Tarotscopes for June 22-28. 2014

Here are this week’s Tarotscopes for June 22-28. 2014.

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Waking The Wild Spirit
Waking The Wild Spirit

Card of the Week: Fool Wander where you will. Risk being brave. Open up to the opportunity of living life for the sake of YOU! #tarot

  • AQUARIUS SIX OF EARTH physical clarity comes when you join w others. Spiral in, spiral out. Share your creativity with others. Be enriched by them.
  • PISCES ACE OF FIRE Sparks fly. Fires start. You must engage your heart this week. Don’t hold back. Make things happen, fishies. Your energy sparkles.
  • ARIES SEVEN OF WATER Listen to the dreamers. Accept the gifts. Take what is offered. Drink deeply of yr own desires. Magic is happening. Ready or not.
  • TAURUS HANGED MAN (SILENCE) SHHHH. Silence is not just golden. It’s necessary. Stop listening to all the naysayers. Gather your thoughts. Make your lists.
  • GEMINI KING OF AIR Negotiating will carry you further than ordering. Try talking it out before it comes to final goodbyes. Words cannot be unspoken.
  • CANCER STAR (THE SOURCE) Look up to find your source. Reconnect with goals, dreams and fellow dreamers. Reach this goal then set two more. Dream on, dreamer.
  • LEO TEN OF SWORDS What good comes of hovering? Let go. Release them so you can be released. You can’t fly any higher with that anchor of worry.
  • VIRGO FOUR OF EARTH What are you growing? Where is your energy focused? Water comes from a hose but where is it pointed? Weeds? Useful? Your choice.
  • LIBRA PAGE OF WATER Stop dreaming. Star doing. Future is happening NOW. You waste time dithering. Make a choice. Stick with it. Be here now. Fully.
  • SCORPIO ACE OF AIR You create your own reality. Give energy to dreams over fears. Either can win. You are the captain so guide the danged ship.
  • SAGITTARIUS FIVE OF EARTH Worry too much about the fire and you may not have anything in the pot. Creativity is awesome but concrete plans are needed now.
  • CAPRICORN HERMIT Good week to pull back a bit. Take care of niggling health issues. Get back to your exercise and vitamins. Mental quiet needed.

I appreciate your comments and social media shares! Have a great week and remember! Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

This week’s deck is the amazing Waking The Wild Spirit by Poppy Palin (2002).

Pirates, Soothsayers + Insanity

WakingTheWildSpirit_14Cups001Today’s card made me look up a word. I wanted to know more about what it meant. One word in the first definition just rankled my cockles. Sorry, but it IS Talk Like A Pirate day. 😀 I’ll spare you from translating the whole thing, matey, but there will be bits as we go.


So as I was saying…there was a word in the definition of soothsayer that made me twitch. “Supposed” as in “a person supposed to be able to foresee the future.”

That makes it seem as if it is the reader’s fault if the currents they see today in your reading change tomorrow.

I’ve got two words for you.


Just because I see you getting that desired interview today doesn’t mean you won’t do something between now and then to change the outcome.

Patterns are in our lives for a reason. We create grooves, gouges, ruts that we stay in. We don’t move out of them.

Why? Because they are familiar. And darlings, I mean mateys, familiar isn’t always good. Just because you are making a killing on the bounding main today doesn’t mean you won’t need to put your self into dry dock tomorrow.

Don’t let anyone–not a doctor, not a teacher, not a parent, not a psychic–tell you that you can’t change your future.

Of course you can. That’s why my clients know a reading with me creates homework for them. They need to take stock of actions they are currently involved in. Sure they can continue as is, but, things will not change until they change.

Do you know who said this?

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

My fellow Pisces Albert Einstein dropped that little gem.

So on this Pisces Full Moon, let’s use this as our journal prompt.

“What insanity in my life can I change and how?”

