So for today’s journal prompt, even if you don’t know your own birth cards, let’s use this.

“How can I manifest my life’s theme?”

If you do use this spread, I’d love to know the results. If you want me to do this reading with you (including finding your birth cards and life’s them), book a half hour reading with me. I’d love to have a Tarot conversation with you.

Tattoo, picture by J. Mellott, all rights reserved

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

SPREAD: Chloe’s Heart’s Desire

She also created a spread based on the fairy tale. I had to try it! Beauty and the Beast is not one of the fairy tales that made it into my Fairy Tale Tarot Spreads e-book.

Yesterday’s blog hop was, as per usual, chock-full of useful spreads and amazing posts. One of my favorite Tarot bloggers offered up the myth of Beauty and the Beast.

She also created a spread based on the fairy tale. I had to try it! Beauty and the Beast is not one of the fairy tales that made it into my Fairy Tale Tarot Spreads e-book.

Chloe’s Heart’s Desire

1) What is my heart’s desire for this turn of the Wheel/at this time?
2) What price will I have to pay for it?
3) What lesson will I learn in the process?

Using Zaheroux’s stark Animalis Os Fortunas deck, here is my reading.

AnimalisOsFortuna_3cards0011) What is my heart’s desire for this turn of the Wheel/at this time?

Moon: I want to dive into my fantasy more. My fantasy being the ability to write fantasy. 😀 My writing partner and I have recently started producing again. We had a 2 year dry spell with some writing but nothing that drove towards finish. It’s an illusionary task, the business of writing.

I have to let the moon guide me which can be dark and scary at times because the path isn’t clearly lit.

2) What price will I have to pay for it?

Ace of Pentacles: I may have to give up other business opportunities. There may be growth that I have to avoid in order to focus on the writing.

Sorry. I have to say that this feels like a positive answer. I see it more as income helping me not have to pay for it. I will have opportunity for growth that will support. It may be that my price to pay will be my disbelief that I can ever be a truly successful writer.

Yep, I think I’m standing in my own way again.

3) What lesson will I learn in the process?

Emperor: That I am in charge of my own creativity. that I can take care of business by writing and producing. That the proof really is in the pudding, chickens.

This card is the one who takes care of his/her domain. He rules with a firm hand. I will learn how to keep myself on track. I will learn that small steps every day towards my goal will win the day.

Thanks to Chloe for this insightful spread!

What about you? What is your heart’s desire?

How about this spread as your own journal prompt?

Don’t have a tarot deck? Take advantage of my last week of 15 minute readings for $25 and we can do this one together. Remember that prices are going up 10/1.

Animalis Os Fortuna, Megan Weber aka Zarheroux, self-published

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Will You Join The Fairy Dance?

Another part of the Tarot Blog Hops that is a huge love of mine are all the spreads that turn up. This one was light on spreads but the ones that were there? Spectacular. Inner Whispers is Chloe McCracken’s blog. I adore her blog. She does a card a day from various decks every week. She’s the author behind the upcoming Celtic Lenormand that is being illustrated by Wil Worthington. Can. Not. Wait. And I’m not a Lennie fan. 😀

Anyway, here is her excellent spread. Unnamed, Chloe! (inside joke). So I’m naming it!

Fairy Dance Spread by Chloe McCracken

1) What dance will I be lead on over the time from now until First Harvest?
2) Where will it take me?
3) What offer would I do best to refuse?
4) What will I return with?

Read the full blog here to see how Chloe answered this spread.

Here are my answers using the Wild Unknown Tarot (pretty awesome pre-sale going on this deck right now too.)

WildUnknown_4Swords1) What dance will I be lead on over the time from now until First Harvest? Four of Swords

I have to admit that this card triggers an ear worm for me. That’s a song I learned in Girl Scouts.

“On a wagon bound for market
There’s a calf with a mournful eye.”

It is, I believe, a Jewish folk song about being taken away from your homeland and not fighting for what you want. And, on doing a bit of research, I learned that it was written for a Yiddish play. The song was recorded by Joan Baez, Donovan and Patty Duke. Here are the words:

Translation by Kevess & Schwartz

On a wagon bound for market
There’s a calf with a mournful eye.
High above him there’s a swallow
Winging swiftly through the sky.

How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer’s night.

Dona, dona, dona, dona,
Dona, dona, dona, do,
Dona, dona, dona, dona,
Dona, dona, dona, do.

“Stop complaining,” said the farmer,
“Who told you a calf to be?
Why don’t you have wings to fly with
Like the swallow so proud and free?”

