Tarotscopes for 4/21-4/27/2013

So it’s another week another set of Tarotscopes. Y’all know I don’t ask for money for these, but today I am asking you for a favor. I’ve got two dear friends–one is an author, the other an artist.

I’m not asking you spend money if you don’t want. I am asking you to click both links to check out their work. If you like it or find merit in it, get it. If you can’t get it right now, tweet about it or Facebook it or Pin it. Social media does work but only if y’all help me spread the word. 😀

Seek joy, y’all!


    • AQUARIUS 10 Pentacles Money in the bank or in the mail. Celebrate your community. Get together with those you call family. Your strength this week lies in them.
    • PISCES Magician Will. You will it, it happens. Create what you want. Tools are there. You just need to USE them. Time to take action. Make it work.
    • ARIES Death What needs to be changed? What do you already know you must let go of? Cycles of completion. Release the husks. Move forward.

Time out to let you know that my friend, James S. Parker, has a second book coming out this summer. If you haven’t read Dark Side Of The Cross, I recommend it. It’s a mystery with an occult twist. I can’t wait to find out what MacBridan is going to do next.

    • TAURUS High Priestess So much beauty for you when you look within. How much time you waste looking for it in others. Turn your search inward. Wisdom exists.
    • GEMINI Ace of Swords That idea? That brilliant one you think no one will get behind? Let it out anyway. You will be surprised by who DOES support you.
    • CANCER King of Pentacles If you need something, ask for it. Generous pockets are there. Do take time to make sure your home & hearth are secure.

Tomorrow is Earth Day. Do you have anything special planned?

    • LEO Judgment Don’t despair. You can rise to the next level. Listen/look for that call. Climb up not down. Enlightenment happens.
    • VIRGO 4 of Cups Can you handle one more emotional burden? If you put down the useless ones, you can. You are stronger than you know. Just let it flow.
    • LIBRA Knight of Pentacles Move to the money. Stop chasing it. Slow & steady. It’s a long haul, but good things are coming. Goals need to be kept.

Do you blog? Come join the Tarot Blog Hop for the May hop. All community-minded folk are welcome.

  • SCORPIO 7 Cups Take some time to daydream. Then PICK ONE. 😀 Gossamer dreams need to be woven into sturdy fabric. Get moving. Just choose.
  • SAGITTARIUS Emperor Heavy is the head that wears the crown, eh? Instead of griping try celebrating that you have a head to wear one on. Blessed!
  • CAPRICORN 6 Wands Victory. Cream rises to the top. Let others give you their admiration. Lead them into new competitions. Winner all the way.

I’d love it if you would check out this project by my pal, Holden. He’s a glass artist trying to get funded for a kiln. His work is simply gorgeous. You can have a piece of it for supporting him. If you aren’t familiar with how Kickstarter works, check out this FAQ about backing projects. I’ve backed a number of Kickstarter projects and have loved what I’ve gotten (including the feeling of actually helping someone to better their own lives). Help Holden help himself, y’all.

This week’s deck is Pearls of Wisdom by Roxi Sim.

Wealth, Connections & Secrets

How much joy can one life generate? This Ace of Pentacles reminds me that each piece is connected to the other until they circle back to form a perfect hula hoop for me to dance within.

Today’s card is a reminder to me of how connected things are in my life. I do a JoyPatrolAlert in the late afternoon/early evening. I did today’s BEFORE looking at the card I drew from the Pearls Of Wisdom Tarot. I laughed. Check back this evening and let me know if you can figure out why I laughed.

Here we see the Ace of Pentacles embodied by a beautiful priestess. She holds the coin high over her head. It’s decorated by a Celtic knotwork. The sides of the card form a doorway. Everything that could make her a wealthy woman is before her. Keys to the business. Jewelry. Even a musical instrument should she just want to play a happy tune.

This is my reminder that the sleeping cats on my table (yes,I know) are connected to the dogs piled up under the blanket on the couch. The sweet smell of baked yams connects me to my memories of so many holiday gatherings that my mind boggles. I am 51 years old. If I have been to just the big holidays with family and/or friends, I’ve still celebrated over 150 times.

That’s a lot of joy. And I’m not counting birthdays or weddings or any other rites of passage where I’ve gathered with those I love.

How much joy can one life generate? This Ace of Pentacles reminds me that each piece is connected to the other until they circle back to form a perfect hula hoop for me to dance within.

Do you follow? As she passes through the door, those ribbons of light and color stream behind her. She is the embodiment of the suit of Earth–community, family, friends. Wealth isn’t just the things around the doorway. Wealth is her and who she attracts to her.

Y’all make me the wealthiest woman in the world. Thank you for sharing this with me.

Remind yourself, when you feel disconnected or alone, that you aren’t. We are here for one another. That’s one of the secrets of the Universe.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Ace of Pentacles, Pearls of Wisdom Tarot Deck (Cards),7th House, 2008

Sloppy, Messy & MiMi

Today’s card reminds me that it is okay to take a MiMi day. What? You don’t know what a MiMi day is? Well it isn’t a day to honor your grandmother although any day is a good day to that. It isn’t a day to honor your friend named MiMi although I’m sure she would appreciate it.

It’s a day that’s all about Me Me Me! That’s right, y’all. I’m advocating for selfish behaviour today. It’s going to be all about me. I’m not doing any readings. I might not even do any reviews. But let’s talk about what I am going to do and how that ties in with this gorgeous Queen of Wands from Roxi Sims’ Pearls of Wisdom.

I’m taking two classes at once (both are online). One is the Leonie Dawson Creative Goddess class and the other is Joanna Powell Colbert’s Gaian Soul Seasonal Practices. There’s still time to join both if you like.

Each class has a creative component (one more so than the other). So today I’m going to buy art supplies. And I’m just so excited about it. I love color, y’all. Sloppy, messy, in-your-face color that just can’t be avoided. And the idea that I can say, “No, now is my creative time. I am going to get messy”? Wow, that idea just makes me wriggle in wickedly tingling excitement.

Like this Queen of Wands, I will fill my world with images that bring me light and enlighten me. I won’t allow my inner critic/editor time. She will have to sit with duct tape on her mouth while I play and explore this part of me.

OH! I am also indulging ANOTHER creative piece of me. I saw this gorgeous crocheted shawl online. NOM NOM NOM I wanted to get naked and roll in it while chewing on the soft silky strands. WHAT? TMI? Grin, you’ll get used it. This is me.

Anyway, I’m going to take a lesson at a local yarn shop (LYS, babies) to learn how to read this pattern. I don’t do well with the way patterns are written so I feel more comfortable with someone instructing me.

What are YOU going to do today? How can you make it a MiMi Queen of Wands day even for half an hour? Brew a cup of tea? Read a chapter of a book? Watch your bird feeder?

Indulge in you, darlings. You are worth it.

Queen of Wands, Pearls of Wisdom, 7th-House.com, 2007

Seek joy, y’all! Pass it on.