Today’s card makes me stop and think about how difficult it is to give me a compliment. I invariably insult the person trying to be nice to me. I blow it off. I ask them if they are meaning to talk to someone else.
[Tweet “In a nutshell, I’m graceless when it comes to saying, “thank you.””]
Why is that?
Is it because a lot of our raising is based on humility? On not tooting your own horn?
I still feel weird when I tell y’all about stuff I have for you. Even the free stuff weirds me out some days.
And I’m a pretty damned good sales person all in all. In fact, when I was a little girl, I got in a lot of trouble for my Girl Scout cookie sales.
Well, they told me the sales were to help us go camping more. Y’all, I loved (and still do) camping. So I humped those cookies from door to door selling them for .30 a box. I did a great job too.
Hell, you resist a 7 year old with green eyes, curly hair and a box of sugar. Not. Happening.
Then the boom came down. Neighbor lady asked my mama why her niece was selling the same cookies for .25 a box.
I had to go return every nickel. lol
But now, when I know I have a super product with a great price point and folks raving about it, I cringe and have to make myself remember to tell you about it.
I cringe in the same way when someone tells me I look nice or did good or whatever. I want to ask them who they really meant to say that to or what they really want from me.
When did we lose our ability to just say, “thank you, I worked very hard on it so I appreciate your kindness” or just, you know, “thank you.”
Journal prompt for today is, “What’s the hardest compliment for you to hear? Why?”
6 of Coins, Efflorescent Tarot, Katie Rose Pipkin, self-published
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.