How the winds are laughing …

Calves are easily bound and slaughtered
Never knowing the reason why.
But whoever treasures freedom,
Like the swallow has learned to fly.WildUnknown_9Cups

So what does that mean t me? I think this Four of Swords is a reminder that resting is good but I may not have as much down time as I might like from now til Lammas (First Harvest). And I need to make sure I am doing what I want to do. If I bitch and moan about what is happening, then I must remember that I can be the calf or the swallow. (and yes, I sat here and sang the whole song. 😀 )

2) Where will it take me? Nine of Cups

Well that’s a nice place. 😀 That’s the card of heart’s desire for me. If I make sure I lead in the dance rather than follow (life’s a dance..sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow), then I may find myself in a dream come true.




3) What offer would I do best to refuse? The Magician

If a thing seems to be too good to be true, it is. That comes leaping to mind sans musical accompaniement. I know you’re thrilled about that. 😀 But I see this Magician as offering power with strings firmly attached. I’ll watch for that offer and definitely refuse it. Y’all help me remember that. 😀




4) What will I return with? Three of Cups


Well what a lovely outlook, yes? Heart’s Desire and the card of Seek Joy, y’all. I can live with that. So I need to mind my herd mind and watch for offers with strings. Otherwise I’m good to go.

How about you? Why don’t you give this spread a try! And stop by Chloe’s place. Tell her Arwen sent you.

Processing The Hard Stuff: A Reading for T

aceofwaterToday’s card is not a card. It’s a reading. I shared this spread about a week or so ago. I asked folks to let me know if they wanted to be in the drawing. Then I drew a name. Even though she said I could use her full name, I’m going to keep it to T. She can reveal in the comments if she likes.

Processing The Hard Stuff, a reading for T.

1. What is this stuff really about?

The 7 of Air comes up. This card shows a person studying a map. They are VERY concerned with how to get where they think they should be. The trick here is—if they would put the map down, they would see they are much closer than they thought.

The hard stuff T is going through right now is simply the process of understanding it is where she’s meant to be. No studying of the map could have helped her miss this hard stuff because she has to go through it to see where she is.

That sounds convoluted. I will tell you all a secret. T happens to be a dear friend who just went through a truly hellish year (and a half?) full of loss. I think this card is simply telling her to stop trying to figure out why and just move through it as gracefully as possible.

2. What makes it so hard?

How intriguing! Another seven comes up. This time it’s the 7 of Fire which is a woman at a forge. She is hammering out a piece of steel. This card always makes me think of the Goddess Brighid who was something of a multi-tasker.

This card makes me think T is trying to do too much at once. I think she needs to take it one hard piece at a time. You know that old saw about how you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.

3. What am I doing that is making it harder?

In retrospection, I find that I don’t like this question because it seems to blame the querent. I don’t like that, do you? But the card I get is one that makes sense.

It’s the card of listening to old tapes and not getting rid of old emotional responses. It is the 8 of Water in which a woman is swimming away.

The key for T here is that she can’t swim fully away as long as she keeps holding on to those things that are serving her. And that can be her own feelings of how she SHOULD feel compared to how she does feel. Honor your feelings, my darling. Honor them and not what others say you should or shouldn’t be feeling.

4. What can I do to make it easier?

Oh lovely. The Guardian of Fire shows up to remind T that she must feed her own passion but that she can lean on others around her. She has to remember that fires need to be fed or they will go out. So you can see this in two ways.

One, she needs to stop feeding the wrong fire.
Two, she needs to rekindle her own passion for life.

I would ask her what personal light has gone out that she needs to turn back on.

5.  How can I best support myself while I process this?

*THUD* The card that turns up here is Death. Knowing what I know of her hellish year I wanted to throw this one back to the bottom of the pile. I resisted–barely.

Change is what this card is about but it is also about Death. Understanding Death and what the loss of a loved one means is something my beautiful T has had far too much of. But I think the support here is from actual support groups for those dealing with the loss of a loved one. T, honey, have you reached out to any grief groups? That’s the first thing I thought when I saw this card.

6. Who can I turn to for support while I’m processing this?

The Four of COins is that person who helps you budget yourself in terms of not just money but how much you give of yourself to others. They are your rock, your foundation and your kick in the a** when you try to do too much. They watch over you like a squirrel guards its nuts. Their primary role right now is to make sure that you take care of yourself while you process all of this hard stuff.

7. What will be the benefits of processing it?

What a joyful answer you get, T. It’s the Ace of Water. This shows a salmon fingerling who has yet to leave the safety of where she hatched. In order to grow, she’s going to have to swim out but it’s so scary. The good news is that you are in the middle of your scary stuff right now. Processing all that has happened (good and bad, darling) has given you the knowledge that you really can survive anything. Good things come to those who swim out into the deep water of their own emotions. Growth, baby, growth.


Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Ace of Water, Gaian Tarot