INTERVIEW: M.M. Meleen & the Rosetta Tarot

Recently, at my Austin Tarot Meetup, I heard about a new Tarot deck called the Rosetta Tarot. When I read the opening page, this line really leapt out at me:

“Tarot can be considered a hieroglyphic, symbolic, and pictorial language so flexible as to be able to contain the known universe and all combinations of manifestations both earthly and spiritual, tangible and intangible.”

I decided I wanted to look further into this intriguing deck. Continue reading “INTERVIEW: M.M. Meleen & the Rosetta Tarot”

SPREAD: R.S.V.P. Spread

So, do you have any invitations that you need to investigate? Are you wasting your energy RSVPing for situations that would be better for everyone if you just said no? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I did a web course about professional business writing. There was a series of questions that really leant themselves to a Tarot spread. The questions were simple.

• What is the situation/problem?
• Why is this document needed?
• Who is going to read it?
• What do those readers need to know?
• What action does the writer want the reader to take?

So I translated them into a spread to do when you aren’t sure about becoming involved in a situation. This goes back to my current theme Continue reading “SPREAD: R.S.V.P. Spread”

Worry, Happiness & Notecards

Today’s three cards (no positions) are the 10 of Swords/Ruin (Air), XI Lust (Fire?) and XVII Star (Air?). I can see that I really need to memorize the Elemental Dignities of the Majors. Because I am not doing any positions, the only card that is important is the Continue reading “Worry, Happiness & Notecards”

Control, Inspiration & Overdoing It

More on Arwen’s exploration of the Elemental Dignities.

Continuing on with the Elemental Dignities work, I am now using the Rosetta Tarot. Yes, I finally unwrapped it. For those who aren’t in on this joke, when I got this deck, I couldn’t get past the Fool card. It was so full of symbols and meaning. Truly couldn’t stop staring at it. 😀 I finally made myself unwrap it. Did the initial flip-through yesterday. The Death card in this deck is Continue reading “Control, Inspiration & Overdoing It”