Judgy McJudgersons!

OracleTarot_20JudgmentToday’s card is a theme I’ve been working with lately. When I was asked to be a part of the Tarot Telesummit, I had to think about it before responding. It brought up some things I thought I’d put in the past.

Funny thing about things you put in the past. If you just put them there, they come back. That’s part of what this Judgment card points out. Our figure here is moving up the stairs. She’s let go so she can move on.

NOTE: She hasn’t let go for the good of her past hurts. No. She’s let go for the good of her future self.

Do you see how that is different?

Her next level is just ahead because she’s moving away from what held her back.

In my talk about Judgment, I said one thing several times.

The Universe is not setting you up to fail.

Oh, I said a lot of other things in the hour long interview which included a meditation. But I wanted you to know this today. The Universe is not setting you up to fail, my darlings.

The Universe wants you to transcend.

Your journal prompt for today is, “How do I judge myself?”

Judgment, Oracle Tarot, Lucy Cavendish

http://www.mcssl.com/app/?Clk=5100605 is my link for the Tarot Telesummit. Sign up. It’s free. If you want your own set of the talks, it’s $27 (or you can listen for free day of and 48 hrs after). You will see a lot of us sharing this link. I get a kickback if you sign up for the paid version. I like you to know that stuff!

Tarotscopes 4/7-4/13/2013

This week’s Tarotscopes were done with the Oracle Tarot from Lucy Cavendish. While this is not a true Tarot (62 cards as opposed to 78), it’s a very fun deck. I was first introduced to it by a dear friend.

    • ARIES Fool Take some chances. Trust your heart. This week will bring new opportunities. Try one. Stop being so attached to the past.
    • TAURUS SUN Expect to be recognized. Expect to be rewarded. It’s time to shine. Be ready for spotlight by embracing your fabulosity.
    • GEMINI 4 Swords Rest. Healthy lives schedule down time. Are you scheduling that in? Make it happen. No excuses. Who’s more important?

It’s not too late to start your incredible year. My sacred power word is GALVANIZE. I’ve already finished two books (okay so one was started two years ago…HEY! I finished it) as well as changed my attitude towards health and exercise. You can to. It’s only $9.95. So what are you

    • CANCER 8 Swords Putting yourself first is good for all. Don’t be a doormat, darling. Mental focus gets scattered if you don’t think for you.
    • LEO Hermit What can you learn by being alone? Many problems dissipate when you take away “other” & leave only “self”. Lessons learned.
    • VIRGO 6 Wands Celebrate what you’ve experienced. You’ve come so far already. Don’t mourn where you aren’t yet. Celebrate forward movement.

Did you know that I do a more in-depth reading for your sign every month? It’s a free podcast. Check it out. You can subscribe via iTunes too.

    • LIBRA 3 Cups Like waves, the happy just keeps coming. Working with others brings you the most joy. Celebrations should be planned. Seek joy!
    • SCORPIO 1 Cups W00t! New love. Deepening existing love. Declarations of love. All you need is love love love. Yep, looks like a LOVEly wk.
    • SAGITTARIUS World Expand your view. Spread your reach. Embrace your world. Your destiny is to be rewarded. Join the parade this week.

Got a Kindle? Get my posts daily. Find daily joy on your device, y’all. Get a Kindle if you don’t have one. I love my old DX.

  • CAPRICORN 5 Wands Your strength is put to the test by others who challenge you. Be creative in your response rather than reactive for best results.
  • AQUARIUS 9 Swords Mentally taxing week. Get plenty of rest. Focus on known issues. Don’t waste time angsting over what hasn’t happened. Deal with what is.
  • PISCES 7Swd Stop fighting with yourself. Lose negative thoughts today. Your ego gets in your own way if you over focus on your own navel. Think out!

Every month someone on my newsletter list wins a free reading. Last month, Robin O got an hour reading for my birthday giveaway. Krystal F. just redeemed her April half hour Tarot conversation. Will it be you for May? Only if you are subscribed to my newsletter, darling!

She Had To Trust Herself

OracleTarot_8Coins003Today’s card reminds me that the best way to get to Carnegie Hall is practice, practice, practice. There’s another piece to that as well.

Believe, believe, believe.

How do you know when your talents and skills are good enough? When it is time to put on your party dress, doll up your hair and show off?

Hard to say, isn’t it?

Know why?

It’s because we may have practiced, but we don’t believe. We don’t trust.

We don’t trust.

That bears repeating because it’s part of the key to this card. She had to just finally let go and trust that she knew enough, was skilled enough, was enough.

She had to trust herself.

She had to realize that she was smart enough to know that talent alone isn’t enough. Dedication to your craft is the best way to honing your skill. Belief in your own power brings something amazing to that combination of skill and talent.

What do you know enough? What skill(s) are you holding back on simply because you don’t trust yourself?

  • Is it worth it to deny yourself that moment in the spotlight?
  • Is it worth it to hold back your own beautiful brilliance?

I don’t think so. I think it’s time for you to shine. Let the world see how amazing you are.

Today I celebrate my place in the sun. I am more than enough. I am loved and loving. I am a brilliant woman ready to show the world my stuff.

What about you?

For your 180 second challenge, write/sing/draw/pray an affirmation that celebrates your own shining self. Feel free to use the one above if you like. Then speak it out loud to yourself. I mean look yourself in the mirror and say this affirmation, darlings.

Make it a beautiful day. Shine. Your Carnegie Hall moment is here.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

9 of Coins, Oracle Tarot, Lucy Cavendish