And Then There Were Six

I haven’t done this before but I’ve threatened to so don’t say you haven’t been warned. I’m doing a follow-up to my Season 10 predictions post. And I’m not happy about what it says about my personal favorite, Scotty!

I haven’t done this before but I’ve threatened to so don’t say you haven’t been warned. I’m doing a follow-up to my Season 10 predictions post.

On that post, I said that Jacob, Scotty, Lauren and James would be in the top four. They are in the top six. Last year two of my top four predictions were already gone.

I did another reading on these six. And I’m not happy about the results. Continue reading “And Then There Were Six”

American Idol Season 10 Predictions

In 2009, I started doing my predictions for the top 10 on American Idol. In my first post on this, I predicted “We may have a dark horse here” about winner Kris Allen. You can see all of my predictions here.

In 2010,though, I got the Death card for winner, Lee Dewyze. I said, “It means that he is going to have to change and in some fairly significant ways.” You can see all of my Season 9 predictions here.

Now on to 2011 and season 10. By the way? I blame this addiction on my friend, Conner. It’s all his fault that I got hooked! I do admit Continue reading “American Idol Season 10 Predictions”

American Idol Tarot (Season 9)

So last year, I decided to be more playful with my cards. One of the things I did was to do a reading on who would win last year’s American Idol. I pulled a card for all top ten finalists.  And no, this is not an April’s Fool joke although I do love those!

Kris Allen–We may have a dark horse here. The Ace of Swords is a sign of victory. It is about being mentally prepared for what is in front of you. If Kris can take on this challenge, I predict the final four at least.

Well, Kris did Continue reading “American Idol Tarot (Season 9)”