Virgo, Tamales & Firebrands

SevenfoldMystery_13WandsToday’s card is a lovely example of a firebrand who’s learned to control her fire and make her brand anyway. She reminds me of my friend, Ruth. I met Ruth a few years ago at a community market. Another friend had met me there for coffee and some of the best tamales I’ve ever had. Those tamales were there because of Ruth. No, Ruth didn’t make the tamales…Roz did. But Ruth was the passion behind the Renaissance Market. Sadly that wonderful incubator for microbusinesses lost their lease when the building owners wouldn’t renew (they wanted to sell it outright).

Luckily for me, that firebrand (who happens to be a Virgo) stayed in touch. She is off to new, wonderful things in Oklahoma now but my life was forever changed by that woman. She’s intense. She’s a straight shooter. She’s passionate about what she believes in. And let me tell you what. If she believes in something, get the hell out of her way. She will make it happen. She believes things into being. I swear she does.

I learned a lot about living a passionate life from her in the few meetings we had. It’s not like we hung our or were besties. It’s just that I saw in her the kind of woman I knew I could be. Someone who could live their life as they chose without worrying about what other people thought.

Yeah…that Ruth. She’s definitely a Queen of Wands. This Queen of Stave is from Robert M. Place’s Tarot of the SevenFold Mystery. Lovely, isn’t she? In charge of herself and her passion, that’s our girl.

Your journal prompt today is, “What does living a passionate life mean to me?”

Queen of Staves, Tarot of the SevenFold Mystery, Robert M. Place
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

P.S. Did you check the newsletter to see if you won the readings?

P. to the S. The image is from the app for the Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery.

Can Spills Make You Happy?

I love this card. Each one has a symbol starting with the four elements on the bottom row. Water flows down to fill the top one. That fills up and spills out to fill up the next and so on with the last row spilling out to return to the source.

SevenfoldMystery_10CupsToday’s card reminds me of how fortunate I am to be able to draw breath. Even in the hard times, knowing I’m alive and breathing is a plus. I’m still a bit sad about D’s death on Friday, but the family attitude has been one of peace. That’s very helpful. I’ll see nearly all of them next week at the service. I am looking forward to that.

Here we have the Ten of Cups from Robert M. Place’s Sevenfold Mystery Tarot. This was a Kickstarter project that I supported. I do love having the finished product in my hand. Can’t wait to see the Stolen Child Tarot. Have you reserved your copy? It’s only $24 and if we don’t get enough folks, it just won’t happen. Don’t make the Arwen sad. Go pledge today! Only 11 days left so we need to push this.

Speaking of pledges, I pledged to have my Fairy Tale Tarot Spreads eBook out before my birthday. I’ve done it! It’s here. It’s available. Read this month’s newsletter to find out how to order your copy. It’s an ebook/pdf file. You can print it if you prefer paper in hand. 😀

Pssst, I also announced who won the 1 hour reading with me on that link.

I love this card. Each one has a symbol starting with the four elements on the bottom row. Water flows down to fill the top one. That fills up and spills out to fill up the next and so on with the last row spilling out to return to the source.

This card, for me (without having looked at the meanings at all) says that we are all connected to the Source. That we have the ability to not only be filled up but to fill others up. That connection is important.

Do you know that you fill me with joy? That every comment, every sharing, every one of you brings me such amazing joy? Thank you. The joy you bring me allows me to fill up and spill over back to you. We are connected. That connection sustains me.

For your 180 seconds today, think about who makes you happy and you make happy. Don’t dwell on those who don’t get it. They will. Today’s three minutes is simply for who you make happy and who makes you happy.

I do hope you will consider buying a copy of my Fairy Tale Tarot Spreads eBook, darlings. Did I mention it’s 30 pages and it’s illustrated by Lisa Hunt?

If you got the book during my (AFF), remind me via email. I’ll get you your copy of the illustrated version.

10 of Cups, Sevenfold Mystery Tarot, Robert M. Place

Seek Joy, Y’all! Pass it on.