Tarot Recipe: The Sloppy Knight

It may come across as harsh, but I find the Knight of Cups to be a bit sloppy. They are a dreamer who often appears to not really care about what direction they are headed as long as they are following their heart. While I am all for following one’s heart, I can’t help but think “if only they had a destination in mind.”

World Spirit Tarot Knight of Cups
World Spirit Tarot Knight of Cups

Have you ever been loved by a Knight of Cups? Been in a Knight of Cups-style relationship? Been the Knight of Cups? They are the original knight-errant ever in search of romance. This is that person who is in love with being in love.

Because of their sloppiness, I am dedicating this recipe to them.

The Knight of Cups Sloppy Joes (low-sodium version)


1.5 lb turkey
4 tbsp low sodium tomato paste
1/2 large onion diced
1/2 large green bell pepper diced
2 C cherry tomatoes
3 cloves garlic minced
2 tbsp chili powder
1 tsp brown sugar
1 tbsp Brown Mustard
1 1/2 tsp ground mustard
1/8 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
5 tbsp ketchup
1/3 cup water


Saute onions BRIEFLY then add turkey and brown it up.
Add cherry tomatoes (we had some that we needed to use up…you can skip if you like.) Smash them up as they cook. Watch for the squirters!
Add onion, green pepper and garlic. Continue to cook 3-5 minutes until vegetables are slightly softened.
Add tomato paste. Mix in well.
Add remaining ingredients. Mix well. Cover and cook 10-15 minutes.

If you want to do this in a crockpot:

Cook meat,onions, bell pepper and tomatoes. Drain. Put in crockpot. Add seasonings et al. Cook on low for 3-4 hours. Taste. Adjust seasoning if necessary.

Revisiting: Empress + Bread

Revisiting: Empress + Bread

rw_empressThis week I am on my wedding trip. Therefore, I’ve set up repeats of some of my personal favorite posts from my Tarot&Food series.

First up: Why I associate the Empress with baking bread.

So, it’s time to visit the kitchen again. Yesterday I indulged in one of my favorite past times. Y’all know I love to cook. Well one of the most indulgent, decadent things I do is bread. I know–you were expecting chocolate silk pie, right? It’s funny. For as much of a sweet tooth as I have, I don’t bake very many desserts. But I love bread….(read more)

Remember that this is the last month to get a free three card reading. Just buy any downloadable version of this  to qualify. Then send me an email to set up your reading.

Yes, you can buy a as a gift and use the free reading for yourself.

Expires 1/30/2013.

Tarot&Food: 5 of Pentacles Budget Friendly Roast Potatoes

Today I wanted to share something for those Five of Pentacle times. You know–when you have the fabulous choice of paying the electricity bill OR paying rent OR buying food? Yeah. Those fun times…


Sometimes money is tight. You still have to eat, right? I have found that I get tired of baked chicken (one of my go-to budget pleasers) but when I have a yummy side dish, it helps. Today I wanted to share something for those Five of Pentacle times. You know– Continue reading “Tarot&Food: 5 of Pentacles Budget Friendly Roast Potatoes”

Tarot&Food: 10 of Wands Arwen’s BRC Casserole

I love broccoli. I also love cheese. Rice is a staple in my home. Put those three together? HEAVEN! I often take a casserole to potlucks. This is one of my staples. I’ve associated it with the *insert evil music here* …

I love broccoli. I also love cheese. Rice is a staple in my home. Put those three together? HEAVEN! I often take a casserole to potlucks. This is one of my staples. I’ve associated it with the *insert evil music here* Continue reading “Tarot&Food: 10 of Wands Arwen’s BRC Casserole”

Tarot&Food: Four of Coins Baked Beans

I’ve been struggling with which card to give to my baked beans recipe. It’s one that I make for large crowds. It’s also one that is one of my requested recipes because folks really like them. However, I couldn’t figure out which card was best represented for me by this one.

I’ve been struggling with which card to give to my baked beans recipe. It’s one that I make for large crowds. It’s also one that is one of my requested recipes because folks really like them. However, I couldn’t figure out which card was best represented for me by this one.

I mean do I give it to a King since all those beans are gonna cause gas? Do I give it to the suit of Water since it’s an emotional connection to my mother? Do I make it an Air card again because of the reason I would give it to a King? Or the Hermit?

Maybe I’m too focused on the Continue reading “Tarot&Food: Four of Coins Baked Beans”

Tarot&Food: Three of Coins Sausage Balls

Quick and easy. I needed something quick and easy. And cheap. Cheap would be a bonus as well since I had to make a lot for an office potluck. My writing partner mentioned she was making sausage balls for her holiday dinner.

“Sausage balls?” I perked up. What were sausage balls. When I read the recipe she sent me, I was thrilled. It hit all of my criteria of being quick, cheap and easy. Just like a good Continue reading “Tarot&Food: Three of Coins Sausage Balls”

Tarot & Food: Two of Swords Creole Chicken

Creole Chicken, King Solomon, dead babies and swords? What on earth is Arwen talking about today?

This is a super simple dish. I had no CLUE what I was doing when I first made it and it turned out really tasty. I did learn a trick or two that I will share with you.

I am giving this one to the Two of Swords because of the Judgment of Solomon as well as the concept of Yin and Yang. Continue reading “Tarot & Food: Two of Swords Creole Chicken”

Tarot & Food: Queen of Wands ShowOff Fried Chicken

It is rare to find her just not doing anything. Because of this, I have always thought of her as the very busy Queen of Wands. She is mentally sharp and a real trickster as well. One of her favorite things to do when I was younger was to hide out in various spots so she could jump out and SCARE me.

Sibyl of Wands
Sibyl of Wands

For most of us who love to cook, we have one or more signature dishes. These are what I like to call my show-off dishes. I have comfort recipes and others but the show off ones take more time but yield full tummies and blissful smiles. One of my best dishes is my fried chicken.

Contrary to popular myth, Southern women do not Continue reading “Tarot & Food: Queen of Wands ShowOff Fried Chicken”