Today’s card takes me a bit far afield from the actual meaning. Traditionally this card is about success but more so enjoying that success. It’s about reviewing what you’ve done and what’s to come.
So it’s a perfect card for me today because I am working on my workbook (http://bit.ly/TbAIncred). I’m also working on a guest post that has me super excited. 😀 Still, I look at this card and I don’t think “enjoy your successes.”
Instead I think, “Wow…look at this. The piano has a tree growing right through it.” And then I think the woman is using a snail shell for her piano bench. Is that comfortable?
The message I’m getting today is that adversity was overcome here. But overcome isn’t the right word. More like–absorbed. It’s as if the woman said, “Okay, I see you. All you problems. All you worries. All you sorrows. I see you and I accept you. And I incorporate you into my daily life. I own you. And by owning you, I control you.”
Then the tree through the piano becomes a triumph of living one’s life as one wants rather than negotiating those that might stop us. The tree is now a part, heart and soul, of the thing that brings her joy.
And isn’t that an amazing gift to give ourselves? Check back through 2013 right now. What adversities did you absorb? Live through? Engage in? Make a part of your new self?
[Tweet “The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.” -Charles Du Bos”]
Make a vow for 2014 to absorb all adversity. Make it part of your world so you can control it.
Nine of Pentacles, Shadowscapes Tarot, Llewellyn