paul-quinn_tarot-for-lifeI had the pleasure of interviewing Paul Quinn. I reviewed his book Tarot For Life just a few posts back.  I hope you enjoy this chat with Paul. Don’t miss the contest at the end. You can win a copy of his book for yourself!

Arwen: What was your first encounter with Tarot like?

Paul: In the late 1990’s a guy gave me a reading that was just Continue reading “INTERVIEW: Paul Quinn”

REVIEW: Tarot for Life by Paul Quinn

tarot-for-life_bk-coverTarot for Life: Reading the Cards for Everyday Guidance and Growth
By Paul Quinn
Quest Books (June 2009)
ISBN: 978-0-8356-0879-4

There are Tarot books that are deep and mysterious—that make you study hard to learn the veiled depths. Paul Quinn’s Tarot for Life is not one of them. Instead Continue reading “REVIEW: Tarot for Life by Paul Quinn”