Reading: Maori Oracle Three Baskets

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I’ve mentioned the Maori Oracle (Schiffer Books) by P.A. Minnell before. I did this video review last week or so. In that review, I laughed about a card that leapt out of the group I’d chosen to talk about. I said she didn’t want to be seen.

Well, I’ve been pulled to this oracle a lot but haven’t done anything with it. I finally took some time to be quiet. The way to do the reading is really very sacred. I shuffled. I cut. I let each stack tell me which basket it was.

When I turned the third basket up, I knew what card was there. Not guessed. Not supposed. Knew in that deep, bone-tingling way. KNEW.

Then when I thought about how I would share this post, I got told in no uncertain terms that this card did not want to be shown. So you will see one card face down. I’ve learned to respect those feelings. The subsequent 2×4 when I ignore them is very unpleasant.

For the first basket, the physical world, I drew Ko. It makes me want to go dig things up. I feel like it is asking me to connect with my physical body in a more conscious way. I look at the book and am told that Ko is a digging stick. “Nothing happened in the gardens without the turning of the soil with Ko.” Shiver.

The second basket, (and I’m condensing this a lot) is emotional self. Well it’s more. It’s what we should be doing to stay on the right path. I drew Papaka. This card makes me think I should be focused on my home and surroundings. I am drawing that from the astrological meaning of Cancer. I also get a sense of protection. I look to the book to learn that Papaka represents a renewal, a new beginning. I take that as me renewing my joy seeking. Sometimes it seems I’ve strayed from that because of the back issue.

The third basket represents concealed knowledge. I am laughing as I write this because the card that won’t be seen can be thought of as concealed knowledge in this sense.

The reading spoke to me in a very concrete way. This deck, y’all? This deck stirs something in me that I can’t quite pinpoint. It’s almost familiar to me when it shouldn’t be. I am very moved by the way this deck feels in my hands.

Yeah, weird. Me. ๐Ÿ˜€ I own it. I rock weird in fact.

So how about you tell me about a time when you had knowledge of something you couldn’t possibly have known. Deja vu? Premonitions? Let’s talk psychic woo-woo, baby.

Seek joy, y’all! Pass it on.

Maori Oracle, P.A. Minnell, Schiffer Books, 2013 [aff]

Do You Fly Into Mudbanks?

MaoriOracle_Kekerewai001Today’s card is not a Tarot card. It is from a new oracle that honors a specific way of life. I’ve specifically chosen this card because it’s a reminder I need today.

You see, I’ve been suffering (and making everyone around me suffer along with me) from a back issue. I’m going to have an MRI done. The procedure includes an iodine injection. I’m not sure why but it amps up my stress. I’m already a basket case because of the MRI. I’m extremely claustrophobic.

So in addition to the pain (which makes me cranky), I’ve been allowing that stress of the coming MRI to just send me into the stratosphere. Add to that the muscle relaxer that I’m only taking when I must, and you have a really moody joy seeker. REALLY FREAKING MOODY. It’s a wonder anyone talks to me at all right now. LOL

Because of the stress, I took a day off from my 40hr a week job. I relaxed and did some video reviews. One of them was for this deck[aff]. You can see that here –> <–

As I looked at the cards, I pulled the ones that visually interested me. One was this card. I laughed when I read the meaning.

“Some of your ways may be keeping you where you don’t want to be.”

Yah thanks Universe. I didn’t want that slap upside the noggin but I certainly deserved it and needed it.

I am, as my grandmother would remind me, borrowing trouble. I don’t KNOW that the MRI will be bad. I THINK it will be. I IMAGINE it will be.

I’m creating my own 9 of Swords anxiety-ridden, tail-chasing vortex of fear.


So I must not be this little Maori beetle. Because it refuses to change its flight path, it often flew into mud banks which allowed it to be caught and eaten.

Uh, yeah…I get it. I get it.

Change my view. Change my position. Change my thinking.

I’m on it, Universe.

Today’s mantra is…

“Today I am focused on learning new ways of finding joy. I discard outmoded ways of thinking that emphasize negativity. I embrace seeing life in the most positive ways. I breathe in. I breathe out. I love. I am loved. I understand that pain is my body’s cry for help. I will honor my body by seeking that help. Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.”

Kekerewai, Maori Oracle[aff], Schiffer 2013

Will You Camoflage Today?

Maori_NgararaToday’s card is from a brand new oracle deck from Schiffer. It’s the Maori Oracle {aff| by P.A. Minnell. This is one of those decks where you actually DO need the book. ๐Ÿ˜€

“Sickness. Take better care of yourself and allow those around you to know their preciousness.”

My random draw is an interesting one since I am on my way to the doctor today. Have to discuss my back.

This card represent an animal thought to be a representative of the Maori God of Evil, Whiro.

So today let’s hold on to the knowledge that we are ambassadors of our own health. We have to know when to reach out to ask for help. We are fully in charge of taking care of us.

I do NOT believe illness is a choice. I do believe it is a manifestation of the world we live in. Sometimes our bodies are forced to live with other people’s poor choices. And sometimes it is our own poor choices. ๐Ÿ˜€

But this card also makes me think of the little anoles that run everywhere here in Texas. Most call them chameleons because they have the ability to change their color, but anole is the right name.

How will you change your color today? How will you manifest your own perception of your inner self in the outer world? Will you choose to camoflage or stand out? Either choice is right because it is your choice.

Today I choose to not blend in. Today I choose to be who I am as I see myself. Today I choose to live for me and to know my own preciousness.

Ngarara, Maori Oracle, Schiffer [aff]