King of Cups,Waking The Wild Spirit, Poppy Palin

I hope you are enjoying the Tarot Telesummit. I’ve gained so much from the talks so far. Remember this is free to listen to at the time of the talk + 48 hours. If you want to hear the whole thing whenever you like, you can buy the package. I’m talking about Judgment on 9/30.  (That be an affiliate link, me buckos.)

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on. Arrg!

What Will You Hear Today?

Will you give your Higher Power just three minutes of attention? A mere 180 seconds?

WakingTheWildSpirit_2AirToday’s card brings me such joy. The elfin grin. The open mouths. The patient parent. All combined in Poppy Palin’s fanciful world of the Waking The Wild Spirit Tarot. It’s a joy.

It reminds me that sometimes we need to watch for signs. They really are everywhere. No, I’m not talking about that stop sign I almost ran yesterday.

I mean the things we need to pay attention to–listen for. When we get quiet with ourselves, then we can hear and learn. Have you ever actually heard baby birds in nest? Ever followed the sound of a babbling brook to find a quiet stream of contemplation?

How often do you turn off everything and sit in quiet?

I’ll tell y’all a secret.

I am never in silence.


I normally have the TV off unless I’m looking at it. I don’t run the radio much at all.

But it’s never utterly quiet.

I have tinnitis. Constant crickets in my cranium. Right now all I have on in my home is a ceiling fan. And I hear a consistent whining that follows me everywhere.

It’s one of the Suckies of my life.

So I have to really focus when I’m out listening for the small sounds. I actually can cover one ear and not hear certain pitches. This is useful sometimes…wicked grin. I can tune high pitched complainers out. snort

I compensate by sight. Which is really funny when you consider that I don’t have good eyesight either. But I see things. I recognize birds at a distance where others don’t. I’m constantly being told, “How did you see that?”

All I can answer is, “I paid attention.”

How will you pay attention today? What signs will you see? Write them down. See which ones keep coming up. What words or phrases or thoughts continually turn up in a pattern for you?

That’s the Universe (my word for the Higher Power) communicating with you.

Will you give your Higher Power just three minutes of attention? A mere 180 seconds?

By the way? Consider what happens when you turn 180 degrees.

Two of Air, Waking The Wild Spirit, Poppy Palin

Tomorrow is the last day to get the if you want to help me win the contest. Thanks if you can. If you already have the workbook+planner, pass this post along to someone you know who might like it. I appreciate it. Have you also checked out the you can snag?

Seek Joy, Y’all. Pass it on.

2013 January Tarotscopes

WakingTheWildSpirit_13WandsToday is not a card. OH NO! It’s the first day of the year and I’m not posting a card? WTH, Arwenbelle?

Oh calm down, ya sillies! It’s the first day of 2013 but it’s also the first day of the month so that means it’s time for my monthly Tarotscopes.

I used the Waking the Wild Spirit Tarot by Poppy Palin. The WildWitch I’m showing here is a card that came up in this month’s podcast as well as some personal work I did last night.

Don’t forget that I’m giving away my Fairytales Tarot Spreads eBook this month with the purchase of this workbook+planner. Please note that I’m ONLY offering this eBook if you purchase through this link –>

I’m doing this because I’m currently in a contest and I WANT TO WIN. lol

The January Shout Out goes to Joanna Powell Colbert’s Magical Tarot Dreams Sessions for 2013. I recommend her! I’ve done eCourses and telecalls with Joanna. She’s a great teacher.

So what do you do for New Year’s Day? I’ve got my ham and black-eyed peas simmering on the stove. There’s pre-shredded coleslaw in the fridge waiting to be eaten. I’ve done this for so long I can’t remember who taught me to do this. I want to say my mother, but I’m just not sure.

Much love to you and yours.

Let’s make 2013 a joy-filled year.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Find the podcast on this page at the very far bottom or go here: http://tarotbyarwen.podbean.com/2012/12/31/january-2013-tarotscopes/