Tag: promotion
Protected: Vote For Me Please
Come read my blogs
Marilu Mann is at it again!
http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=336957090&blogID=394104831&Mytoken=714722AB-C89B-482C-9A663C39BFC36D3B32453702 I’m guest blogging over at Brookereview’s MySpace about first time promotion and what I learned! (This is as Marilu Mann which is the writing team of myself and my bestest friend FOREVAHS! Cai Smith.)
And, if you are curious about how authors create great characters, head to http://marilumann.blogspot.com to see a few tools in my writer’s toolbox for characterization. I’d love to know what you think! (On Marilu’s blog!)
Then, if you are hungry for more blogs, see what I have to say about Memorization vs Intuition on my Tarot blog http://tarotbyarwen.blogspot.com