Joy, Rachel Pollack & Workshops

I do love being a joy seeker, but there are times when it is hard. Times when I want to just wallow in feeling blue or rage against the machine that seems to run the world I have to live in. I have never claimed that being a professional joy seeker is easy. And I never will.

I will claim Continue reading “Joy, Rachel Pollack & Workshops”

REVIEW: Tarot for Magical Times

So states Rachel Pollack in her new book, Tarot for Magical Times. With insights from Johannes Fiebig & Ernst Ott, she explores a way to utilize the Tarot as a lens to view larger, societally-significant issues. Starting with the 9/11 fall of the World Trade Center, Pollack and Fiebig offer their insights on how this may have started showing up as early as August of that year.

Tarot for Magical Times
Rachel Pollack, Johannes Fiebig
U.S. Games Systems, Inc. 2011
ISBN 978-1-57281-720-3

“In this new approach I am suggesting, the Major Arcana represent the large outline of the fall Continue reading “REVIEW: Tarot for Magical Times”

Learning The Tarot: A Book List

Learning the Tarot is not difficult if you are willing to synthesize the information. You can’t read one book and expect to know all there is. I’ve been reading since 1980 and still learn something new every time I pick up the cards. One way to learn is to read a lot of books. Here are a few that would be good for beginners and those looking to expand their skills. Continue reading “Learning The Tarot: A Book List”

Interview: James Ricklef

A Major 01 Mage c JWRJames Ricklef has been involved in Tarot for a very long time even if he modestly proclaims not to be one of our communities’ stars. I hope you will enjoy this fascinating chat with James.

You will find some of the images from his new Tarot of the Masters as well.

Continue reading “Interview: James Ricklef”

REVIEW: Tarot for Life by Paul Quinn

tarot-for-life_bk-coverTarot for Life: Reading the Cards for Everyday Guidance and Growth
By Paul Quinn
Quest Books (June 2009)
ISBN: 978-0-8356-0879-4

There are Tarot books that are deep and mysterious—that make you study hard to learn the veiled depths. Paul Quinn’s Tarot for Life is not one of them. Instead Continue reading “REVIEW: Tarot for Life by Paul Quinn”

The Eudaimonia Spread

I argued with Aristotle today. It’s all Joanna Powell Colbert’s fault or maybe it’s Rachel Pollack’s fault. No really!

Eudaimonia, according to Princeton, is a “contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous.” While Aristotle would tell you that it mean “striving toward excellence based on one’s unique talents and potential.” Both are fabulous thoughts, right? I mean who doesn’t want to be in a contented state? However if I examine that old wily Greek’s words a bit more, I see a stumbling block.


ari_2Um, excuse me, Mr. wiser Than Athena’s Owl Philosopher Man, doesn’t strive mean WORK? Continue reading “The Eudaimonia Spread”

American Idol Tarot

I am taking Rachel Pollack’s advice to heart and being more playful with the cards. I have gotten hooked on “American Idol”. I mean HOOKED as in my housemate tapes it for me on the nights I’m at work. So I wanted to do a little future-casting here with Tarot. So here are the top thirteen AI contestants. I pulled a card for each of them. I may do this again when we get down to six. Let’s see how we do. Continue reading “American Idol Tarot”

Interview: Rachel Pollack

printaceoftreesI asked one of my personal Tarot heroes if she would do an interview for me. Imagine my surprise when she said yes. It was even more fun to do it over the phone.

I’m telling you I am learning the lesson of just asking for what you want. I’ve been damned surprised every time lately when folks have said yes! I mean can you imagine it? First Mary K. Greer and now Continue reading “Interview: Rachel Pollack”