Today’s card isn’t a card but there is a card I think about. This is a project I’m working on. I have a lot of projects. I do my weekly Tarotscopes, my monthly Tarotscopes podcast and even a monthly magazine column for a gay magazine that is local to the southern California area. You can see Rage Monthly here if you like.
I stay so busy that I forget to make time for MiMi. I talked about that on Saturday. And I did what I said I was going to do. I did only for me that day for the most part.
The 7 of Coins is the card I drew. This is a card about completions and projects. It’s often seen as the gardener’s card with a man reviewing his harvest. In fact, I just got this as the card of the day last week. But this image is of my crochet project. It takes 4 skeins. This is one skein complete so it is 25% done.
More to go, just like the 7 of Coins. I’m admiring what I’ve completed, but I’m not stopping. What have you started that you need to complete? What momentum do you need to keep going today?
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
P.S. I forgot to mention! Check out my one hour webinar coming up 8/22!