How Do You Deal?

OTM45_2Today’s card was intentionally chosen. I’m taking the day off from my day job (I work a 40 hr week in addition to writing and tarot conversations and one other job). I have a cold. Or…I hab uh col’. I’m stuffy and coughing and in general miserable. Plus? I’m not a good sick person. I want to do things even when I’m ill.

I’m not allowing myself to do that. I am finishing up today’s card of the day then going to lay on the couch and watch tv while I drink tea. I am going to nap. I am simply going to force myself to take it easy.

That’s hard for me. What about you? Are you able to take time off and not feel guilty about it? Are you like me? Do you hate wasting a day off being sick?

I could have gone into work and coughed my way through the day. I could have done the job half-assed potentially making other people sick.

I chose not to do that but I still feel like I should be at work. ARGH!

My 180 second challenge today is to examine those feelings of guilt. Why wouldn’t I feel worse about making other people sick? Why is it that I feel as if I’m letting my co-workers down?

What about you? How do you deal with forced days off?

Time Out, Oracle of the Mermaids, Lucy Cavendish, Blue Angel Publishing