CHARACTER READING: Clare Cermak, Ghost Seer

Ghost SeerToday’s reading is for Clare Cermak. She’s the heroine of a brand-new series by Robin D. Owens.

OwensWebsite The following bit was swiped and diced right from Robin’s site!

RITA® Award Winning novelist Robin D. Owens credits the telepathic cat with attitude in selling her first futuristic/fantasy romance, HeartMate, published in December 2001. Since then she has written thirteen books in the series, Heart Fortune the latest in August, 2011.

Her newest stories, about an uptight accountant who sees Old West ghosts and helps them move on, will start with Ghost Seer in April of 2014. She is profoundly thankful to be recipient of the 2004 Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ Writer of the Year award as well as the 2011 Writer of the Year Award, the Colorado Romance Writers Lifetime Achievement Award and the 2010 Best Paranormal and Best of the Best Daphne Du Maurier Award…actually, after winning an award she tends to dance around bored cats.

Now meet Clare. She’s the heroine of Ghost Seer, book one in the Ghostlayer series by Robin. D. Owens. This book is out today, April 1, 2014. No Foolin’!

Arwen: How do you see the people around you?

The 10 of Earth in this deck is about responsibilities changing. It’s about the end of one journey even as another begins. There are those near you that haven’t gotten the message that their journey is complete.

You see these individuals as tasks or jobs. Your sense of responsibility to them is very strong. Almost as though you were the only one that could really understand their stories.

So you see them as things you must do. Be careful you don’t make their needs the priorities on your to-do list, Clare. You must make room for your own journey, yes?

Clare’s Response: My life HAS changed with my inheritance from my…eccentric…Great-Aunt Sandra. But I do have the responsibility of handling her estate. Being responsible is very important to me, unlike my parents, so maybe I do go overboard. Still, you may be right, since I’m having, uh, visions of apparitions…you know, ghosts. Ghosts of the Old West. And that goofy ghost Labrador…Enzo. But I’m sure that will pass.

Arwen: How are you seen by the people around you?

They see you as a bit sad. You give off the impression that you are happy being alone and don’t really need others in your world. Still, I have to wonder if they really get you.

Clare, this card tells me that you have created some walls, some boundaries where relationships are concerned. You have some old emotional baggage that you may be letting weigh you down.

I would ask you if you are ready to let go of the navel-gazing and get out into the world again. Question who you are still answering too when you don’t need to be. Who is still in control of your emotional responses?

Clare’s Response: Everyone has issues and baggage. I’ve been happy with my choices. And I DON’T have a new “gift.” Enzo is WRONG. The doctors will clear me.

Arwen: What is your most important goal?

The Ace of Earth is the card that says you have a new project going on. Maybe a business endeavor that you want to grow. Your goal is to plant your success in the here and now.

Still I wonder if you are simply wanting to start again. This is a card of “re” beginning. There is a message that starting over is important to you.

What are you in the process of replanting for yourself? Perhaps these are goals that you didn’t even know were important until just recently?

Clare’s Response: Well, I have a lot of money now, and someone else can use my good job. But the ghost of a gunfighter is appearing at the end of my bed at night, demanding I find things for him so he can redeem himself for his cruelest act.

Then he can move on to wherever they move on to. Enzo says he’s my first project, and if I continue to ignore ghosts I will die. I’m not sure about that.

The best thing is that I have met a very hot and interesting guy, Zach Slade, who finds me interesting, too. My most important goal is to stay alive and sane.

Arwen: Where do you get your strength from?

Five of Air is an unusual source of strength. This is a card that can point to a love of debate and verbal sparring. Are you one of those who love to converse and learn?

This tells me that your mental powers are your greatest strength. While they may not be conventional and they may cause others grief, you can truly soar when you allow your mind the freedom it needs.

You get strength from unconventional places but this may not sit well with you.

Clare’s Response: My strength is from my gypsy heritage, from what I made myself, from the new friends who are helping me and Zach…and from my new gift. I DO make a difference to spirits who need me to help them transition. I can accept that.

Arwen: Why do you want to be remembered?

For me, this is one of the most important things we can learn about ourselves. It is what drives us to do what we do. Your card is the Guardian of Fire or the Queen of Wands.

Here is our passionate Clare who is driven to help because it saves her. You don’t reach out because you can. You reach out because you must. You are driven by an inner passion.

This card also shows that you would like to be remembered for all that you do and not just part. You want to be acknowledged as a whole person rather than the tasks you accomplish.

Clare’s Response: I sure want to be remembered as Clare, Zach’s lover, who helped him. As the person who accepted and fulfilled her destiny, than just as someone who fought evil and moved apparitions on.

Go here to read an excerpt of this first book in Robin’s newest series.

Robin has generously offered three copies of Ghost Seer. To win, share this post on any social network. Then leave a comment with the link to your share.  Your email will be entered for every link you share (one per each social network please.)

Can’t wait to see if you won the contest? You can buy it right now.

Seek joy, y’all! Pass it on.