Seeds, People + Growth

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

SimplyDeep_9CoinsToday’s card is about appreciating growth while you plan for the future. You need to stop every now and again to smell the roses, but you shouldn’t forget to germinate some seeds.

Seeds aren’t just green plants. Seeds are often the interactions between ourselves and the people around us.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

One of my favorite writers, Maya Angelou knows how to cut to the heart of a matter so beautifully.

Consider your own presence in the world. Do you try to make others feel good? Feel good about themselves and their world? Or do you tear them down. Worse, do you tear yourself down?

Focus on building others up. Focus on spreading joy into their world and watch how joy comes back to your own being. When you treat others as you would like to be treated, you are paying it forward. Even when you feel like someone you are communicating with is trying to bankrupt you, you will find that if you approach the situation with as much joy as you can muster, you will be enriched in the long run.

I know it’s difficult to stay positive in a job where the only reason someone wants to talk to us is because they are having a problem. What can you do to look in the mirror when this happens? What can you do to keep a joyful, positive attitude in the face of a nearly constant barrage of unhappiness?

Remember their frustration is not in your hula hoop. Fixing their problem is. Empathizing with their situation is. But being frustrated because they are frustrating only (wait for it….) frustrates you! And is it really worth it in the long run?

I didn’t think so! So make people feel as if you are listening to them. Make them feel as if you want to fix their problem. Make yourself feel better in the process.

What seeds are you planting today? What growth are you nurturing? How are you showing your friends how important they are to you?

Remember this. I love you.

Nine of Coins, Simply Deep Tarot, Schiffer Press, 2011

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Looking to focus on your own growth this year? Join me as I work through Leonie Dawson’s.

Drugs, Tea & Crankiness

Today’s cards are a very clear Elemental Dignity grouping. One thing that I keep forgetting/omitting/ignoring is that the center card is the one to pay attention to. The message of that card is strengthened or weakened by the flanking cards.

I’m using the Simply Deep Tarot (Schiffer Publishing 2012) by Chanel Bayless and James Battersby. The imagery is intriguing. I like the borders that are colored the same for each suit even though they present me with a visual problem when I shuffle. More on that when I review the deck. Continue reading “Drugs, Tea & Crankiness”