Candles, Torches & Flames

So I realized that my flame is on all the time. I’m always lighting other candles only sometimes they aren’t candles so much as torches for other angry villagers.

Today’s card is a reminder of a favorite quote. This whole thing today was sparked by my good friend, Jee. Jee’s been on a similar journey to me. Life-changing events brought about by simply focusing on the positive. I mean Jee went from a job worrying every day if not every hour about the next dollar to one with so much potential for growth that it’s astounding. Now. Had my friend focused on the negative, well, I don’t know what could have happened but I do think Jee would be unhappy and possibly unemployed. Instead, because Jee focused on that unicorn that poops rainbows, success!

And today, Jee said, “So I love seeing all the ”thankful” posts in my feed, but I am wondering why y’all cant do that year round from time to time. Dont cram all your thankfullness in to 30 days…there are 335 other days you could be posting positive, fun to read updates. 🙂 I love you all…..and am grateful for all the love you let me share with you! Make your day great!!”

Don’t cram all your thankfulness into 30 days. THis reminded me of that favorite quote of mine.

“A candle loses nothing lighting another candle.” Father James Keller

Look at this gorgeous card from the Sirian Starseed Tarot. She is lit up. She is so passionate about being alive that she has lit other flames just by being herself. What a gift! What a joy! Imagine how many lives she touches this way. Imagine how many you could touch.

I will tell you a story. I was so positive yesterday. I went to work and turned into BITCHZILLA. All because I’d let myself go to work excited about a chili cook-off only to find out it was ALL GONE. The morning crew had left nothing for the afternoon crew other than cornbread and crackers. Seriously.

And I went from Joy to Bitch in about 2 seconds flat. I moaned. I whined. I let EVERYONE know how pissed I was.

Yeah–joy-seeking missile? Not so much. More like shit-spreading back hoe.

UGH!I had a choice. I could have snacked before going to work. I know I have blood sugar issues. I know I get cranky if I don’t eat. So it was totally my responsibility to manage that. Instead, I chose to vent about how selfish the entire world was.

So not pretty, but I do want to keep this real with y’all. I noticed that more of my customers (I work in tech support for the “pays my insurance” job) were crankier too. Hmmm…do you think my energy was doing that? I do!

So I realized that my flame is on all the time. I’m always lighting other candles only sometimes they aren’t candles so much as torches for other angry villagers.

So when I saw Jee’s post today, it reminded me (more like smacked me right between the eyes) that I need to focus on my joy more. Like any athlete, if I stop practicing, stop working, stop seeking, then I run the risk of falling back to that negative self.

Oh hell no! 😀 I am a joy-seeking missile, y’all. I want to light you up and everyone I meet with joy not ugly.

So seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

Seven of Flames, The Sirian Starseed Tarot, North Atlantic Books, 2012
(Caution, this is a HUGE deck so shuffling normally is out of the question.)

Uzis, Accessories & Will

And look out the window! The troops are coming. If she can just hold off the slathering horde, she’ll make it.

Today’s card is a reminder that sometimes you have to take the high ground even if you have to use force. This means that you can’t let your detractors drag you down. The force is best applied to your own strength of will unlike this fabulous Seven of Swords.

Of course, if your detractors include a horde of zombie party guests, I guess a high heel to the face could be deemed necessary. I don’t know about you, but I’m wondering where she picked up the neat little Uzi.

Still a girl must accessorize, right?

And look out the window! The troops are coming. If she can just hold off the slathering horde, she’ll make it.

So your thought for today is that when you take the high ground, others will come to your defense. Maintain position and never forget the most important lesson of this card.

Two shots. Straight to the head.

Okay, so maybe not in the real world, but you know what I mean. Be firm. Be direct. Don’t be wishy-washy when the 7 of Swords shows up.

Seek the high ground, y’all. Pass it on.



Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

7 of Swords, The Zombie Tarot: An Oracle of the Undead with Deck and Instructions, Quirk Books 2012

P. to the S. I can’t recommend this deck highly enough. It’s packaged with an eye to highlight the zombie theme plus it really actually reads very well.

Masks, Authenticity & Strength

Today’s card is one that reminds me it’s hard to be authentic. Being authentic. It’s one of those terms we kick around a lot. I know I do. And then today, I saw this quote.

“Belonging starts with self-acceptance … Believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic.”
— Brené Brown

This is perfect for this 7 of Masks from the Fradella Adventure Tarot. It’s a perennial favorite of mine. He offers up masks as his Cups suit. When I first saw that, I was thrown for a bit. I couldn’t wrap my head around it until I realized the beauty of it. Our emotions can be masks.

Here a figure is choosing which face to wear. The decision to be someone else is something many of us face. How often have you talked about “Today I must be the man in charge” or “I have to go be a soccer mom” or any variation?

Take a moment to ask yourself what masks (or roles) you have in your life. How often are you all of them at once? What would happen if you took corporate legal eagle to the T-ball game?

I think Brene` Brown is right. If this character would choose to just go out as themselves, this matter of choosing who to be that day would melt away. He, and I, must learn to believe that he is enough.

Where do you feel like you are not enough? Where do you feel like you are inadequate to the point of needing to pretend to be someone else?

For today, practice being the most important person in the world–yourself. Allow the world to be blessed with the presence of you–real, authentic, honest. You with your nose that’s too big. You with your stomach that pokes out. You with your child who doesn’t behave beautifully at all times. You with all your insecurities…let them go.

And then tomorrow? Practice this concept again. Yes, some people won’t like you. But you know what?

The authentic you probably doesn’t like them either. And that’s okay. We are not here to hang out with the world. Love the world certainly, but populate your hula hoop neighbors with other authentic people. Leave the masks for those who aren’t strong enough to believe in themselves.

I believe in you.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on. Want to show off your own willingness to chase your own bliss? Get yourself a mousepad to remind you. And schedule a reading with me today. I’ll help you examine how to be your most authentic self.

7 of Masks, Fradella Adventure Tarot, U.S. Games, 2003