Welcome to your weekly Tarotscopes for February 1-7, 2015. Are you ready to ROCK February? I know I am.
I’m very pleased to let you know that I am now an independent consultant with Pampered Chef. I’ve used their products for nearly 20 years so I guess it was time to represent them too. If you want to do an online show, hit me up! I’m also doing in-person shows in the Austin area.
I’m using a brand-new really unusual Tarot called . It’s based on a dystopian future. If you’re a fan of Revolution or The Walking Dead, I think you’ll really enjoy this deck.(This is not a zombie deck.)
Looking for the monthly podcast? .
Before we hit the forecasts for this week, I wanted to give you a heads up about two yummy Tarot items.
One is by Benebell Wen. It’s getting a lot of positive attention for a reason. I was lucky enough to get to read it before it went to print. It’s a great book if you want to learn to read the cards for practical, demystifying work
The other is ‘s tarot course. Starting February 9, she’ll show you how to build a personal connection with the Tarot, using simple yet powerful techniques for interpreting the Tarot . The early bird special is still available
Here are your scopes! Thanks for sharing them.
[Tweet “Okay, let’s get the week going. I read my Tarotscope.”]
CARD OF THE WEEK: DEVIL Uh oh.Let’s be cautious about how much we indulge in. Instead focus on what habits need dropping.

AQUARIUS TWO OF COINS Make smart choices. Test your theories first. Spend to make money? Yep, that’s got to happen. Focus on the returns.
PISCES JUSTICE When things seem dark, reach deep. You can turn the tables. Make things right if anything needs smoothing out. Don’t give up.
ARIES FIVE OF COINS Running on empty w/ change in your pocket? Don’t forget to ask for what you need. Reach out. Who abandoned whom? Ask for help.
TAURUS PAGE OF WANDS So there’s no time like the present to get started. Stop preparing. MOVE IT. Action must be taken to free you from the stagnation.
GEMINI TEN OF SWORDS Watch your back, baby. Seems like there’s a target on it. Best to set some firm boundaries with nay-sayers in your life.
CANCER SIX OF CUPS Let your hair down. Play a little. Revisit old dreams, old friends, old loves. Remember what brings you the most joy in life.
LEO KNIGHT OF COINS Use your resources. No need to get new. Use up what’s on hand. Walking tours of your area are a good thing. See who’s there.
VIRGO STRENGTH Dig down deep, darling. You’ll have to hit reserves but you can make this happen. Remember to lead with compassion.
LIBRA SEVEN OF WANDS Circle up with those you trust. Set boundaries. Walk the property line. Time to see to your defenses. No battle yet. Be ready.

SCORPIO FOUR OF SWORDS It’s all good. Stand down for a bit. Let your guard relax. Time to heal. Meditation might be a good thing. Silence.
SAGITTARIUS SEVEN OF CUPS Careful about those daydreams, darling. Please look for pitfalls and pratfalls. Don’t go into anything with your eyes closed.
CAPRICORN TEN OF COINS Bonus week! Money shows up. Jobs get better. Good week to check on investments. Increase predicted. Don’t spend it all!
Here is a weekly affirmation for you as well based on this week’s Devil.
[Tweet “I am making good choices. My habits support me. I am an amazing person.”]
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!
Oh yeah, remind yourself every day that you can be a professional joy seeker!