Want a free reading?
I’m doing it again. What am I doing again? The Leonie Dawson workbooks. You buy a workbook from . You email me. I do a one question reading for you via email. You can grab a physical workbook or a digital one. It’s up to you.
I really really believe in this workbook. It’s helped me reach goals. It’s not rocket science, right? And it worked because I worked. So I don’t want to blow sunshine up your skirt. You have to do the work.
However, if you do the work, I truly believe you will get amazing results.
What do you have to do?
All the planner goodness. The downloadable one. The physical one. I do not care which one. 😀 Both have advantages.
When you purchase this amazing workbook+planner that has galvanized me so much, I will cheer for you. AND I will read for you as well.
Here’s how this will work.
1. Buy any version of the 2017 Create Your Incredible Year (business, personal or combo edition. Physical or digital.) from Leonie Dawson by Monday 12:00 midnight PST 1/30/2017.
2. Email me and tell me what name you bought this under. Ask me your one question.
3. I will confirm the purchase and do your reading by no later than two weeks. You will get a confirmation email from me.
Why am I doing this? Three reasons, y’all.
- This has totally changed my world. I’m serious about this. It is deceptively simple yet I’ve made amazing changes in my world already as have other people who are working through this now.
- There’s a contest. I want to win. I was in the top 10 last year.
- I truly want y’all to have this tool that has so galvanized my life. In the first five days of 2013, I wrote down a goal–added steps and then did the steps {pssst! That’s the whole secret right there}. That goal? I achieved it. You can . Second goal? I achieved it. You can . Third goal? I blew it out of the water. I wanted to double my mailing list. I was at 96. After using the workbooks these years has shown me how to improve my offers. The results? A newsletter that is more than 10x that original number. And? I repeat? I didn’t even finish the planner. This thing works, y’all. You are in charge of setting goals, writing down steps and taking actions.
- (I know, four…I can’t count.) I’ve also increased my income every year due to the work I do with .
Here’s what Leonie says about this.
“The uber popular Create Your Shining Year planners + goal workbooks are back for the eighth year, readily anticipated by the 250,000+ people who use it each year to create their own amazing lives and businesses with HUGE results.
~~ Leonie Dawson
Oh! I forgot to tell you that if you get the workbook by 1/30, you also get a free set of ginsu knives.
Okay, not really. But really, could I sound more like an infomercial evangelist? It’s hard to bring it down a notch when I am soooo revved up about them.
1. When will I get the workbook+planner?
A. Depends on what version you get. Immediately if you get the download one! It’s a downloadable document that you print (in color or black & white to color yourself.) Great right? No shipping costs and instant gratification. If it’s the physical one, then shipping…shipping…omg shipping.
2. Dang it, Arwen! I already got this. Can I still get a reading?
A. Yes, absolutely! If you bought it via my link, I can verify it easily. email me.
OR….Just buy a friend one as a gift (you can do the single version as gift too.)
3. What if I need my reading right away?
A. Sorry, you will have to let me do them in the order that I receive them. I promise you that I will be doing readings as fast as I can.
4. It’s already the end of January. Isn’t it too late?
A. It is never ever never too late to start your incredible year, darling! But it is too late to get a reading if it is after 1/30/17.
5. Can I get this reading by phone?
A. I love doing phone/Skype readings but am limiting this to email only because of volume.
Seek joy, y’all! Pass it on.
Caveats: This offer is only good forby January 30, 2017. You must Email me to let me know you purchased one (because I only see your name and not your email, sillies.)
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!
P. to the S., this is an affiliate link. I want to be clear about that. I make money when you buy the planners via my link. 😀