Today’s card is one of my favorite renditions of this card. For those new to my blog, I’m a bit of a collector of decks (understatement). Here is the agonizing, tail-chasing, nightmare-suffering poor poor me Nine of Swords.
From one of my favorite decks, the Frank Fradella Adventure Tarot (US Games, 1992) interprets this traditional card of worry in a slightly different way. Here we see the character being tormented by the PuppetMaster. This is an age-old battle between these two. I can’t remember the kneeling figure’s name but his nemesis is controlling his mind. He’s lost in old memories, old worries, things he can’t control.
If I were there, I’d whisper in his ear, “You don’t have to control it all. You don’t have to make retribution for all your mistakes. You are fine just as you are right now.”
I’d hold his hand and urge him to stand up. Not just to the PuppetMaster who has the power to manipulate dreams by turning them into nightmares. No, it isn’t enough to stand up to his nemesis here.
He has to stand up to himself. He has to look himself in the eye. He has to believe in his own power.
I’ve been here. Have you?
Pretty crappy place, eh? (Did I mention I was good at understatement?)
So what will it take for you to stand up to yourself?
What will you need to be able to look yourself in the eyes so you can see the amazing person that you are?
Who will you reach out to today to ask for that friendly hand squeeze, that heartfelt hug, that flash of a grin?
Will you stay on your knees allowing someone else to turn your dreams into nightmares?
No, I didn’t think so. Let’s kick our personal PuppetMasters to the curb, darlings.
Feel yourself wrapped up in a hug from me. Know that you are just fine as you are right this moment.
I don’t care if your hair isn’t brushed, your bank account is overdrawn, you suffer from any number of physical ailments. I don’t care.
What I do care is that your heart is open, your mind is free and that you understand the two rules to a joy-filled life.
1. Seek Joy, Y’all.
2. You can only control what’s in your hula hoop.
Know that I love you.
9 of Swords, Frank Fradella Adventure Tarot, US Games 2002
Seek Joy, Y’all. Pass it on.
P. to the S. If you are still thinking about , the contest is over on Thursday but it is NEVER too late to start your incredible year. 😀