Right, Wrong + Perspective

There’s so much to see in this image, isn’t there? Look at it for about two minutes without moving your head. Just let your eyes roam.

EfflorescentTarot_BackToday’s card is from a different perspective. Rather than the front of the cards, I’m sharing the back. You may know that I’m enamored by Zentangles. I do them myself as well as mandalas. This is a very new hobby for me but I just adore it.

This card back reminds me of tangling with its repetitions and use of black and white lines. It’s completely reversible as well. That’s one of my quirks. I like reversible decks but I don’t generally read reversals.

There’s so much to see in this image, isn’t there? Look at it for about two minutes without moving your head. Just let your eyes roam.

Now tilt your head. Change your perspective. Stare for another two minutes.

See how things change? See how what was important from one view gives way to something else?

That’s important in life as well. When you feel your heels digging in and your teeth clenching, try looking at it from another perspective. Allow yourself the opportunity to relinquish the death grip you have on “I’m right, dammit, and you’re wrong.”

I’m not saying see it from their perspective because really, can we? I’m just saying come at it from a different angle.

Give yourself the gift of perspective.

Efflorescent Tarot, Katie Rose Pipkin, Self-Published, Only 6 left of this charming black and white version.

About that workbook I love? Here’s a bit about the creatrix:

Leonie Dawson is a mentor to women wanting to create + grow massively successful and heart-centered creative + soulful businesses. She is also an author, retreat leader, visual artist, mama and guide for the tens of thousands who receive her free “SHINE IN YOUR LIFE + BIZ” ezine each week.

Seek Joy, y’all! Pass it on.

Tarot Tip: How To Read Reversals

Hanged Man Reversed

Well, this is at least my way of explaining reversals. I acutally don’t read them anymore unless it is for a specific spread such as the Potent Self spread I discussed in a recent blog.

Fool Reversed RWSReversals can be extremely confusing. The one thing that worked Continue reading “Tarot Tip: How To Read Reversals”