Super Bowl, Sex & Winners

This is not someone else’s problem. It’s not some third world country’s problem. It’s happening in your community even as you read this. Don’t fool yourself into thinking it’s not. Let your voice be heard. You can make a difference simply by echoing what others are saying. You can bring hope to the hopeless. Just Do it.

I admit it. I’m a football fan and a Super Bowl freak. There are so many things wrong with major sports today including a significant increase in human trafficking. Indianapolis even passed a special law that has already been put to good use. Two women were freed from forced prostitution.

I have friends who are Continue reading “Super Bowl, Sex & Winners”

READING: What Kind Of Dog?

One of the hottest political debates seems to be what kind of dog will the Obamas get? President-elect Obama promised his girls on national television during his acceptance speech that they would get a puppy. Now everyone wants to tell them what kind of dog they should have. One of the girls is allergic, so there is a problem with getting a mixed breed.

I thought I’d throw cards based on the seven groups as dictated by the American Kennel Club. My thought is that I can predict Continue reading “READING: What Kind Of Dog?”

Political Tarot?

It’s hard to get away from American politics if you are in the United States. From what some of my Canadian friends tell me, it’s hard to get away up there as well.

I’m a very political person. My first major in college was Political Science. Well, ok, so I was double majoring in History as well. But I take my right to vote very very very seriously.

I’ve done my best to keep my political views out of this Tarot blog. But today, on election day here in the States, I’m going to speak my piece. Continue reading “Political Tarot?”