Results: Oscar Winners vs Arwen’s Predictions

Yesterday I did a prediction for the Oscars as part of Project T.A.R.O.T. You can learn more about it here. How did I do? Here are my picks and the actual winners.

Yesterday I did a prediction for the Oscars as part of Project T.A.R.O.T. You can learn more about it here.

How did I do? Here are my picks and the actual winners. Continue reading “Results: Oscar Winners vs Arwen’s Predictions”

2012 Oscar Predictions

They put out a call for doing readings on the Oscars. So here is my reading. I thought about pulling a certain group of cards out with one being the star but I couldn’t figure out how to do that. So I went with what I know…

So there is this thing. This project. It’s called Project T.A.R.O.T. You can learn more about it here.

They put out a call for doing readings on the Oscars. So here is my reading. I thought about pulling a certain group of cards out with one being the star but I couldn’t figure out how to do that. So I went with what I know. Shuffle 78 cards. Draw one for each entry in the category. Interpret and pick a winner. Repeat for all the categories.

Let’s get started, shall we? I’m using my Gaian Tarot for this experiment.

BEST PICTURE Continue reading “2012 Oscar Predictions”

And Then There Were Six

I haven’t done this before but I’ve threatened to so don’t say you haven’t been warned. I’m doing a follow-up to my Season 10 predictions post. And I’m not happy about what it says about my personal favorite, Scotty!

I haven’t done this before but I’ve threatened to so don’t say you haven’t been warned. I’m doing a follow-up to my Season 10 predictions post.

On that post, I said that Jacob, Scotty, Lauren and James would be in the top four. They are in the top six. Last year two of my top four predictions were already gone.

I did another reading on these six. And I’m not happy about the results. Continue reading “And Then There Were Six”

READING: What Kind Of Dog?

One of the hottest political debates seems to be what kind of dog will the Obamas get? President-elect Obama promised his girls on national television during his acceptance speech that they would get a puppy. Now everyone wants to tell them what kind of dog they should have. One of the girls is allergic, so there is a problem with getting a mixed breed.

I thought I’d throw cards based on the seven groups as dictated by the American Kennel Club. My thought is that I can predict Continue reading “READING: What Kind Of Dog?”

Cross My Palm With Silver And I’ll Tell You Your Future – NOT!

Wheel Of Fortune World Spirit Tarot

“That’s the way this wheel keeps working now” ~~ John Mayer

Reading on one of my author blogs, I came across this question. Predictions? Who needs ‘em! by Betina Krahn.

I posted the following answer and then decided to expand it into a blog of my own. I do that sometimes. Get so tickled with a response that I want to go on and on and on. So instead of boring BK’s audience to tears (they were there to hear about her books which Continue reading “Cross My Palm With Silver And I’ll Tell You Your Future – NOT!”